Have a Picnic

This summer we have made it a point to pack a picnic and go to a park. Why? Well, for one, it is a very enjoyable thing to do. And, two, we simply never had the opportunity to do so in South Carolina. The humid weather simply isn’t conducive to eating outside and the area of the state we lived in didn’t have the lush, green parks that dot the Spokane Valley.

In eastern Washington, the month of September is gorgeous and still perfect for picnicking. So, if you still haven’t embraced the outdoors while eating a sandwich on a comfy blanket, put a picnic on your calendar and let me give you five tips for a perfect experience.

We have enjoyed numerous picnics at parks this summer.

Choose the Right Park – The Spokane and Spokane Valley boast countless public parks for citizens to enjoy. But before you choose a park based solely on a Google search, do a little bit of scouting and make sure it has everything you need. Our family looks for a fun playground, plenty of big pine trees for shade, sturdy picnic benches, and lots of green space. Parks that meet all these requirements aren’t hard to find but that doesn’t mean places that lack them don’t exist. Just do your homework.

Bring Stuff – The playground and human interaction should be enough to keep your family entertained, but it isn’t a bad idea to bring some items from home that could optimize your afternoon or evening. You can never go wrong with a frisbee or football. Sidewalk chalk is a hit with Sloan. If you are like me, bringing a croquet set is a great way to take advantage of the vast space offered by a park and it also allows you to set up the course of your dreams!

Remember to bring blankets!

The Food – A picnic isn’t a picnic without the food. In fact, I feel like a picnic is an excuse to overdo it just a bit. Sometimes this means picking something up at a favorite restaurant. On separate occasions this summer we have brought food to the park from our favorite cheesesteak, sandwich, and fried chicken joints. But if you want a more traditional picnic, pack it yourself! That’s what we did for our picnic lunch yesterday. We met my sister and her kids at the park and we split up the food duties. Sid and I brought hot dogs and chips while my sister brought oranges, cookies, and drinks. It was a blast and pretty tasty.

At our picnic yesterday, we packed hot dogs.

Pack a Cooler – The drinks are just as important as the food. Grab your ice chest and throw in bottled water, soda, and some Capri Suns for the kids. Oh yes, don’t forget the beer. Just remember to bring Solo cups with you. You can empty your ice dispenser to keep the drinks cool but I prefer to pick up a bag of ice at the gas station and dump it in. When you get to the park, crack open your beverage and enjoy. Whether a soda or an adult beverage, an ice cold drink tastes incredible in the middle of beautiful scenery outside.

Be Prepared – It is important to be ready for any obstacles you might face once on-site. In terms of pests, you could encounter a member of the bee family buzzing around your picnic. Keep that in mind and bring appropriate repellent. During this time of pandemic, bring plenty of disinfectant wipes to scrub benches and play equipment. Most importantly of all, make sure everyone goes to the bathroom prior to arriving at the picnic. I have been in the park facilities and they are not pretty!

I mean it folks, don’t let this summer slip away without a picnic. With the Labor Day weekend approaching, pick a day and make it happen. Don’t Blink.

In Memoriam Thursday Rundown

Good evening! Can you believe that it will be September next week? So before August expires, let me present the latest Thursday Rundown…

Start of the Semester – Washington State University kicked off the academic year on Monday and things looked just a bit different. The entire Fall 2020 semester is remote so the traditional start-of-the-year excitement and visuals were absent. However, Cougs persevere and everyone from our faculty to our staff to our students are making the best of the arrangement. This includes our social media team. With so many things off the table because of an empty campus, we are trying to be creative so we can still deliver an engaging and spirted experience to the #WSU community.

The start of my first full semester as a staff member at WSU is a bit different than what I had envisioned.

Robin Being Robin – Speaking of the start of the semester, one of my favorite people from my days at Coastal Carolina University recently got A LOT of national media attention. From Barstool Sports to CBS This Morning, she was everywhere. Robin Russell is a theatre professor at CCU and a good friend. Last week, her daughters captured her teaching a remote class lesson. Robin was leading her class of freshmen in a dance session and there was no shortage of encouragement. The video shows Robin in her element and is a 100% genuine testament to her passion for teaching. Come on, Suzanna!

