How Should I Utilize Yik Yak?

The newest social media phenomenon, especially when it comes to the area that I specialize in, is here. If you haven’t heard of it yet, you will very soon. Yik Yak is a community messaging service that has taken college campuses across the country by storm. Of those universities heavily engaged in the service, Coastal Carolina University is one of them. Before I go any further, let me explain the twist of Yik Yak…

It is completely anonymous.

Get used to seeing this, it is the Yik Yak logo.

Get used to seeing this, it is the Yik Yak logo.

The service is organized by communities. A community is an area defined by a 10-mile radius. If you fit within those parameters, you can communicate with other smart phone possessing folks also in that area. Visualize a Twitter feed for a second. This is similar to how content is displayed in Yik Yak. However, the major wrinkle is that instead of a handle identifying who the message is from, there is absolutely nothing to distinguish who says what. It is a complete free-for-all of text streaming up and down the screen with no one to attribute the content to.

When a user posts something on Yik Yak, it is called a Yak. Users can respond to Yaks. They can also vote Yaks up and down. If a Yak is supposedly voted down enough it is deleted from the community. Rules state that you can’t post phone numbers, bully other users, or fill communities with spam.

Before you download Yik Yak on your smart device let me warn you…it is not for the faint of heart. Realize that you have college students releasing every thought that enters their head with the knowledge that whatever they say is completely anonymous and carries with it absolutely no consequences. As you can probably imagine, communities that are especially active are filled with heavy sexual content, drug references, and bad language. But if you can get past all that, Yik Yak is pretty fun.

After a lot of searching, this was one stream of Yaks that I could post that weren't inappropriate. This is from the Coastal Carolina peak and it gives you a feel for what Yik Yak is all about.

After a lot of searching, this was one stream of Yaks that I could post that weren’t inappropriate. This is from the Coastal Carolina peak and it gives you a feel for what Yik Yak is all about.

This past weekend when I was in Columbia for ESPN College Gameday I was following the University of South Carolina Yik Yak community pretty intensely. It was a lot of fun seeing what others were saying about the Gameday experience and I was enjoying interacting with fellow users. It made the waiting process go by much quicker.

However, when it comes to the school that I work for, I don’t utilize it to socialize. In fact, to be completely honest, I haven’t yet developed a social media strategy for Yik Yak yet at Coastal Carolina University. Rather, I am still experimenting with it and seeing which direction I want to take. For the past several weeks I have sprinkled CCU updates and marketing messages within our community. These Yaks have garnered both positive responses and sarcastic comments from fellow users. The main problem for someone in my position is that my Yaks carry no more credibility or significance than the dude sending out Yaks regarding the inappropriate things he wants to do to the girl in the dining hall. Whereas with every other social media service I am able to take on the respected identity of Coastal Carolina University, with Yik Yak I am just regarded as a nerd sending out G-rated messages.

For any social media marketer to turn a blind eye to Yik Yak would be a major mistake, especially those working on college campuses. Coastal Carolina University has a presence on this new service that is very involved. It is now my job to figure out the best way for CCU to effectively enter the discussion. Any ideas would be appreciated. Don’t Blink.

Making the Cut: My Cameo in Darius Rucker’s Music Video

This morning I had the opportunity to stand in front of the cameras and record a couple segments for our news program at Coastal Carolina University. Afterwards, I tweeted out a couple images of the shoot. These photos, along with my recent cameo on College Gameday, resulted in a local reporter tweeting at me saying that I was becoming famous. I tweeted back something silly and then started to eat lunch.

This Twitter exchange would become pretty ironic just a few minutes after it took place.

This Twitter exchange would become pretty ironic just a few minutes after it took place.

Right in the middle of eating my peanut butter sandwich I received a tweet from a Darius Rucker fan account (@DRucker_Fandom) notifying me that the music video for “Homegrown Honey” had been released and that I was famous (after the concert in August, I provided the account with some photos I took and since then they have always liked me). If you remember, I participated in the filming of the video with no promises that I would actually ever appear. Eating lunch with me was my co-worker Kim. I told her to pull right up beside me and I clicked the link to watch the video.

I was alerted that the video had been released by the Twitter account @DRucker_Fandom

I was alerted that the video had been released by the Twitter account @DRucker_Fandom

We watched eagerly as the music video started to play. We pointed out different things and places that we recognized as the video unfolded. Halfway through the song, the big question on whether I would make the cut for Darius Rucker’s newest music video was answered. At the 1:42 mark right when the Homegrown Honey character takes a selfie with Darius you can clearly see me on the right side of the screen with a goofy looking grin spread across my face. It was kind of exciting.

I had my two seconds of "fame" at the 1:42 mark of the Homegrown Honey video.

