Jurassic Park’s Milestone

When June 11 rolls around, I am focused on a couple of major personal milestones. So, no offense to what I am going to write about briefly tonight, but this particular topic didn’t stand a chance at getting mentioned this past Sunday. Hopefully a belated anniversary shout out will be sufficient.

Did you know that on June 11, 1993, that “Jurassic Park” was released in theaters? That means that the movie turned 30 years old a couple days ago. THIRTY (3-0) YEARS OLD! Can you believe it?

I was a big “Jurassic Park” fan as a 6-year-old.

I thought it was worth mentioning because “Jurassic Park” was the FIRST and only one of three films that I have seen more than once in the theater. The only other two? “Titanic” and “Rise of the Guardians.”

By the time its long theater run had expired, I watched “Jurassic Park” three times in the theater. Numerous reasons can be used to explain my mania for the movie…

– I loved dinosaurs at the time

– Getting the opportunity to watch a PG-13 movie as a 6-year-old was pretty rad (for having strict parents, I actually can’t believe they allowed me to watch it)

– The soundtrack was awesome

– All my friends loved the movie too – one of my trips to the theater to watch “Jurassic Park” came about because I was invited to a birthday party where a rowdy bunch of 5 and 6 year olds screened it

I remember the ensuing October all I wanted for my birthday party was “Jurassic Park” stuff. I got my wish as I had more dinosaur figurines than I knew what to do with including the prized t-rex. I also remember counting down the days until the highly anticipated sequel, “The Lost World: Jurassic Park,” hit theaters.

But after “The Lost World,” I lost (pun intended) interest in the Jurassic Park franchise. The next and last time I would watch another Jurassic movie in the theaters was in 2015 when Sidney and I watched “Jurassic World.”

With that said, nothing can ever take away that passion and fandom I had for the original “Jurassic Park.” But for as much I enjoyed it, I doubt I will even remember its anniversary next year when Sid and I celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary and Noble celebrates his baptism birthday. Don’t Blink.

June 11: Blessed By The Sacraments

Today, Sidney and I celebrate our seventh anniversary. Ah, “lucky seven” indeed. Our marriage grows stronger each year because we become better at accepting the grace that God bestows upon married couples. Yep, there is something supremely powerful about the sacrament of holy matrimony.

Incredibly, this morning, the date of June 11 became even more significant for Sidney and I.

Sidney and I entered into holy matrimony on June 11, 2016. Little did we know that June 11 would increase even more in significance a little later down the road.


A special invitation came exactly three weeks ago as we strolled into the sunshine after the post-mass coffee and donuts social hour at St. Mary. We walked out of the gym with our dear friends, Ryan and Allyson Andrade. Our family started to pull ahead because the Andrades were naturally taking extra care with their brand new 5-day-old baby boy. But before we could completely leave them in the dust, I turned around.

“Brent,” Ryan had called my name.

I changed directions and walked back toward our friends. It was at that moment that Ryan and Allyson asked us to be the godparents of Noble Josiah Andrade. The raw emotion of humility was amplified even more when they told us the date of the ceremony.

This is me holding Baby Andrade at 9 days old. We had been asked to be his godparents a couple days before this photo was taken.


In the single greatest honor that Sid and I have received together as a married couple, we stood with Ryan, Allyson, and their daughter, Aria, as Noble was baptized by Fr. Jeff Lewis during today’s 9 a.m. mass at St. Mary. As Noble was washed of original sin, Sidney and I became forever bound to him—and to each other once again—in the role of godparents.

We snapped this selfie after Noble was baptized at St. Mary Catholic Church in Spokane Valley on June 11, 2023. Fr. Jeff Lewis performed the baptism.

Suddenly, June 11 managed to mean even more than it had from 2016 through 2022. No longer just a date when Sidney and I committed to each other, it was now a date when we also committed to the life of a precious baby boy. Alleluia!

Sidney holds Noble at his baptism reception. How lucky we are to be part of this little dude’s life!