A screenshot from Robin’s viral video on the left and a photo of Robin and I on set of “Coastal Now” on the right.

Not Fair – Sadly, there was another development with someone I thought highly of during my #CCU tenure. Jessica Hughes, a 25-year-old staffer, lost her life in a car accident earlier this week. Before she worked as a professional in Student Accounts, I knew her as a student. She served on my #CCUSocialMedia Student Advisory Council, worked as an intern in University Marketing and Communications, and even allowed me to feature her for multiple social campaigns. She was filled with humility and faith, an authentic kind soul who always gave me way more respect than I deserved. Last time I talked to Jessica was when we sat by each other at a funeral shortly before I moved. True to her nature, she was there supporting a friend who had lost a loved one. Please pray for Jessica and her family.

Jessica Hughes will be missed. The top right photo was from when I featured her for #CCUfamily and the bottom photo is our #CCUfamily Advisory Student Group of which she was part of.

Parenting Hacks from 2017 – It can be tough for new moms and dads to navigate the parenting waters. On this date three years ago, I provided 10 hacks for keeping your baby happy based on my limited experience with Sloan. This morning I looked back on that blog post and was reminded of some good tips I can use with Beau. If you happen to be a new parent, feel free to take it or leave it.

In August 2017, I provided my best baby hacks.

Blue Moon Price Gouging – My preference for Blue Moon has been documented in this blog before. Since $1 Blue Moon Pint Thursdays at a popular bar in college, I have always preferred the beverage when ordering the occasional beer at a restaurant. But gee wiz, the price is going up! I took this photo while stopped at a traffic light over the weekend. This particular bar (which will remain nameless) was promoting a glass of Blue Moon for $6 like it was a good deal. Excuse me? I like the beer a lot, but not that much. If the tendency for COVID-19 to spread in bars wasn’t enough of a factor to keep me away, these prices certainly are.

So…ummm…is this supposed to be a deal?


Thank you for joining me for another Thursday evening. Enjoy your final August weekend and we will catch up again next week. Until then, please continue to pray for end of the coronavirus. Don’t Blink.

My SiriusXM Radio Favs

Last week I teased it and tonight I am writing about it. I feel so spoiled because when we bought our new car it came with a free trial to SiriusXM Radio. Dude, I absolutely love it. Since having a driver’s license, I have been at the mercy of a weak FM/AM selection with five preset stations on each side of the dial. Commercials, bad DJs, and static dominated my listening experience. Well, times have changed…for a few months at least.

To enjoy the variety and consistency of satellite radio is a luxury that I am trying my best not to take for granted. My thought is that by writing a blog post it will keep me from doing so. In no particular order, here are the five channels I listen to the most on SiriusXM Radio.

Sirius Radio is awesome.

SiriusXM Hits 1 (Channel 2) – This is my jam. I stay somewhat current in the music world by listening to this top 40 station without the gimmicks, morning shows, and constant ads of its FM counterpart. As its name suggests, this one is all about the hits and I never have to worry about falling out of touch with what the latest Taylor Swift single is.

KIDZ BOP (Channel 77) – Sure, I am a little embarrassed to admit this but I spend a decent amount of time listening to KIDZ BOP. Sidney thinks it is annoying but I beg to differ. You know how when you go to church and a children’s choir is performing? It sounds beautiful and pure, right? I get the same vibe with KIDZ BOP, especially when outrageously clean lyrics are substituted for the ones not suitable for a 9-year-old (I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% that kid).

No Shoes Radio (Channel 57) – Out of the handful of country stations to listen to on SiriusXM, you probably aren’t surprised that I opt for the one that belongs to Mr. Don’t Blink himself, Kenny Chesney. Not only do you get a heavy dose of my favorite country artist’s greatest hits, you are treated to country classics and mainstream tunes too. It is a win-win-win.