I had my two seconds of “fame” at the 1:42 mark of the Homegrown Honey video.

It is not like if you didn’t know me that you would ever notice my presence in the shot. I am on screen for all but two seconds. If you are a girl you are looking right at Darius and if you are a guy you are looking straight at the Homegrown Honey. No time to notice the awkward looking dude in the far right portion of the screen. But I made the video and that is what counts…definitely a moment that made my day.

Of course the real story in this all is the superb way in which Coastal Carolina University is showcased. Aside from the bar scene, the entirety of the video is shot in our HTC Center. In the hallway shots you can clearly see the Chanticleer logo. You get a great view of the arena when it is just Darius and his band members playing right into the camera. You get a taste of the atmosphere that was generated by our community during the concert shots. And throughout the whole video, whether it was in the hallway or in the crowd shots, our students were featured front and center. Not many college campuses can say a musician of Darius Rucker’s stature filmed a music video on their campus.

The video "Homegrown Honey" produced some priceless shots showcasing Coastal Carolina University.

The video “Homegrown Honey” produced some priceless shots showcasing Coastal Carolina University.

After all the excitement in our office settled down and the video was no longer playing on every computer in our department, I tweeted out the still shot of me in the video. It didn’t take long for my reporter friend to tweet back at me. Hmmmmm…maybe she is on to something. Don’t Blink.

Needless to say, I knew this tweet was coming.

Needless to say, I knew this tweet was coming.

My ESPN College Gameday Experience

Like any sports fan, I grew up on ESPN’s College Gameday. I count it as my favorite television show. Last Sunday when the network announced that the show would be broadcast from the campus of the University of South Carolina I knew I needed to go. Even with work commitments later on that Saturday, I told myself right then and there that I would be making the 2.5 hour trip from Myrtle Beach to Columbia, South Carolina, for the best program in sports.

Yesterday I woke up bright and early at 3 a.m. By the time 4 a.m. rolled around, Sidney and I were on the road to Columbia. We arrived on the South Carolina campus at around 6:30 a.m. and walked to an area called “The Horseshoe” where the broadcast of College Gameday was going to take place. With it still dark out we walked past a large fountain and buildings before we converged on the Horseshoe. It was then that I saw true beauty: The College Gameday set.

My first glimpse of the Gameday set upon entering the Horseshoe.

My first glimpse of the Gameday set upon entering the Horseshoe.

Although not as many as I expected, there was still a good showing of South Carolina students staking out spots around the set. The set consisted of the elevated main portion in the middle where the cast conducts most of the broadcast. Then on each side of the main area was a smaller set complimented with a large screen that would feature the live feed of the broadcast once it started.

A view of the side stage that was closest to us.

A view of the side stage that was closest to us.

At the Horseshoe you could stand in several different spots, as areas were formed with Home Depot padding. Of course the most prominent place to be was the pit, the area right behind the stage. After realizing that the pit was open to the general public, Sidney and I went over to enter it. Initially I was denied entrance because I had a camera. Thanks to Sidney, she hid my camera and her purse (which was also prohibited) in her coat and we made it through on our second attempt. We found a standing spot about halfway up in the pit and the waiting game for the 9 a.m. broadcast started.

Sidney and I waiting for the show to start.

Sidney and I waiting for the show to start.

At around 8:15 a.m. a spunky female DJ took the auxiliary stage right next to where we were standing and started spinning beats to get the crowd pumped up. At about the same time, Chris Fowler (host of Gameday) came on stage in a t-shirt and shorts to check out the crowd. Anticipation started to build. David Pollack, a contributing member of the Gameday cast, came on stage to give a Sportscenter report. The former Georgia Bulldog was booed heavily. The show producer informed us that they would start taking some shots to use throughout the day. With cameras flying over our heads everyone got loud and proudly displayed their signs with hopes of getting on TV.

A look at one of the cameras that would fly by.

A look at one of the cameras that would fly by.

Ahhh yes, the signs. Throughout the whole morning it would be a constant struggle for the security team to remove inappropriate messages. Taking a team approach, a security guard would push through the crowd while receiving directions via radio on where the questionable sign was located. Upon finding the student with the boneheaded piece of poster board the security personnel would make no apologies about confiscating it. I saw one security guard angrily bulldoze through the crowd and bang the hard hat of a student (Home Depot is the show sponsor and they distribute orange hard hats) from behind to get his attention before ripping the sign from his hand.

Some of the signs behind us.

Some of the signs behind us.