Today has been the most meaningful anniversary we have had since tying the knot and it is going to be tough to beat in the future. That we were trusted with such an important role in Noble’s life is in part, at least I believe (although I can’t read the minds of Ryan and Allyson), a testament to the strength of our marriage. Our friends saw something in us that they thought would be spiritually beneficial to Noble and now it is our turn to prove them right.

As Sidney wrote on Noble’s cross, he is very loved. And Sidney, you are loved too! 🙂

Happy anniversary, Sidney! Happy baptism, Noble! I love you both and look forward to many more glorious June 11s. Thanks be to God. Don’t Blink. 🙏

No Excuses Thursday Rundown

I am adjusting to life back on the east side of the state after the Everett conference so excuse me if I seem a bit lethargic. Ha! Just kidding, that’s an awful excuse. Before I can make an even lamer one let’s get straight to tonight’s Thursday Rundown…

Beautiful Wedding – Our dear friends and neighbors got married this past weekend. Dylan and Fidela became Mr. and Mrs. Perry when they entered into Holy Matrimony at St. Mary Catholic Church last Saturday. We have counted down to this day for awhile now so it was gratifying to see their special day come to fruition. The reception was held at Green Bluff’s Trezzi Farm during an afternoon that could not have been more beautiful. Please pray that Dylan and Fidela enjoy a long, happy marriage.

Sidney and I had the privilege of attending the wedding of Dylan and Fidela on June 3, 2023.

Beau Update – Alright, five days after that nasty fall I thought I would update you on what Beau’s face looks like today. He has entered the scab phase which is good because it means he is making process. His mug still looks pretty beat up but the worst is now behind him.

This is what Beau’s face looks like as of Thursday morning. It is healing.

What Made Me Ashamed As A Kid – On this date 8 years ago, I wrote about my struggles with my speech as a child. I came clean about the speech therapy classes I attended during elementary school and the shame I would feel when the therapist came to take me out of my mainstream class to attend her session. However, at least I can look back on it now with gratitude as I know without those classes I very well could still have a speech impediment today.

Starting around this age it was apparent that I had a speech problem.

Spumoni – I have written about my grandpa’s Italian restaurant before. But what I haven’t discussed is that spumoni ice cream was served quite frequently throughout the eight decades that the Pastime was open. This past weekend I tasted spumoni ice cream for the first time in decades as the Italian restaurant we visited served me up a scoop. At Ferraro’s in Spokane Valley, all adult entrees and children menu items come with ice cream. Although Sid and the kids each ordered a scoop of vanilla, I asked for the cherry/vanilla/pistachio legendary mix that is known as spumoni. It was just as magical on Friday night as it was during any given night in 1995.

This was the dish of spumoni ice cream that I received at Ferraro’s in the Spokane Valley on Friday night.

Cartoon Pizza – Speaking of 1995, the below meme perfectly describes the quest I have embarked on since the mid-90s. But it wasn’t just the “cartoonized” pizza from “A Goofy Movie” that I have salivated over. I always felt the pizza depicted in the original animated “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” series was presented in a very delicious manner.

I am still searching too.


And with that, I am calling it a night. Thanks for hanging with me and I wish you a satisfying weekend. Don’t Blink.

Engaging in Everett

After the successful and educational WSU System Communicators Conference last October in Vancouver, it didn’t take long for us to do it again. Today we wrapped up our 2023 conference in Everett. Once again, marketers and communicators from across the WSU system came together to discuss our work, learn from each other, and look ahead to the future. This time we got to do it on the WSU Everett campus!

Our latest WSU System Communicators Conference took place on the WSU Everett campus (image courtesy of WSU Photo Services).

I wanted to share some highlights and themes from our time in the Puget Sound…

Travel Partner – I traveled with my colleague and friend Cara Hoag. We were supposed to take a motor pool car but a scheduling mistake meant that we had to take my personal vehicle at the last minute. Cara, our enrollment management marketing director, took it all in stride as we had smooth travel, lively conversation, and plenty of caffeine to/from Everett.