ESPN Radio (Channel 80) – For the last three or so years I was in Myrtle Beach, the area did not have an ESPN Radio affiliate. During that time, I listened to Amy Lawrence’s show on CBS which was decent. But I am now making up for lost time by listening to ESPN Radio in crystal clear clarity. For a guy like me, there is nothing better than good sports talk.

EWTN Radio (Channel 130) – I don’t think I feel more at peace than driving home from the gym in the morning and listening to daily mass on the Eternal Word Television Network. Especially since we cut the cord on cable, it is nice to still have a lot of EWTN’s programming available to me via the radio.


It is going to be a really tough decision on what to do when our trial runs out. But until then, I am going to try and just enjoy satellite radio while we have it. Don’t Blink.

The Elk Public House

If you ever have the chance to eat at a restaurant that was profiled on Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, why not give it a try, right? This past weekend, we took advantage of an opportunity.

My parents were gracious enough to not just host Sloan and Beau for a “sleepover” but my sister’s two youngest children, Mikayla and Johnny, as well. With the kids safe and sound under the watchful eyes of their grandparents, we went out on a double date with Miranda and her husband, Jay.

We found ourselves at Elk Public House, a pub-style establishment in Spokane’s beautiful and historic Browne’s Addition. The restaurant and its famous Reuben sandwich took center stage during a Diner’s, Drive-Ins and Dives segment in 2010. Although I think it could pass as either a diner or a dive, I am thinking that it is probably the latter—albeit a very cultured one.

Sidney and I at the Elk Public House in Browne’s Addition.

Let me tell you, this place has charm…and plenty of social distancing. We were able to sit outside away from others on an absolutely gorgeous Spokane evening. Sidney and I had lively and intimate conversation with my sister and brother-in-law in a unique and safe atmosphere. It was perfect.

My sister, Miranda, and my brother-in-law, Jay,

And it was also delicious.

Sidney and Miranda on Saturday night.

Let me show you a few of the things we ordered. My sister ordered something called the Swimming Angel—a chicken breast served over rice and topped with spicy peanut sauce and complemented with sweet and sour cucumber salad. A huge fan of Thai food, I almost chose that dish as well. However, I was after something else on this particular night…

My sister ordered the Swimming Angel at the Elk Public House.

I ordered the wet burrito. Yes, I know it doesn’t exactly look like a burrito but that is because it tastes even better. This thing was stuffed with pulled chicken, rice, beans, and cheese. When I ordered it, our server noted that the restaurant used its famous dirty rice in the burrito and thus had peas and carrots in it. She admitted that this was off putting to some customers. “Did you still want it?” she asked. I want it even more, I replied.

This burrito at the Elk Public House was AH-Mazing.

Sidney opted for the Jagerschnitzel, a breaded pork loin dish. The cutlets were pan-fried and topped with a gravy and served with the freshest golden potatoes you could ever imagine.

Sidney ordered the Jagerschnitzel

My apologies for not shoving my phone in my brother-in-law’s meal but he got the Cajun cavatppai, a creamy fettuccini dish with sausage, onions, mushrooms, peppers, and lots of garlic. If you are following along closely, you are probably looking at our entrees thinking….Thai. Mexican. German. Italian. If you are looking for a place with many culinary influences, the Elk Public House is calling your name.

Despite our dinner choice being a complete gem, we could have went to McDonalds and still had a great time with Miranda and Jay. Sidney and I are thankful for strong relationships with my siblings and their significant others. To be able to do so much with them since moving here has been a blessing. Don’t Blink.

Radio Thursday Rundown

I can’t believe another Thursday is already here. August seems to be flying by. But enough small talk, let’s get started with the latest Rundown…

Headphone Switch – A little more than a year ago, I wrote about Sid making a purchase at the Fort Lauderdale airport for Sloan. My wife bought her Minnie Mouse headphones so she could watch her tablet without the bothering the heck out of us. Let me tell you, she wore out two different pairs of those suckers. Well, Sloan’s tastes have evolved over the past 14 months so when it came time to get her a new pair, we went for the “Trolls”-themed product at Target. Modeled after Sloan’s personal hero, Poppy, she had no issue making the transition.

Sloan with her Minnie Mouse headphones in June 2019 and then with her brand new Poppy headphones in August 2020.

Dog Bite Increase – I am interested in the different effects caused by the pandemic that most people wouldn’t think about. For example, did you know that dog bites have increased threefold since stay-at-home orders were enacted? The basic conclusion of the study blames stress for the increase—both from a general household sense and from that of the dog. The combination of COVID-19 uncertainty and the family pet now sharing his domain 24/7 with the little ones has led to dogs lashing out with their teeth.

Dog bites have increased during the pandemic.

Friday Night Park – Multiple times this summer, our family has concluded the work week with a park picnic. We will order sandwiches at a different local restaurant and head to a large green space to enjoy the summer air. Sloan will run wild on the playground and Beau will roll around on the playground while Sid and I might throw the frisbee around. It is always a highlight of the week.

Beau and Sloan hanging out at Edgecliff Park this past Friday.

Looking Back and Ahead to the Eclipse – This Saturday will mark the three-year anniversary of the Great American Eclipse. The event brought a very memorable conclusion to the summer of 2017 as it united our country. I count the Great American Eclipse as one of my top moments at CCU as I fondly remember spending the day in a tiny South Carolina town as I experienced totality with some colleagues. However, I am also bringing this up because another solar eclipse will cross the United States in April 2024. If you live in one of the 13 states that will be in the line of totality, you might want to purchase your glasses now.

Experiencing totality was an incredible moment

Radio – Today is National Radio Day and I am celebrating this year because I have discovered the luxury called SiriusXM Satellite Radio. When we bought our new car it came with a subscription to Sirius and it has to be the best thing ever. I have dealt with bad FM stations, awful reception, and endless commercials for a long time now so to get something as crisp and diverse as Sirius has been awesome. One of these days I will have to countdown some of my favorite channels because I am sure you will get a kick out of them but until then I just want it to be known I finally like radio again.

Sirius Radio is awesome.


That will wrap things up for tonight. Whether you are cheering on a professional sports team, watching a political convention, or just laying low I wish you a splendid evening. Let us continue to pray for an end to the Coronavirus. Don’t Blink.

My First Cup of Coffee

I am literally shaking right now.

My blood is racing.

I am on edge.


But please don’t worry about me, I just had my first cup of coffee.

On Monday, Sid made me my first cup of coffee.

For the sake of adventure, I asked Sidney to make me one of her white chocolate mochas she has taken the summer to perfect. Believe me, I didn’t make the request lightly. For all my adult years, I have proudly spouted off to others that I have never drank a cup of coffee in my life. It was a badge of honor that I held tight. Well, I traded it in today.

I think I caved for a variety of reasons. It was a Monday and I kind of wanted a pick-me-up to begin the week. It has also been a summer of coffee stands. I have toured this city with Sidney as she tried out the java huts around every corner with the strong but pleasant aromas tempting me. Then of course I have had my wife-turned-barista mixing her own coffee concoctions right under my nose. Something had to give.

Using her extra-caffeinated blend, whole milk, caramel syrup, and white chocolate she made me a drink that wasn’t just a quick introduction to the world of coffee but a loud, stimulating HELLO. I admit it, the drink was good. The icy, refreshing brew sure tasted a lot different than the sips of my dad’s piping hot, bitter “cups of Joe” that I remember tasting as a youngster.

But it wasn’t so much the taste that I will remember. Rather, it was the buzz or the caffeine high or whatever you want to call it that I felt (and am still feeling). To be honest, I don’t know if I really liked it. It felt different than the energy drink or lotus beverage that I might consume every two weeks. I felt a little more tingly, a little more irritated. It wasn’t completely unpleasant and I did feel focused, but I don’t think it is a feeling I want to experience every day.