As the show was minutes away from starting the cast started to come on stage. Chris Fowler (now in a suit), Lee Corso, and Desmond Howard came on relatively at the same time. Corso worked the crowd a little bit as he raised both the South Carolina and Missouri helmets before kissing the Gamecocks one. Kirk Herbstreit walked onto the stage a few minutes after everyone else. The producer gave us some instructions for the big opening shots of the show and then just like that it was lights, camera, action!

Lee Corso getting ready for the show to start.

Lee Corso getting ready for the show to start.

By the time College Gameday started, it was packed all around us. As it was live television, the show went on pretty much in the exact same way in-person as it would if you were watching it on TV. During the commercial breaks the DJ would play music and do her best to keep the crowd energized. Her effort wasn’t enough for everyone. Students who partied a little too hard in the wee hours of the morning started to leave their prime spots in the pit and go home. There was a period where they were dropping like flies. This allowed Sidney and I to make our way to the front. With the show at the 90 minute halfway mark, we were pretty close to the stage. By 11 a.m. we were second row. Sidney would become front row at about 11:30 a.m.

Front row at College Gameday.

Front row at College Gameday.

Thankfully we made it super close in time for guest-picker Kenny Chesney to perform live (whose song “Don’t Blink” is the inspiration for the title of this blog). Only one problem: He was on the auxiliary stage exact opposite to us. With the South Carolina and Missouri spirit squads filling the space that would have allowed us to see Kenny, we got a poor view of his “American Kids” performance. It really was the only disappointing part of the morning.

With the Spirit Squads of both schools filling our sight of vision to Kenny Chesney it was tough to see his performance.

With the Spirit Squads of both schools filling our sight of vision to Kenny Chesney it was tough to see his performance.

As I mentioned, by the final hour of the show we had positioned ourselves in prime territory. Not only were we a stone’s throw away from the stage but we were also getting on camera. By the time the most popular College Gameday segment came on, the show ending prediction portion, I was right in line of the camera’s fire. When the camera shot of Kenny Chensey and Lee Corso would go live, there was me waving and smiling. When Corso gave his show ending, exclamation mark South Carolina-Missouri prediction and the camera zoomed out to show him, Chesney, and Herbstreit, you could see me videoing the madness with my phone. With the crowd fired up by Corso’s erroneous thought that the Gamecocks would beat the Tigers (Missouri would win 21-20) the broadcast officially ended and the big screens went dark. Chris Fowler then turned around to face the masses and thanked us all for coming out.

Follow the arrow and that is me during the best time of College Gameday.

Follow the arrow and that is me during the best time of College Gameday.

ESPN College Gameday was an amazing experience for me! I loved the atmosphere and I loved watching the production side of what goes into creating the best show in sports. This was a bucket list item for myself and I am so happy that Sidney agreed to accompany me during it. My love for College Gameday is even more intensified now and I can’t wait to watch it next week. Don’t Blink.

At the end of the broadcast I found the Washington State flag waver and got a photo with him and the famous flag.

At the end of the broadcast I found the Washington State flag waver and got a photo with him and the famous flag.

Bonus Notes:
– Besides passing out hard hats throughout the show, staffers also handed out t-shirts.
– I tweeted out a photo of a sign that read “We Want Washington State.” It was picked up by WSU fans and the photo went viral on fan sites of the school.
– Speaking of Washington State, I took a photo with the man who waved the Cougar flag during the broadcast. It is a College Gameday tradition for the flag to be at every site each week.

– We left for Columbia at 4 a.m. and made it back to Myrtle Beach just before 4 p.m. I worked the Coastal Carolina game later that evening.
-Following the South Carolina Yik-Yak peak on this particular day was a lot of fun.
– The best video segment of the show was the one that chronicled life for the wives of the SEC football coaches.
– For the most part, everyone around me was really cool.
– The Missouri cheer squad members were really gracious and took lots of photos for South Carolina students in the first couple of rows.
– Sidney and I were in an up close shot with about 10 other people that was supposed to welcome viewers back when the show returned from commercial break but it was killed by the show’s producers.

The camera ready to shoot us but we never made it to air.

The camera ready to shoot us but we never made it to air.

Jeter, Intern, Bachelor Food, Football, and Mikayla

It is Thursday and after a break from the norm last week, I am back with my typical Thursday night random rundown. This week’s edition might be as insignificant and boring as ever so read below only if you have two minutes of your life to waste. Here we go…

Derek Jeter – I piped up at the halfway point of the Major League Baseball campaign and I am going to sound off again since the end of the regular season is just about here. The Derek Jeter farewell tour went way too far. I dare to even say borderline ridiculous. The whole MLB season was a devotion to Jeter. It was completely about his stats, completely about his stadium gifts, completely about his press conferences, completely about his every at-bat…completely about Derek. The man was christened a god. And for what? Because he stayed with the same team and put up Hall of Fame stats? As a Yankees fan myself, I hate to say that I am a little bit relieved that New York won’t be in the playoffs this October simply because it will end the Jeter hysteria.

