Last week I teased it and tonight I am writing about it. I feel so spoiled because when we bought our new car it came with a free trial to SiriusXM Radio. Dude, I absolutely love it. Since having a driver’s license, I have been at the mercy of a weak FM/AM selection with five preset stations on each side of the dial. Commercials, bad DJs, and static dominated my listening experience. Well, times have changed…for a few months at least.
To enjoy the variety and consistency of satellite radio is a luxury that I am trying my best not to take for granted. My thought is that by writing a blog post it will keep me from doing so. In no particular order, here are the five channels I listen to the most on SiriusXM Radio.

Sirius Radio is awesome.
SiriusXM Hits 1 (Channel 2) – This is my jam. I stay somewhat current in the music world by listening to this top 40 station without the gimmicks, morning shows, and constant ads of its FM counterpart. As its name suggests, this one is all about the hits and I never have to worry about falling out of touch with what the latest Taylor Swift single is.
KIDZ BOP (Channel 77) – Sure, I am a little embarrassed to admit this but I spend a decent amount of time listening to KIDZ BOP. Sidney thinks it is annoying but I beg to differ. You know how when you go to church and a children’s choir is performing? It sounds beautiful and pure, right? I get the same vibe with KIDZ BOP, especially when outrageously clean lyrics are substituted for the ones not suitable for a 9-year-old (I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% that kid).
No Shoes Radio (Channel 57) – Out of the handful of country stations to listen to on SiriusXM, you probably aren’t surprised that I opt for the one that belongs to Mr. Don’t Blink himself, Kenny Chesney. Not only do you get a heavy dose of my favorite country artist’s greatest hits, you are treated to country classics and mainstream tunes too. It is a win-win-win.
ESPN Radio (Channel 80) – For the last three or so years I was in Myrtle Beach, the area did not have an ESPN Radio affiliate. During that time, I listened to Amy Lawrence’s show on CBS which was decent. But I am now making up for lost time by listening to ESPN Radio in crystal clear clarity. For a guy like me, there is nothing better than good sports talk.
EWTN Radio (Channel 130) – I don’t think I feel more at peace than driving home from the gym in the morning and listening to daily mass on the Eternal Word Television Network. Especially since we cut the cord on cable, it is nice to still have a lot of EWTN’s programming available to me via the radio.
It is going to be a really tough decision on what to do when our trial runs out. But until then, I am going to try and just enjoy satellite radio while we have it. Don’t Blink.
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