If you could get drunk off coffee, I would be done after one drink. I thought I built a small tolerance from my energy drinks but those might be beer compared to coffee’s liquor. Seriously, who still feels jittery at 10 p.m. after drinking a cup of coffee at 8 a.m.? Oh no, I won’t be hungover tomorrow, will I?

Don’t think I need a punch card to an espresso stand anytime soon. The coffee experiment was fun for a day but I don’t think I will have Sidney mix me up anything tomorrow. However, I guess it is nice to know that if I am ever dragging, I know I can call down the stairs for an emergency boost. Don’t Blink.

Costco Muffins

I have written a lot about my breakfast preferences in the past. Whether it be donuts, pancakes, or cereal, I have detailed my favorite unhealthy options for the most important meal of the day. But what if I told you that there is another breakfast item I prefer even more?

I gave a little hint more than six years ago. In a blog post I titled “The Top Five Things I Buy at Coscto,” I listed muffins right at the top of the list. Well, the cat is out of the bag, there you have it folks—I am obsessed with Costco’s bakery muffins.

Me holding a pack of Costco muffins in 2014.

From a very young age, I remember the special occasions when my parents would bring Costco muffins home. Perhaps we were hosting relatives for the Thanksgiving weekend or it was winter break and they wanted to be sure that there was something satisfying and fun to choose from. Whatever the reason, I couldn’t contain my excitement. At the time, the muffins seemed bigger than my head and tasted much better than the oatmeal I otherwise would have consumed.

Fresh, sweet, filling, and—like I have already said—HUGE, there was nothing not to like. Back in those early days, my parents would bring home a variety pack of chocolate, poppy seed, and blueberry. I loved them all. Also during those younger days I learned a unique way to eat them. My dad would take a Costco muffin, cut perpendicular slits in the middle, drop butter in it, microwave it for a minute, and eat it with a fork as the melted butter oozed out. Even though it was an approach that I never adopted, it was definitely memorable.

I saw Costco muffins in many different contexts outside of the house growing up. People would bring them to potlucks. Before Krispy Kreme infiltrated Spokane, Costco muffins were the sweet breakfast treat sold at little league concession stands and roadside rest stops. When we went camping, someone always had them. Of course, this was all for good reason.

Once I left the house, my Costco muffin consumption slowed down a bit. But if my parents ever came and visited me, they would take me to Costco to stock up on various items and you better believe I threw muffins in the cart.

By the time I settled down with Sidney, I knew we were compatible because she liked Costco muffins too and we could enjoy them together. That’s another thing, it doesn’t matter where you live, if there is a Costco, the muffins will taste delicious. Washington, Montana, and then South Carolina—I have never purchased a bad package of Costco muffins in my life.

Sidney isn’t the only girl in my life who loves Costco muffins…Sloan does too! We are holding my personal favorite flavor, chocolate.

And now we are back where my taste for this breakfast item developed. In our home in the Spokane Valley we have a freezer full of Costco muffins. As I mentioned, my approach differs from the one my dad perfected years ago. I will take one out of the freezer, throw it in the microwave for 20 seconds to unthaw it just a little, and then eat it relatively cold. No fork needed here. Because of health and novelty reasons, I limit myself to enjoying Costco muffins just on the weekends. I can’t say the same for my daughter. Sloan LOVES Costco muffins the same way that her parents do. Even though she might demand a whole muffin and only eat two bites of it, I know the passion is there.

One closing example of how much I love this Costco delight. On our anniversary this year, we didn’t have any muffins at home. My wife slipped out and went to her favorite espresso stand that just happens to sell Costco muffins. She purchased a chocolate one and brought it home to me. BEST. ANNIVERSAY. PRESENT. EVER.

Well, only five more days until I can sink my teeth into another Costco muffin. Until then, feel free to tell me about any experiences you have had with this breakfast delicacy. Hope you had a good Monday! Don’t Blink.