Intern Help – The #CCUSocialMedia program got better this week as my brand new student intern started work for me. A couple weeks ago we held interviews to bring on someone who can assist me with our social media campaigns and goals at Coastal Carolina University. Jada Bynum worked her first day on Monday and I am so happy to have her on board. She is a Wall Fellows student which means she is one of the very top students at CCU and a much better person than I ever will be. Jada will take over Pinterest/Snapchat/Google+, contribute content to all of our social channels, and help me with all the essential tasks that go into building and maintaining a social media program. My number one hope for her is that she gets a great look at what goes into the social media marketer profession.

Take-In-Bake-Pizza – What is one reason you know you are a bachelor? You bring home a large take-in-bake pizza, cook it, and then eat off of it for a few days. When I moved to Myrtle Beach I was distressed to find out that there are no Papa Murphy’s locations. I salivate just upon thinking of the take-in-bake stuffed meat pizza I used to always get that would feed me for four days. However, I have had to adjust, and thankfully Costco offers a suitable alternative. After I finish this blog post I am heading to my refrigerator to pull out my Tupperware container filled with the pepperoni Costco pizza I baked last night. With take-in-bake pizza, it just gets better and better each night after you originally cooked it.

Me with my container of take-in-bake pepperoni Costco pizza.

Me with my container of take-in-bake pepperoni Costco pizza.

Football In, Movies Out – For a few months I was watching close to 4-5 movies a week. This has now changed. Hello football season!! With college ball and the NFL now in full swing, my evenings are no longer filled with awful Redbox movies but rather hard hitting football played under the lights. Thanks to Sunday Night Football, Monday Night Football, Thursday Night Football (an NFL game and at least one college game played), and of course Saturday evening college football I now have little use for movies. There is always at least one nationally televised college game on Friday night as well. Pretty soon, the Wednesday night college football games will be starting too! I always take the greatest game on the planet over movies.

Mikayla – My niece is now one day shy of three weeks old. Mikayla has been doing great and is gaining weight. I am just two months away from meeting her. The other day I got to Skype with the little baby! Here are some of her latest photos.

Here are some of the latest shots of Mikayla.

Here are some of the latest shots of Mikayla.


Well, you all know what I am going to do now…eat pizza and watch football! Have a great weekend and be safe. Don’t Blink.

My Brilliant Idea: RESERved Grocery Shopping

Sometimes goofy business models will pop into my head. Sometimes, I will even blog about them. The one I was thinking about driving home from work today might be the dumbest idea of them all so why not jot it down for everyone to laugh at?

Which Wich is an amazing sandwich chain with an interesting ordering method. When you walk inside the store you go up to a side counter and pick up a sandwich bag. On that sandwich bag is basically your directions for the creation of your sandwich. Just as if you were filling out a multiple choice test, you darken in bubbles to indicate how you want your sandwich made. You indicate your bread type, size of sandwich, toasted/not toasted preference, cheese, sauces, etc. You then take your bag up to the main counter to an employee and they make the sandwich for you. The filled out bag says it all, there is no need for talking or any unnecessary opportunities to waste time.

This is what a Which Wich bag looks like.

This is what a Which Wich bag looks like.

As the rain poured down during my drive home I thought to myself how I hate running across parking lots to enter and exit grocery stores, especially when the weather is less than ideal. What if there was an option where someone else would do all of your shopping for you while you sat in your car and listened to the radio or talked on the phone? Besides missing out on bad weather you would also save yourself the frustration of finding items in the store, the annoyance of packed aisles, and the agony of standing in a checkout line. I like to call my idea “RESERved Grocery Shopping.” (Reser being my last name of course).

With RESERved Grocery Shopping all you would do is fill out a paper brown grocery bag with your desired items. Just like with Which Wich you would only need to fill in bubbles to designate your choices. Since the ordering medium is a paper grocery bag there will be plenty of room to put most of the store’s inventory on that bag.

On the day you need to do your shopping you simply take ten minutes to fill in your grocery sack* and then get in your vehicle. You drive to the store and park in one of the designated RESERved Grocery Shopping parking spots and a store employee promptly greets you. Upon giving the employee your bag, he/she enters back into the store and works as quickly as possible to fill your order while you sit in the comfort of your car. When the employee has done your shopping for you, he/she comes back out to the parking lot to place your grocery bags in your car. You then pay your bill and tip at your discretion.

Now my suggestion is for a new chain of grocery stores to open up that specializes solely in RESERved Grocery Shopping. However, I am not ruling out the option that existing supermarkets can offer this service as well. They would just need to designate parking spots for the RGS customers and make sure their professional employee shoppers have easy access to supermarket items and an exclusive checkout lane so they don’t have to wait in line with the masses who are doing traditional shopping.

In order for RESERved Grocery Shopping to work, there would need to be some simplifying. We all know there are about 500 different brands and types of bread. On the ordering bag, you would probably only get the option of five different kinds (wheat, white, rye, etc) with a couple different brands (i.e. generic or Pepperidge Farm). Also, the variety of products offered won’t be as vast either. Rest assured, you will be able to select all the major essentials such as meat, milk, ice cream, mac and cheese, fruits, vegetables, toilet paper, etc. However, if you were looking for a bubble to fill in for strawberry flavored malt balls you might be out of luck.

But you aren’t utilizing RESERved Grocery Shopping for endless choices. You are using it for convenience and speed. The employees will be trained to quickly analyze your order bag and obtain your items in under 30 minutes. Many orders will only take 10 minutes. RGS would be completely revolutionary and a game changer in the supermarket industry. If you would like to take a chance on this idea and make me a millionaire, please contact me. I would love to chat. Don’t Blink.

* – A supermarket chain would market RGS by aggressively entering all neighborhoods possible and leaving an order bag on the porch of each house to get customers their first bag. Then, whenever they stop by the store they will be replenished with new bags for their future orders.

My Top Five Favorite Fast Food Restaurants

Although I am pretty good at limiting my fast food intake, if given the opportunity to chow down on greasy and quick food I will. In order to get me even hungrier for a late dinner tonight I wish to present my list for my top five favorite fast food restaurants. The list will start at my all-time favorite fast food joint and descend from there.

1. Subway – While I had to think a little bit about the positioning of my favorite restaurants in the #3-5 slots, my king of fast food places was a clear-cut, undisputed no-brainer. I absolutely LOVE Subway. My love goes so deep that I even wrote a blog post devoted solely to the best sandwich shop ever. My mouth waters just upon entering a Subway restaurant because the smell of their fresh bread is so heavenly. I could eat cold cut combos every day of my life if I wanted to. Throw in a bag of chips and the crunchy combination that results is incredible. Best part about Subway? You can find a restaurant ANYWHERE. Our nation is covered with them in standalone stores, food courts, gas stations, stadiums, and other random spots. I can’t get enough.

2. Taco Bell – Notice how I said above that I had a tough time positioning the #3-5 restaurants on my list and not #2. Yep, earning the runner up position on my list in easy fashion is Taco Bell. In high school I would eat inside a certain Taco Bell restaurant with my friends quite often. We loved how cheap, and, coming from a high school student at the time, how delicious it was. These days I might not call Taco Bell’s food delicious but I still think it is good and it is definitely still cheap. My favorite menu items are the classic bean burrito and the half pound beef and potato burrito. Even when I do order the beef and potato burrito I still like to get a side of fiesta potatoes to go with it. I enjoy zipping through the drive-thru, picking up my order, and then going home and dousing it with Sriracha sauce. It has been a good seven months since I ate Taco Bell last but it sounds pretty good right about now.

3. Jack in the Box – I really appreciate the sheer convenience of Jack in the Box. Open 24 hours with a very diverse menu, the restaurant can meet your needs at all times. Oh, and just like Taco Bell, it is cheap! Who doesn’t like a restaurant where you can go at any time to pick up a burger, taco, egg roll, breakfast, or milkshake? While maybe not a master of any of these items, it is definitely a “Jack” of them all. Tied with Taco Bell for my favorite late night fast food restaurant, I love the concept of the Jack in the Box franchise.

4. Dairy Queen – Because it is home to my all-time favorite dessert item, Dairy Queen is #4 on my list. I am addicted to blizzards. Even with the numerous great ice cream shops here in Myrtle Beach, I have managed to still visit the local Dairy Queen for my blizzard fix a couple times. The actual food at Dairy Queen is so-so. I usually won’t order anything too elaborate just because the grub is somewhat pricey and they always seem to mess up on my order. However, if you order their cheese curds and pair it with a blizzard you can’t go wrong.

5. Bojangles – Living in the South now, I have grown to like Bojangles. Although not too impressed with it the first time I visited, I have since discovered that they offer a great breakfast. About 75% of the time after church on Sundays I will swing by Bojangles and pick up a couple breakfast biscuits. I also enjoy their chicken rice bowls that they whip up. I ate free at the place a few times over the past several weeks because of a promotion ran by the local minor league baseball team in town. I enjoyed these meals just enough to have Bojangles take the final spot on my list.


I hope I didn’t get you too hungry…or disgusted. If you still have a stomach I would love for you to respond with your top five fast food restaurants. Keep eating my friends. Don’t Blink.

New Meaning to “Dive Bar”

I bleed teal and am a Chant 100%. However, I do keep tabs on the athletics program of my old school just because I worked thousands of hours over four plus years at the University of Montana. I enjoyed my time as Griz I have a lot of friends working there. So When I learned that the Montana vs. North Dakota State game got picked up by ESPN Gameplan, I decided to find a bar that might carry it.

Looking for a place that I hadn’t frequented before, I went to an establishment just a couple minutes from my apartment. Tucked away in a rather run-down strip mall I knew it was going to be a dive. But I am a guy who likes dives and since it was clearly identified as a sports bar I decided to give it a try.

Now I said I like dives. However, yesterday I learned that there are bars that are even a little too “divey” for me. I will not say the name of this bar because I don’t want to do it a disservice. I think it probably satisfies its customer base just fine and who am I to give it a bad review and soil its name on Google? I am not about that. I will just share with you some details on why I won’t be returning.

I walked inside and immediately I knew that even if I left right then and there my clothes would smell like an ash tray for the rest of the day. In South Carolina you can still smoke in bars. The atmosphere fit the definition of a dive perfectly. Dimly lit, clutter all over the place, shabby fixtures, and weird smells. Again though, I expected this type of environment and it didn’t serve as the reason why I won’t go back.

I sat down and the bartender came over to me with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth and asked what I wanted. For the roughly 30 minutes I spent in the place she always had a lit cigarette in between her lips except for when she was taking vodka shots. She treated me very well but as a non-smoker I would prefer if the smoke from someone’s ciggy isn’t infiltrating my drink while it is being handed to me.

The bartender was really nice, I just don't think you should be able to smoke behind the bar.

The bartender was really nice, I just don’t think you should be able to smoke behind the bar.

However, it wasn’t that big of a deal. I knew I wouldn’t be staying long. The place had only a few clunky televisions and I am sure management had never heard of “ESPN Gameplan” in their lives. Yes sir, a wasted trip. But I tried to make the best of it and observe my surroundings.

You ever watch “Bar Rescue” when they show some places that have drunks that drive away customers? Welcome to the place I was at yesterday! At 1:30 p.m. there were two obnoxiously loud, belligerent men hooping and hollering about the most random topics the whole time I was there. Even if the bar had the game on each of their three televisions I wouldn’t have been able to stay.

I love peanuts and I love bars that offer peanuts where you can discard the shells on the floor. This place had a different take on one of my favorite tavern traditions. At every other seat at the bar they had a baby food type container with unshelled peanuts in them. At my seat I had a container that was half way full. The notion of others before me, most likely with tobacco stained fingers, grabbing peanuts out of the cup absolutely disgusted me. If I was Jon Taffer (host of “Bar Rescue”) I would have gone in the place and used my hand to violently swoop the peanut containers off the bar.

I had some other food concerns. The kitchen in the back looked like it was permanently stained brown. The cook had long greasy hair and was drinking a beer. From what I gathered, it looked like the regulars didn’t think much of the food either. A group that was playing pool had brought in big bags of chips and sack lunches that they were munching on. Of course doing something like that probably says more about yourself than the food at the bar.

The last thing that really accelerated my departure was the arrival of an unwelcome guest. As I was watching one of the games I heard barking. I looked back and sure enough someone had brought in a dog! One of the drunks started barking back at it. I got up and left.

I walked to a real sports bar right by my apartment and the bartenders promptly put the game on for me. I enjoyed watching the Griz in comfort. Although I will never go back to the first establishment again, I do thank them for re-educating me on what a real dive bar is. I am just thankful that I never had to use the restroom there. Don’t Blink.

Feel the Teal: Surprised and Recognized at CCU

I am blessed to say that all of my days at Coastal Carolina University are good days. But I would be remiss if I didn’t say that some days are even better than the good days. Today was one of those.

After I left work yesterday I received a call from our awesome and valuable administrative assistant, Kim. She told me that a 9 a.m. meeting had been scheduled for today. I thought something semi-urgent must have come up that our communication team needed to talk about. This morning at about 8:30 a.m. Kim came to my desk and told me that the meeting would just be with me and our Vice President for University Communication (Bill Plate – My Boss). She also added that the meeting would start in his office at 8:55 a.m. My head started to turn. What was up? Did I do something wrong?

I went into Bill’s office and he just asked me to help him establish some goals for an accreditation program. Right away at ease, I brainstormed some ideas with him. After discussing a couple more topics our meeting concluded. I walked out of his office and strolled down the hall to my desk. Once I passed through the hallway and made it to our office’s lobby area I was greeted with a special surprise.

Across from me stood all of my University Communication co-workers and superiors. Our university photographer was present and he had his camera fixated right at me. Right in front of the whole group holding a bunch of teal balloons was Eileen Soisson, the Director of Service Excellence at Coastal. Everyone was starring at me and everyone was smiling.

Eileen Soisson addresses me this morning. I swear that there were more people watching than just our crazy Director of Creative Services Rob Wyeth (Thank you to our University photographer, Bill Edmonds for the photo. Thank you to Mona Prufer for passing the photo  C.D. onto me).

Eileen Soisson addresses me this morning. I swear that there were more people watching than just our crazy Director of Creative Services Rob Wyeth (Thank you to our University photographer, Bill Edmonds for the photo. Thank you to Mona Prufer for passing the photo C.D. onto me).

Eileen, the woman who is in charge of the innovative and popular “Feel the Teal” program, addressed me. She said that she was in our office today to honor me for the simple act I did last weekend. If you didn’t read my post from Monday night, I had the opportunity through a social media promotion to give my football tickets away to a student and her overseas dad who just happened to be in town for Family Weekend. It was a no-brainer on my part but the university still wanted to give me some recognition.

Eileen hands me the balloons. The Feel the Teal program is outstanding and innovative.

Eileen hands me the balloons. The Feel the Teal program is outstanding and innovative. (Thanks to Bill Edmonds for the photos).

After saying some really nice words about me, Eileen handed me the balloons while my office clapped. It was the nicest, most genuine thing that has ever been done for me in a professional setting before. I was able to hold it together but it did touch me. This is why I am at Coastal, I thought to myself.

Me with Eileen Soisson. It is easy to love a university and want to do your best when they treat you like this.

Me with Eileen Soisson. It is easy to love a university and want to do your best when they treat you like this.

Needless to say, it turned a good day into a great day. Bill, the same great boss who recognized me at the Board of Trustees meeting, orchestrated the whole thing. This morning was one of those times where a snap shot was instantly cemented into my brain. I will always have that image of all the people I work with on a daily basis looking right at me while Eileen stood in the center with balloons. I can’t thank Coastal enough for letting me implement my vision for its social media program and then honoring me simply for following through with it. I am at the right place. Don’t Blink.

My Ideas for Saving McDonalds

Read the business section of the newspaper or even watch the national news and you are bound to hear about the tailspin that McDonalds is on. The giant restaurant corporation has suffered slumping quarterly earnings for quite some time now. The past couple weeks it has seemed like the panic button has been activated as there are some real issues for Micky D’s.

I am not a McDonalds fan. I have ate there twice in the past two years. However, there was a time when I ate at the “Golden Arches” more often. Heck, my sister used to work there. So given my past with McDonalds and my so-so marketing IQ, I want to quickly offer my five best suggestions for reversing the declining sales of the world’s most popular restaurant chain.

I have five ideas to help McDonalds. And yes, only I would go out of my way on the drive home to find a McDonalds and take a selfie at the sign for a blog post.

I have five ideas to help McDonalds. And yes, only I would go out of my way on the drive home from work to find a McDonalds and take a selfie at the sign for a blog post.

Eliminate Terrible Car Smell: One of the worst smells in the world is when you enter a vehicle that had McDonalds food in it within the past 48 hours. The number one reason why I don’t eat at McDonalds is because I don’t care for the food but my number two reason is because I would never subject my car to the “after stench” of having the greasy grub riding shotgun with me. Do you think someone with a new car will go through the McDonalds drive-thru? Heck no! McDonalds could moderately increase business by finding some way to not make the food stink as bad. Alternatively, they could also introduce an air freshener that is given to you at the drive-thru window that would naturally eliminate the smell. Call it the McFresher.

Improve Chicken Nuggets: The rare times that I do go to McDonalds I order chicken nuggets. However, I think they suck. McDonalds needs to do something to make them better. I offer this suggestion: Make them bigger AND stuff them with something! How cool would it be if when you bit into a nugget cheese or BBQ sauce would come out? Or how about go completely crazy and have either honey or frosting in the middle? (yes, I just suggested putting frosting in chicken nuggets). I think a campaign that totally remakes one of McDonalds’ signature menu items would cause an exciting and profitable stir.

You see those card behind me? Many of them had people inside and they were all wondering what I was doing.

You see those card behind me? Many of them had people inside and they were all wondering what I was doing.

