Ancestry Thursday Rundown

And just like that, March will soon give way to April. But on this April Fools’ Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve, let’s reflect on some random topics…

Sloan’s Cake – You all know the drill, when our family celebrates a birthday, I always showoff the cake in the following Thursday Rundown. Sloan specifically requested a cake that was teal and pink so we made it happen. We trusted the skilled and talented bakers at Rosauers to turn Sloan’s wish into reality.

Rosauers baked and decorated Sloan’s 8th birthday cake.

Pope Francis Recovery – Thanks be to God, Pope Francis has been released from the hospital. Over the past couple days, details have emerged regarding how close he was to death. With these reports, there is no doubt in my mind that God still wants Pope Francis on this earth to preside over the Church. I admire the Pope’s medical team and the faithful who feverishly prayed for him.

It is important that we continue to pray for Pope Francis.

Flipside – Did you ever play Bop-It when you were a kid? We had one that we played over and over. For Sloan’s birthday, she received a gift from one of her friends that reminded me of Bop-It. Called Flipside, the object is to match the colored blocks to the lights. It has caught on like wildfire in my family. Sloan, Beau, and even Sid can’t get enough of it. In fact, Sloan is so smitten with the game that she has played it on the car ride to school this whole week. Overall, I am happy for the kids to have a handheld they can engage with that isn’t a smart device.

Sloan playing Flipside in bed.

National Scrabble Day – I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to mark National Scrabble Day. Scrabble was my family’s favorite game growing up as we played many intense, competitive rounds. When we moved back to Spokane five years ago, I was delighted to dust off the board and play a game with everyone for old times’ sake. Another fond memory I have of Scrabble is from the sixth grade. My teacher, Mr. Jared Hoadley, took our class to a neighboring rival elementary school to play its sixth grade class in a Scrabble tournament. We might have mobile apps like Words With Friends and Wordle, but the ultimate word game will always be Scrabble!

A look at our Scrabble board from my homecoming game five years ago.

23andMe Tough Times – An item in the news cycle this week is the bankruptcy of personal genomics giant 23andMe. The industry has fallen on tough times and it has specifically impacted 23andMe in a negative way. I find it a shame because these companies truly provide fascinating and accurate information. Nearly seven years ago I opted for the competition and submitted my sample to AncestryDNA. I learned a lot about my heritage. The test was actually a birthday gift from my mom who spent $99 on it. Let me tell you, it has been a gift that continues to give. To this day, I still receive emails notifying me about new matches when relatives (both near and distant) submit their own tests. My wife took a 23andMe test in 2019.

My Ancestry DNA test confirmed a lot of what I already knew about my heritage.


Thanks for your time this evening. Enjoy your last weekend in March and we will be in touch next week. Don’t Blink.

Like Vs. Love

Earlier this Lent, I attended daily mass presided by my diocese’s bishop. On this particular day, the gospel reading was Matthew 5:43-48. This is the passage where Jesus teaches to love thy enemies (But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you).

Our Young Adult Catholic group surrounds Catholic Diocese of Spokane Bishop Thomas Daly (center, with hands in pockets). He preached a “like vs. love” homily on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at St. Thomas More in north Spokane.

Bishop Thomas Daly followed with an interesting homily. He advised those of us in attendance that we didn’t need to like everyone, but we did need to love everyone. Bishop Daly mentioned there were certain people long ago who made his job as president of a Catholic high school quite difficult. These individuals put Bishop Daly through the ringer and made him question their motivations for working in a Catholic school. As you can imagine, these people wouldn’t have been the easiest folks to like.

However, just because you don’t prefer to spend every moment of your free time around certain people doesn’t mean you ought not to love them.

And this is where Bishop Daly dropped the differentiator and defined what “love” means in the context that Jesus preached it. In its simplest terms, “to love” your brothers and sisters in Christ is to hope the best for them. It means, just like Jesus said, that you pray for them. You don’t wish ill will, you don’t secretly hope for their failure. Despite how difficult it might be to get along with someone, you still need to be a positive advocate for their general welfare and pray that they might have a close relationship with Christ.

As we mark the three-week mark of Lent today, it is important to love all, especially those who make it hard to do so. Don’t Blink.

It’s All About the Benjamins

Because I was a U.S. president-obsessed nerdy child, my geeky interest naturally translated to American currency as well. Presidents were on money so what wasn’t there to like? Oh yeah, the very practical use of money wasn’t lost on me either.

Thus, you probably aren’t surprised that I took a big interest to updates in currency. Introduction of state quarters, new faces on dollar coins, and anything dealing with $2 bills all caught my attention. Something else also greatly intrigued me…

On this date 29 years ago, the new $100 bills were made available to the American public. Not tweaked since the 1920s, the fresh notes that entered circulation on March 25, 1996, packed major change. The one-dimensional “Benjamin” received a major facelift as the portrait of the bill became much more detailed and larger. In 2013, Ben Franklin would outgrow his oval-shaped frame altogether, but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves—I am just focused on the 1996 changes today.

Sloan holding one of the most current $100 bills.

Besides the portrait upgrade, the signature feature of the new bill was the prominent security feature—the watermark! Applied so retailers could hold it up to the light to view for authenticity, that was the very first thing my 10-year-old-self did when I first got my hands on a new $100 bill.

Checking for the watermark is also the first thing my 8-year-old does if she ever comes into contact with a $100 bill.

Which probably makes you wonder, how did I in fact find myself in possession of a C-note? Well, my grandpa never owned a debit card or credit card in his life. To put in Randy Moss terms, he was straight cash, homie. Because of this, he always had cash in his wallet…including big bills. My siblings and I thought he was a millionaire because he always had $100 bills in his wallet. Not only did he have them, but he also generously dispersed them. My first new $100 bill came from my grandpa and I treasured it…

…until my mom took it from me and put it in the bank. 😂

It took more than 70 years for the $100 bill to be tweaked in 1996 but it only took less than 20 years for additional changes in 2013. In addition to even more prominence of Benjamin Franklin’s likeness on the bill, a mix of different colors were splattered across it. But again, that’s not the topic of today.

Are you old enough to remember when the new $100 bill debuted in 1996? Does your supermarket checker still make you feel like a thief by taking 30 seconds to closely inspect the $100 bill you hoped to pay your groceries with? Or, like me, do you just wish you had more of them (old version, 1996 version, or 2013 version be damned)? Don’t Blink.

Sloan’s Spa-Themed 8th Birthday Party

Watch a quick video of Sloan’s spa-themed birthday party

For Sloan’s 8th birthday party, Sidney pitched a unique idea.

“How about a spa party, Sloan?”

The entrance to Sloan’s spa-themed birthday party.

It didn’t take any convincing past the initial question. Sloan was all-in for the spa concept and Sid went right to work planning it.

Sloan’s 8th birthday party crew.

Sid planned several different “services” to provide a true spa experience. But before any of that took place, the girls needed some spa snacks.

Charlotte, Mikayla, and Aminah getting some spa snacks.

After everyone had their fill of muffins, fruit, veggies, and lemonade, “Sloan’s Spa” was open for business. First up? Facials…

Facial time!

Following the facial experience was a good foot scrub…

Who doesn’t like a good foot scrub?

Once everyone’s faces and feet were feeling rejuvenated, it was time for perhaps the most popular spa service: pedicures! Sidney and her friend, Megan, gave each girl the VIP experience…

Sloan and Allie getting their pedicures while sipping on their drinks.

Part of that VIP treatment also entailed a special drink to sip while they had their toes done. We filled fancy drink glasses (from the Dollar Tree) with punch poured over a small scoop of rainbow sherbet…

These delicious spa drinks were made by pouring punch over rainbow sherbet.

Probably the most challenging part of the spa day took place next. Sloan and her friends made bath bombs. For some, the materials formed easily into a ball; for others, not so much…

These girls all had good luck with their bath bombs.

After all the pampering, it was time to do a traditional birthday activity—PRESENTS…

Sloan reading a card that came with a present.

And after presents, the girls returned to the table for the best part of any birthday party…

Sloan blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.

I didn’t realize all the stops Sid pulled for Sloan’s birthday party. I knew there would be a few stations, but she truly went all-out with the supplies, drinks, and overall spa treatment she gave each girl. After last year’s Taylor Swift party, I didn’t know how Sid would top that…but she found a way.

Sid threw a great party and it was so nice hosting these girls.

To see Sloan’s appreciation for her mom’s effort at the end of the day was heartwarming and genuine. She thanked Sid and recognized the time she put forth to pull it off. Truly, it was worth it. Don’t Blink.

50 Shades of Green Thursday Rundown

It is March 20 today and that means one thing: We are exactly one month away from Easter. It also means that in 2025 this date falls on a Thursday so let’s get started with the latest rundown…

Make It Nine – Every year near Sloan’s birthday, I create the first ever photo we took together. On March 17, 2017, I posed with in my green polo as I swaddled my baby girl. Although I can no longer swaddle Sloan, I can still throw on my same green polo and we can still pose in a way that honors the spirit of the original photo.

Sloan and I pose for the same photo every year. My green polo is still holding up!

50 Shades of Green – I shared this photo on Instagram and thought it deserved the Don’t Blink treatment as well. The different shades of green make this a spectacularly hideous image in terms of colors clashing but that also gives it some charm…a lucky Irish charm.

Green, anyone? ☘️

Leprechaun Trap – She makes one every year, with each new one getting more elaborate, but somehow the leprechaun always seems to get away. This is the leprechaun trap Sloan made on St. Patrick’s Day Eve. She put a lot of work into it, but alas, the leprechaun managed to escape once again.

Sloan had a lot of fun making her leprechaun trap.

Throwback – Is your bracket busted yet? Speaking of the NCAA Tournament, on this day 10 years ago I was in Omaha as part of the travel party for the Coastal Carolina University men’s basketball contingent. On this particular evening, I sat on the floor under the basket and shot photos as the #1-seeded Wisconsin Badgers defeated my #16-seeded Chanticleers. Even though it was a loss, the game was still fun. But even better was what transpired a few hours prior. I worked with the social media manager at Wisconsin to develop a back-and-forth between the two flagship Twitter accounts of both institutions. It went viral! Still a super cool career moment.

In 2015, I traveled with the Chanticleer men’s basketball team to the NCAA tournament.

2025 Hearts On Fire Men’s Conference – This past Saturday, I attended the Hearts On Fire Men’s Conference hosted by the Catholic Diocese of Spokane. Always held at St. Thomas More in north Spokane, I try to go every year. Curtis Martin, the founder of FOCUS Ministries, was the headlining speaker. A superstar in the U.S. Catholic world, it was really cool to listen to him in-person. He presented different talks based on the three stages of the evangelization model championed by FOCUS: Win – Build – Send. Besides Martin’s presence, it was a fruitful day that allowed those in attendance to attend mass, go to confession, pray the rosary as a big group, and worship at holy hour. What an event!

Curtis Martin of FOCUS Ministries speaks to the audience gathered at St. Thomas More in north Spokane for Hearts On Fire Men’s Conference.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. We will be hosting Sloan’s birthday party on Saturday so hopefully I will be able to tell you about it next week. Until then, as my dad always says, “be good.” Don’t Blink.

Soda And App Family

When Sidney and I give Engaged Encounter retreats, the first night we deliver a presentation titled “Understanding Myself.” The idea is that before an engaged couple can truly understand each other, they must be able to understand themselves as individuals. One way that we become the people we are today is through the families we grew up in.

In this particular presentation, Sidney and I dive into our respective families and describe how they shaped the individuals we are today. Although we address some major themes with our familial clans, we also touch on some granular, lighthearted topics—such as the beverages we drank growing up! Sid and I contrast the drinks at our dinner tables during our childhoods with my wife mentioning that each Mathis meal was served with your choice of a tall glass of Coke or a tall glass of sweet tea. In my household, we were given the choice of milk or water.

My family drank either water or milk growing up at the dinner table.

I give that backstory to explain a humorous TikTok video my sister sent Sid and me the other day. It showed a young woman (@laurenenslow) looking perplexed as she navigated the differing restaurant ordering preferences of her husband’s family. The TikTok explained that the woman grew up in a “water and no apps” family while her husband belongs to a “soda and apps” family.

This is one of the opening frames of TikTok user @laurenenslow’s video about “soda and app” families. After giving this perplexed look the video then shows a table with drinks and an appetizer with her significant other digging in.

We couldn’t help but laugh at the video because it explains Sid and me perfectly. Growing up in my family, eating at a restaurant was always a very special and fun experience but it didn’t mean we were guzzling soft drinks and eating potato skins. Much to the chagrin of my siblings and me, my parents would order us a round of waters. Appetizers? The only “starter” we were getting was if the restaurant offered free chips or bread.

Our family eating at Prospector’s, a delicious restaurant in North Spokane. Portions were so huge at this restaurant that appetizers were never needed.

In Sidney’s family, their restaurant table would be lined with glasses filled with different colored sodas, teas, and lemonades. Ordering an appetizer (or two) was always an option as well.

I have to give my parents credit, by the time we reached late high school/college, the embargo on drinks/apps was lifted. We were often free (and even encouraged) to order a soda or beer. I point to the opening of P.F. Chang’s in downtown Spokane as the shift. When our family started eating celebratory and holiday meals there, my mom and dad would order us the lettuce wraps.

My family loving life at P.F. Chang’s in November of 2011. You might notice that we have the lettuce wraps as an appetizer but us “kids” are all drinking waters.

So now that Sidney and I have our own family, you might be wondering if we are a “water and no apps” family or a “soda and apps” family. I would say that we are a “sometimes soda family and rarely apps family” 😂. Many of the restaurants we frequent include a soda with items ordered off the kid’s menu. When it comes to appetizers, ordering a Blooming Onion at Outback is a non-negotiable but other than that we try to refrain. As for me personally? I still order a glass of water more often than not.🚰 😉

Thought I would end this post of an instance where we splurged on drinks for the kids in an open air restaurant as they ordered Shirley Temples. Can I make a confession? Beau and Sloan actually paid for those drinks by themselves with the vacation allowance we gave them prior to departing Spokane 😂.

What “type” of a family are you? Don’t Blink.

The “Shattering” Of A Neighborhood

In August 2023, we moved into a brand new neighborhood. In fact, we were one of the first families to move in on the only street that was developed at the time. More than a year and a half later, our neighborhood has grown a lot and is nearing the 75% completion phase.

This is our new home by D.R. Horton.

It didn’t take that long after we settled in our house that a neighborhood Facebook group was launched. If you have ever had the “pleasure” of being part of such a virtual community, you know what comes with it: drama, drama, drama.

Our group is filled with constant posts about dog poop pick up, package theft, and property lines…you know, probably the same stuff that inundates your neighborhood page, right?

Sidney and I never post or engage with the page, but we do get our popcorn every now and then.

But one unique re-occurring issue our neighborhood tackles is amenity use. Our community boasts a basketball sport court and a really nice pickleball area with two courts. If you know anything about the insane popularity of the latter sport, it probably goes without saying that the pickleball courts are in high demand. And believe it or not, they are in such high demand that countless people who don’t live in our neighborhood like to use them.

Sloan usung our neighborhood’s pickleball court.

Unauthorized use by non-residents of the pickleball area and basketball court is by far the #1 hot topic issue of our Facebook group. Each day it seems like neighbors are trying to solve the problem. The solutions are pretty predictable and re-used by now: make our neighborhood a gated community, post signs, install fences around the courts, require people to sign up for usage, hire security to roam the areas, distribute access cards to community members only, etc.

Beau riding his trike on the basketball court.

Well, over the weekend, something happened that really caught the ire of our neighborhood and increased the urgency of pursuing one of the above options…

Our basketball hoop backboard was shattered on Saturday (photo courtesy of Elk Meadows resident).

How sad is that?! Our nice basketball hoop had its backboard shattered over the weekend. Of course, people jumped to the conclusion that “outsiders” are responsible for this unfortunate incident. Is there proof? Of course not. But it is always easier to blame someone, correct?

Okay, let me retract my sarcasm for this paragraph. Seeing the backboard shattered was jarring. I couldn’t imagine my childhood basketball hoop meeting the same fate. What happened was destructive and removes a really cool resource that our neighborhood offers. How do we proceed now?

I took this photo on Sunday. Better not try to bank it off the glass!

Sidney and I were both in the camp that the public playing on the basketball court didn’t bother us too much. Our opinion was that it is better for people to play on the court instead of engaging in other risky activities. Does this incident change our thinking? Again, we don’t know if non-residents are even to blame.

But perhaps there should be some layer of protection. We would move if a gate was installed at the entrance to our neighborhood (even when they aren’t broken they provide no deterrence). Not a big fan of private security either. From my vantage point, maybe some type of surveillance system would be the best route. If people know that cameras are watching, it will most likely keep them honest.

By later Sunday, the remaining glass—both still attached to the backboard and all the pieces on the ground—were removed.

Am I going to offer that suggestion on our neighborhood’s Facebook page? No sir! I don’t find that outlet to be very productive. But maybe I will find some other way to voice my opinion. Until then, I hope the backboard can be replaced. Don’t Blink.

Sloan: Great At 8

When I look back on Sloan’s stint as a 7-year-old, a seemingly minor memory sticks out. When we were vacationing in Leavenworth, our hotel offered movie nights. One particular evening, the featured presentation was “Charlotte’s Web.” Sloan sat on one of the couches and watched the whole thing while the rest of us did other activities in the family room.

As the credits started to roll, I looked at Sloan. Her eyes were filled with tears. When Sid and I asked her what was wrong, Sloan simply said she was sad and touched. Charlotte’s death and the birth of her offspring made Sloan feel some type of way. Our daughter has a heart, I thought.

Happy birthday to my 8-year-old daughter, Sloan! (photo courtesy of Nicole Lynn Photos)

Compassion and empathy are two qualities that developed within Sloan this past year. Whether it was the death of a fictional spider or the death of an actual schoolmate’s father, she seemed to understand the fleetingness of life and the emotions that accompany it.

Sloan learned a lot about compassion and empathy as a 7-year-old.

In addition to her emotional development, the past 365 days also came with a lot of fun and achievements. Coincidentally, our St. Patrick’s Day baby started and ended her term as a 7-year-old with T-Swift inspirations. She had a Taylor Swift-themed birthday party in March 2024 and won a Swiftie trivia contest in February 2025. In between those two events, she was a lector at mass and a skater at the roller rink. She played on a soccer team, performed in a talent show, and joined a huckleberry-picking group. She zipped down water slides and nourished butterflies. She attended her first baby shower, flew to South Carolina, and rode roller coasters. She signed up for a cheer camp, learned to yo-yo, and started preparing for the sacrament of reconciliation. She read 600 books, got behind the grill as a hibachi chef, and attended the father-daughter dance with her handsome date.

Sloan welcomed her cousin, Olivia, as a 7-year-old.

Sloan simply experienced and loved life as a 7-year-old.

This girl likes to be herself and have fun.

Now it is time to be great at 8. As long as she continues to live each day with joy, love God, and stay curious, she will be well on her way. If she manages to limit her dramatic tendencies and curb her temper—a couple of things that did surface occasionally this past year—she will surely reach that elusive greatness (or at least I hope).

Sloan sitting at her desk ready to start her first day of second grade.

Although watching Sloan get older is hard at times as a dad, I am excited to see what is in store for my daughter this year. I love you, Sloany Baloney! Don’t Blink.

Past Sloan Birthday Posts
Sloan turns 7
Sloan turns 6
Sloan turns 5
Sloan turns 4
Sloan turns 3
Sloan turns 2
Sloan turns 1

State Shirt Thursday Rundown

Happy Pi Day Eve! I hope as we reach the mid-point of March that your month is going well. At the very least, hopefully your favorite college basketball team is gearing up for a March Madness run. Let’s get started with tonight’s Thursday Rundown…

Birthday Frame – This past weekend, Beau attended the birthday party of one of his St. Mary classmates, Ellie. The unicorn-themed bash was held at Jump For Joy in the Spokane Valley and Beau had a lot of fun. One aspect I found cool was the homemade photo frame that Ellie’s mom made. After cake, she busted it out and helped each child post for their individual photo with Ellie. Needless to say, it looks like Beau has some growing to do.

Beau with his friend Ellie in her customized photo frame.

Old Maid – We have been playing Old Maid at our house. The game is easy to play and the kids enjoy it. I do wish the object of the game was more focused on winning as opposed to not losing, but I can look past that. The game has also been a learning lesson for Sloan and Beau on how to properly hold a hand of cards and to conceal them from others.

The kids have had fun playing Old Maid.

Beau’s Heart – Earlier this week, Beau brought this paper heart home. It represents the “pieces” of his heart. Even though someone obviously did the writing for him, the sentiments are 100% from Beau. Oh how he treasures staying at his grandparents and making smoothies with his papa and helping grandma make pancakes. I didn’t know about this project until Sid took a photo of it and sent my way. When I looked at it on my phone, it made my day.

With some help, Beau made this heart at school.

March 13 – I think I have something cool/weird that I can share for pretty much every March 13th I have been alive for, but for space considerations, here are just a few: Can’t ever forget about the blog post I published two years ago about my extremely nerdy middle school hobby of hacky sack. On this date in 2020, this prodigal son returned to Spokane after 15 years away. Because of COVID, Sid and the kids wouldn’t join me until two months later. On March 13, 2016, I lived out a dream when I judged a macaroni and cheese contest. And finally, 13 years ago I was on a plane to Albuquerque for the NCAA Tournament as part of the travel party for the University of Montana men’s basketball team. The experience was one of the best of my career. Speaking of Griz basketball, congrats to this year’s squad for returning to the Big Dance after last night’s Big Sky Conference tournament championship win over Northern Colorado.

That’s me, wearing my Gap t-shirt and jean shorts, playing some hacky sack probably 24 years ago. I wrote about my hobby on March 13, 2023.

State T-Shirt Joke – How old-fashioned am I? