Good evening to all my valued readers. I hope you all enjoyed a great month. How about we send out March with a Thursday Rundown?
Fair Warning – As just mentioned, March is about to end. That means that tomorrow is April 1. Forgive me for making a PSA out of this blog post, but be on guard to not fall for any April Fools’ jokes tomorrow. Especially be vigilant for dumb gags on social media. Make it a point to anticipate all of the pregnancy and moving across the country stories now so you don’t get burned tomorrow.
Love You Forever – As with millions of other families, the “Love You Forever” book has a special place in the hearts of the Resers. My mom would always read the book to us and softly cry. Today my sister sent me this link to a blog post about the book. It was an interesting read and I have two quick comments regarding it. First off, I never even knew that the “helicopter mom” reputation existed for the book until this afternoon. To be honest, even as a critical thinker, I have a tough time understanding that theory. Secondly, it was neat to hear the author sing the song. I was hoping it would sound like how my mom sings it but it was waaaaaaaay different. Thinking about “Love You Forever” was a nice walk down Memory Lane.

Talk about one special book.
London Has Fallen – On Easter Sunday, Sidney and I went with her parents to the movies. We decided on “London Has Fallen.” If you ever read reviews, you might know that critics despised this film. They absolutely trashed it. However, I enjoyed it. In fact, I would say it was the best movie I have seen in the theaters for at least a couple months. It was action-packed from start to finish and I got a real kick out of Gerard Butler. Also, how bad can a movie be if Morgan Freeman is in it? I 100% recommend “London Has Fallen.”

My ticket to “London Has Fallen.” I enjoyed the film.
The Start of the Carty Crusade – On this date in 2015, I wrote my first blog post on Sean Carty. Targeted by a group of parents, he was stripped of his football head coaching duties at Mead High School. However, the truth would come to light. With Carty fighting, I kept writing. Because of Sean’s strong will and the backing of the community, he was fully re-instated as head coach a couple months later. With so many people working hard to make sure the right thing happened, I wanted to assist too. I tried to contribute in my small way by telling the story through this blog.

Me standing with Sean Carty a couple years ago in MIssoula.
Wedding Update #26 – A couple items to report on for this update. First, Sidney went to Charleston yesterday to get her bridal portraits done. At her parents’ house there is a large framed photo of Sid’s oldest sister in her wedding gown. Pretty soon there will be one of Sidney too. Secondly, as a wedding gift my parents are paying for Sidney and I to spend our wedding night in a Myrtle Beach hotel of our choice. After some research and after determining which venues actually have vacancy (Myrtle Beach is a tourist destination after all), we have narrowed it down to two choices. A decision is expected by the end of the night.

Our latest countdown until our big day. In less than six hours we will be at the 70-day mark.
I look forward to seeing you all in April. Have a great weekend and don’t make a fool out of yourself tomorrow. Don’t Blink.