Bambi Thursday Rundown

Greetings to everyone! We are in the true dog days of summer and I hope this blog post finds you well. It is time for the latest Thursday Rundown. Here we go with five random topics…

Bambis – In tonight’s edition of In The Wild with Brent, we go from a porcupine to deer. This is literally my backyard as we have become a refuge for wildlife. These two baby deer were munching on plants last night under the watchful eye of their mother. Now the bambis are cute as buttons but it is unfortunately a sad case for the mom. She has a large tumor on her eye and her ribs are showing. Despite being very sick, she is doing all she can to care for her young.

You can see the two baby deer along with the diseased mom. I feel really bad for her.

Thanks, Amazon – My wife has been trying to replicate the white chocolate mochas she orders from the various espresso stands in our area. When doing research, she came across a three pound can of chocolate powder on Amazon. She had no intention of buying it but Sloan did. After Sid was done browsing, she gave her phone to Sloan so she could watch videos. Well, she did more than watch YouTube. Our daughter did some shopping and somehow ordered the oversized can of chocolate. Funniest of all, the package was shipped to my mother-in-law’s house. Needless to say, Sid’s mom was a little confused when a heavy package arrived for Sid. We sorted everything out and went through the return process. Yesterday, Amazon emailed my wife and told her that she had been refunded for the purchase…and that she could keep the product. Because of Covid, the company can’t accept returns on some items. My mother-in-law is now sending the can directly to us instead of Amazon headquarters.

We were refunded for an item we accidentally bought and told to keep it!

International Lefthanders Day – Special shoutout to my creative and eccentric lefty friends! Today is your day and I definitely think it is warranted. You live in a right-handed world and deal with multiple daily inconveniences. In recent years I have become more aware of these annoyances and actually wrote a whole blog post on the topic. I do believe that lefties think differently (in a good way!) than us right-handed folk and I just want to say that I appreciate you!

No, I am not left handed. But I sympathize with those who are.

Memory Lane – It was four years ago this week that Sidney surprised me with the news that she was pregnant with Sloan. I did not see it coming! Exactly two years ago today, I wrote about how she told me. With Beau it was the opposite. We had a pretty good idea that Sid was pregnant so she took the test in my presence and we found out the good news together.

Sidney told me the good news with this photo.

Zingo – For my readers with young children, I have another game recommendation after last week’s Candy Land endorsement. Zingo is a toddler-optimized version of Bingo. You receive a card with objects on it that you have to try to blackout with tiles. You put a tile over an object when it is dispensed in a contraption called a Zinger. When it is your turn, you cock the Zinger and it spits out two cards with objects on them. If either card corresponds to an object on your card, you cover it up. It is basically a visual twist on Bingo and Sloan loves it.

Sloan playing Zingo last Friday.


Enjoy your Friday and the ensuing weekend, folks. As I have said at the end of my Rundowns over the past five months, let’s continue to pray for an end to the coronavirus. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Don’t Blink.

The Joys of Working from Home

This morning, I had a moment of complete gratitude. It hit me how lucky I have been to stay at home with my family during the workday. Please know that I would trade anything to end this awful pandemic and cease the suffering of so many, but I also don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing to appreciate some of the outcomes that have transpired due to social distancing measures.

I don’t think the opportunity to work from home could have come at a better time for my family. As they continue their cross-country transition, we are thankful that I can have a 24/7 presence in the house to offer stability and support. Although I am obviously tied up from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., I know the comfort of having me upstairs is a very welcome feeling to Sid, Sloan, and Beau.

But I think the arrangement might boost my psyche even more than it does theirs. To spend time with my children all the way up until I report to my upstairs closet office in the morning is a blessing. Not going to lie, it is stressful getting them ready for the day and then hauling them off to daycare before making my own commute. With that out of the equation, I can really enjoy the time I have with them, which leads to me reporting to the job in a happy and refreshed mood.

Never before have I looked more forward to the lunch hour. Forget about eating a sandwich alone at my desk. I now get to join my wife for leftovers or something else that doesn’t consist of peanut butter and bread. Sometimes we will eat outside on our back deck and watch Sloan play. Other times we will turn on the news or Netflix and eat on the couch. What a nice and healthy way to break up the day. 

Last week, Sid and I ate out on the back deck and watched Sloan run through the sprinklers during the lunch hour.

Then comes quitting time. Walking down the stairs to begin the evening with my wife and kids is so much better than jumping in a car and battling traffic. I also don’t feel stressed when it comes to wrapping up tasks at the end of the day because the pressure of battling the clock to leave the office on time just isn’t there.

Best of all, I like the brief moments of interaction I get to have with my family while I am holed up in my home office. Sloan will sometimes bust in with a huge grin on her face. Sid will bring Beau by on a daily basis so he can say “hi” to me. These little things propel me forward and brighten my day.

Working from the comfort of your own home has plenty of advantages, both from family and productivity perspectives. One day I might write about the latter, but tonight it is about the one that matters the most. I am trying to embrace and appreciate this arrangement as much as possible because I know it is a luxury that many of us will only enjoy for a very short time in our careers. Don’t Blink.

The Green Giant

When Sidney and I took Sloan and Beau to Walla Walla this past weekend, I was just as excited for the time we would spend in the car as the memories we would make once in town. You see, sometimes the journey is just as satisfying as the destination.

As a youngster, I loved making the trip from Spokane to Walla Walla to see my grandparents and relatives. With anticipation sky high, we would zip through the curvy roads lined with wheat fields and livestock. Quirky towns, a coveted drive-in with delicious milkshakes, incredible colors, and competitive games of travel Bingo made these family drives special. But there was always one thing that especially stood out.

About 120 miles into the 160-mile-drive is an all-American small town called Dayton. Once you blink you are already on the outskirts of town but that is fine because that is where he is. Look out your right window and glance up at the hill…

The Green Giant lives on a hill right outside Dayton. I took this photo this past weekend.

Did you know the Jolly Green Giant lives in southeastern Washington? Well, his likeness does at least. It gave my siblings and I the greatest joy to see the outline of this mythical creature depicted on the hill. I am talking an almost concerning amount of joy. “Green Giant! Green Giant!” we would chant as we drove by. Distracted or asleep when our vehicle exited Dayton for the next sleepy town? We might be in tears by the time we reached grandma’s house.

As you can imagine, I was excited for Sloan to get her first glimpse of the Green Giant. Little did I know that my expectations would be exceeded. As we passed by, Sidney asked about the green cutout that was on the roadside. Um, what cutout? I was so fixated at the outline on the hill that I didn’t notice what she was talking about. You better believe we made a sharp U-turn.

There is now a Green Giant Replica by the 300-foot real deal.

Much to my surprise and glee, the Jolly Green Giant is now a bonafide roadside attraction. I flung out of the car and approached the exhibit. Right in the middle was a mini replica of the giant himself. Pinch me please.

An exhibit now adds context to the Green Giant outline.

To my left was a display that detailed how the Jolly Green Giant outline came to be. In 1993, local volunteers brought to life the 300-foot-tall legend by maneuvering painted paving blocks. Although successful at completing the outline, work on the vest had to cease because of landslide concerns. Yes, his toga is definitely lacking a bit.

I learned all about how the Green Giant was constructed.

On the right was a 70-year synopsis of the Green Giant Cannery. Oh wait, did I miss that part? The reason why a seemingly random outline of the Jolly Green Giant exists outside of Dayton, Washington, is because a fully functioning cannery once sustained a major part of the town’s economy. From 1934 through 2005, a plant or cannery of some sort thrived in the area. Although different companies controlled operations over the years, with the last one being the Seneca Company, the Green Giant has remained.

And let me tell you, I am glad it has. The Green Giant has always added some extra personality to an already charming drive and I am pleased to see that there is now some historical context in place. Don’t Blink.