Social Media Deal EVERY DAY: McDonalds is starting to up its game on social media. Each day it seems like a sponsored McDonalds Instagram image comes up in my feed. This is a great first step but I want more than a stock image. I want a deal! Each day on the social media outlets of McDonalds they should offer a free small side of fries, a worthwhile BOGO deal, or the option to supersize your meal (if they even do that anymore) at no charge. McDonalds could seriously measure their social media reach while at the same time laying claim to the distinction of being the first fast food chain to offer a social media deal every single day. We all know these offers won’t break the bank, in fact they work well to increase the bottom line.

New Menu Item Each Month: Taco Bell does this so incredibly well. You turn on the TV and you are bound to see some creative and tasty looking new menu item that the chain is offering for a limited time. Dorito hard shells, quesadilla wrapped burritos, waffle tacos, etc. McDonalds no longer keeps up in this department. If they do offer something new it is boring, dry, and expensive (think salads or a fruit cup)! Taco Bell introduces items that look so good you want to tweet about it. As I mentioned above, chicken nuggets would be a good start but then McDonalds must follow by continually introducing new, creative items.

New Spokesperson: McDonalds has done away with Ronald McDonald. With so many companies successfully integrating individuals to serve as the face for their company, maybe McDonalds should follow suit. The new Wendys girl, Flo from Progressive (who I hate with a passion), and that equally annoying girl from AT&T have all provided their respective companies with an identity. I say McDonalds should invest in a female spokesperson as well…one who is attractive and who doesn’t make me want to rip my ears off. I think such a hire would give McDonalds a fresh new identity and light a spark.


It is time for McDonalds to turn this ship around. My ideas differed from the typical “healthier choices” and “more sophisticated ordering options” that all the experts talk about. I like to think outside of the Happy Meal box and offer some unique solutions. Best of luck McDonalds, time to sink or swim. Please don’t be offended though when I say I couldn’t care less if you filed for bankruptcy tomorrow. Don’t Blink.

Visiting a South Carolina Cemetery

After work, some people like to go to the bar or the grocery store. Personally, I like to go to a cemetery.

As I have described before, I love cemeteries. I find them to be historic and peaceful lands that will teach you a lot if you decide to pay a respectful visit. After work today I drove to a cemetery that I pass by every single day and simply started walking around. Called Hillcrest Cemetery, I spent a lovely 45 minutes winding down after work as I strolled around the premises.

Me at the Hillcrest Cemetery in Conway, South Carolina, early this evening.

Me at the Hillcrest Cemetery in Conway, South Carolina, early this evening.

When I went back to my car I had some defining characteristics in my head that really stuck out in my mind about the cemetery. The one thing that became really apparent to me after about 15 minutes of exploring was that it was a young cemetery. The earliest date I found in the graveyard was 1889. A World War I vet named John T. Duckett was born on August 8, 1889, and passed on March 20, 1982. Since it was a South Carolina cemetery I had hopes that I would find really old tombstones but unfortunately that was not the case.

This was the oldest person I could find in the Hillcrest Cemetery.

This was the oldest person I could find in the Hillcrest Cemetery.

Of course with a lack of old markers you could imagine there was a plethora of young memorials. This was definitely the case. I saw a lot of tombstones from the 2000’s. There were tons and tons of married couple buried together. There were also many double tombs that just had one deceased partner buried underneath (for the time being). Sadly, I saw many baby grave markers.

Benjamin has been waiting for Hazel for over 30 years.

Benjamin has been waiting for Hazel for over 30 years.

A somewhat eerie characteristic of the cemetery centered on the grounds themselves. When I was walking around gravestones my shoes kept sinking into the soil. I think it must have something to do with the climate in South Carolina but I had never had the sinking sensation at a cemetery ever before. I felt like I was stomping around and disturbing the graves because my feet would dip so deep, it made me feel kind of bad.

My feet would sink as I walked around the grave stones.

My feet would sink as I walked around the grave stones.

As the cemetery was newer, it had some modern characteristics. For one, the grounds contained streams and waterfalls. Hillcrest also had several large, newer looking mausoleums on site. Some of the tombstones were very creative and colorful. Not trying to be funny here, but you could breathe in the cemetery. What I mean by this is that graves weren’t crammed together. Also, you couldn’t find any big, bulky structures or elaborate statues on site.

This stone had a surfing image depicted on it.

This stone had a surfing image depicted on it.

The last characteristic of the cemetery that I will remember is that it also included a plot of land for animals. Yes, there was a pet cemetery included in the actual people cemetery. Although it is off to the side, I had never seen people and animals both buried so closely together before.

Over yonder are the pet graves.

Over yonder are the pet graves.

I am told that I need to go to Charleston, South Carolina, to see some major league type cemeteries. I hear they are kind of like the cemeteries I encountered in Boston. If anyone else has any graveyard site suggestions for me to see, please send a message my way or comment below. For a history buff like myself, a cemetery is like a playground. Don’t Blink.