Cara and I spent a lot of time in the car together. She made the travel time go by quick!

Special Visitor – How do you make a WSU conference stand out? You have the top university leader make an appearance! Kirk Schulz, our WSU president, made the trip to Everett to talk to our group. He thanked us for our work, expressed his goals for our marketing efforts, and even fielded questions. It was really cool to have him in-person in such an intimate setting.

It was a privilege to listen to WSU President Kirk Schulz speak to our group.

Brains Behind the Agency – The leadership team I am part of within University Marketing and Communications is working with a newly hired and highly touted marketing agency called BVK. This agency is going to help us do BIG things. We were fortunate that Vince Kalt, BVK’s senior vice president, underscored this enthusiasm by presenting to all the marketers and communicators at the conference. In a series of three different talks, Vince gave an introduction to BVK’s services/philosophies and shared some research that his agency has already completed regarding WSU. The sky is the limit for us!

Vince Kalt flew to Everett to share how BVK will greatly benefit WSU.

Updates From Phil – Our University Marketing and Communications vice president, Phil Weiler, was the glue throughout the conference. Not only did he serve as the emcee and keep the itinerary on track but he presented as well. Phil gave updates on the work our department is doing, discussed a specific communication model, and even hosted an icebreaker event on the first night.

Thanks to Phil for keeping the conference on track and for presenting!

Campus Tour – After lunch on Tuesday, we were treated to an in-depth tour of the WSU Everett campus. WSU program coordinator Brandon Buckingham took us around the main campus building as he showed us the innovative labs, impressive classrooms, creative art, and student-focused features that define the campus. After seeing so many photos and videos of WSU Everett over the past three years, it was nice to actually view it all in-person.

Brandon Buckingham was a superb tour guide. It was nice to finally visit the WSU Everett campus.

Work Project – Tuesday also allowed us to complete the filming of a video project. My social team and our video team are working on a “Best-Kept Summer Secrets” video that includes all WSU campuses. WSU Everett was the last campus we needed to film so my colleague Kara Billington (videographer) and I worked with a couple students to highlight their student center. It was enjoyable to take a break from the presentation grind and engage with a couple of enthusiastic and high-energy WSU Everett students.

Kara Billington and I were able to film with WSU Everett students for a system video project we are working on.

Communication and Mental Health – We were so fortunate that Erin Carroll, the marketing and communications director of Student Affairs, presented on a topic that many of us feel nervous and unworthy to champion within our jobs. You see, the tendency is easy to either neglect communicating about mental health entirely OR to address it in a stigmatizing, out of touch way. Erin’s expertise was much needed and appreciated as she encouraged us to normalize the topic. My favorite part of her presentation was her challenge to be more thoughtful about the images we use within stories and social media posts that relate to mental health. Erin sure was impressive!

Erin Carroll provided us with invaluable knowledge and knocked it out of the park during her presentation about communication and mental health.

The Fun Breakout 😉 During the afternoon on Tuesday, three breakout sessions were offered. I naturally attended the one about social media. Matt Haugen, our social media manager within University Marketing and Communications, presented on content development and the hierarchy/ecosystem of social media at WSU. I was proud that Matt represented our team and I enjoyed listening to others in the session talk about their triumphs/successes with social.

Thanks to Matt Haugen for representing our University Marketing and Communications social media team!

Debrief – This morning we had the opportunity to bring it all together. We broke into small groups and chatted about what we had learned at the conference and how we can apply it moving forward. We also shared the tools we are using to make us more efficient at our jobs. The honest discussion made me feel so proud to be part of our central strategic communications team as the progress we have made under the leadership of Holly Sitzmann was highlighted.

Chantell Cosner provided a recommendation of Asana, a work management platform, to our group.

Community – At a conference like this, you can learn a lot and grow professionally. However, I prioritize the opportunities to build and solidify relationships. You can’t put a value on going out to dinner with a fun group, connecting with a new employee, or sitting down in-person with a colleague you have only interacted with via Zoom. I feel lucky to have had these experiences during my three days in Everett.

When you are visiting a beautiful city like Everett, it makes connecting with colleagues even more fulfilling. I took this photo of an Everett sunset on Tuesday night.

Big thanks to our University Marketing and Communications staff, especially Amanda Beardslee and Maria Anguiano, who organized many of the logistics for this conference. Much gratitude to Corrie Wilder, the WSU Everett marketing and communications director, for hosting us. Finally, kudos to the planning committee and presenters who made sure we had a content-rich conference. I look forward to our next all-system in-person meeting in May when we will all converge in Pullman. Don’t Blink.

My Nerdy Hotel Preferences

When it comes to a hotel, I think a lot of us take note of a few common things before making a reservation. What is the continental breakfast like? Does it have a pool? Is the fitness center decent? What about parking?

All of these are important amenities that I pay attention to. However, there is a handful of intangibles that a nerd like myself values more than most. So, if I was to build a hotel, here are five things that each room would come equipped with…

As you will see, my hotel room preferences get about as bougie as wanting a desk.

Powerful Shower Head – It’s all about the pressure. My hotel room could have a walk-in shower with eight different types of body wash but if the water comes out in a trickle I am going to critically mention it in my Google Review. I love a shower head that exerts water at such a forceful rate that you can’t help but feel that you are getting really clean.

Desk – I am a journaler who needs a suitable hard surface to write. A sturdy and spacious desk is much appreciated and utilized by me. It also becomes my dumping ground for my wallet, room key, spare change, and other miscellaneous pocket items. In the current hospitality climate of “less is more” in hotel rooms, it isn’t surprising to walk into a desk-less room. That makes me cranky.

Complimentary Bottled Water – Sorry if I sound stuck up, but I am not a big fan of hotel bathroom sink tap water. At the other end of the spectrum, I am not grabbing the bottled water that has a $5 price tag wrapped around it. I always feel so grateful to the hotels that do leave complimentary bottles of water for guests inside the room. I can’t sleep without water at my bedside and I naturally prefer the kind that doesn’t taste like chlorine and comes in a bottle that I don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for.

Pen and Paper – I go through pens like crazy so I always geek out when the hotel has a couple waiting for me when I walk in. I use the hotel branded paper to write notes of thanks to housekeeping and then I bring the remaining pad home to my children as a souvenir (yes, call me cheap).

Sink and Mirror in the Bathroom – This is me being a little high maintenance, but I strongly believe that the bathroom sink and bathroom mirror should actually be located in the BATHROOM.


I don’t need an omelette bar or an infinity pool, I just need a couple pens and some water pressure. Do you have any hotel room preferences? Don’t Blink.

Face Plant!

It was a nasty spill.

On Saturday morning, I took Sloan and Beau to Millwood Park, a relatively quiet area with a playground, tennis/basketball courts, a wading pool, and a splash pad tucked away in a corner near the intersection of Trent and Argonne. I didn’t dress my kids in swim gear but that didn’t stop them from gravitating straight to the splash pad.

A game soon developed. Sloan or Beau would press the censor button in the middle of the splash pad and they would run as fast as they could to clear the pad and enter the grass before the gushing water could drench them. Before you knew it, three other kids had joined and everyone seemed to be having fun. That was until Beau tripped before he could make it off the splash pad and face planted right on the cement.

Beau and Sloan would activate the splash pad censor and would run off the cement before the water would gush out.

As a parent, it was one of those things you see in slow motion. The moment his face met the concrete, I dashed over to him and picked him up. I immediately examined his mouth. His top gums were bleeding but thankfully his teeth were all there. I began to clean his mouth as a mom gave me some wipes and Sloan ran to our car, retrieved an old cup, and filled it with drinking fountain water. I then took note of his other wounds. He was scuffed up on his nose, above his lip, and on his chin. Although hysterical at first, he calmed down after about five minutes and was back to playing the same game again. In fact, Sloan was more spooked than her wounded younger brother.

The fall left Beau scuffed up and bruised.

Beau’s face was in a pretty sorry state that whole day and it looked even worse when he woke up the next day. Let me tell you, it made going to mass very interesting. Which brings me to the three things parents deal with after a child is scuffed up.

1. Sympathy for their child – Beau looked like a boxer that got knocked out in the last round. Seeing his handsome face all bruised and the pain that accompanied his transformed mug made me feel really bad for him.

2. Hope for a speedy recovery – Just a couple days removed from his incident, I am crossing my fingers that his face heals—and hopefully quickly! He already has scarring from another bloody incident a couple years ago and the last thing I want are more “battle wounds.”

3. Fear of accusations – Every parent jokes about CPS coming after them when their child has a visible wound. With Beau’s hideous scuffs, I could only hope that good-intentioned people wouldn’t jump to any conclusions when we unapologetically allowed him to still show his face (pun intended) in public after the incident.

Watch for an update on the healing of Beau’s face in a future Thursday Rundown. Don’t Blink.

Summer Honey Thursday Rundown

Before I address the present, let me quickly look back on the past. The month of May in Spokane was gorgeous! In terms of weather, I don’t know if I remember a nicer May at any other time in my life. Alright, as we hop into my latest Thursday Rundown, let’s hope the perfect temperatures and sunny skies continue in June…

Ready For June – Speaking of June, this month is going to be bananas (in a good way)! Weddings, business trips, special visitors, end-of-school, Hoopfest, Catholic Summer Camp, and much more await our family. I don’t necessarily know if that means I will have even more to write about or if it means I will be writing less because we will be so busy but please stick around to find out.

My team will look a little different this year, but I will be back on the streets of Spokane later this month for my second consecutive Hoopfest.

Chicks – Last week, one of Beau’s daycare teachers brought in some of her chicks for the kids to hold. The pictures turned out so cute but I was drawn to something profound the teacher said when writing about how the kids reacted to the animals: They were incredibly loving and gentle toward the chicks. It was so much fun and made my heart so warm to see these children with something smaller and more delicate than even they are. That last sentence made me feel a special type of way.

Beau holding a chick that was brought to daycare last week.

Sign of Summer – That familiar tune could be heard in our neighborhood last night as the ice cream truck went up and down our streets for the first time this season. Of course Sloan couldn’t resist as she got a Jelly Belly-branded snow cone. The driver made every indication that she will be back so I will have to lay down some limitations on how many times we are going to give her our business this year…moderation is key. Believe it or not, a half decade ago I wrote about my top five favorite ice cream truck treats.

Sloan and her friends look at the ice cream truck’s menu.

Beer Purchase – In my previous Thursday Rundown, I mentioned that even though I had a Total Wine gift card it would definitely not be used on wine. Instead, I was excited to spend it on the large inventory of beer that the chain carries. After much deliberation last Saturday, I splurged on Summer Honey, a seasonal ale made by Missoula’s own Big Sky Brewing Co. When I lived in Montana this was a favorite brew of mine and when I cracked open a can several days ago it sure tasted like summer.

I love the Summer Honey cans! I enjoyed this in our backyard over the Memorial Day weekend.

Beef – I recently concluded watching the Netflix series “Beef.” I found the 10 episodes to be entertaining and clever. The series revolves around a single event at the very beginning of the first episode that ultimately intertwines two unlikely characters in an out of control rivalry. The show is meant to be funny but it deals with some very heavy themes. I thought the character development was great and if you have already watched “Beef” you might agree or disagree with me that cousin Isaac was the funniest and most engaging member of the cast. A good thing about “Beef” is that it is extremely easy to watch/follow and episodes are usually only 34 minutes long.

I thought “Beef” was a pretty decent show.


Have a good June, everyone. Please pray for our friends Dylan and Fidela as they get married this weekend. We can’t wait to watch them enter into holy matrimony on Saturday. Don’t Blink.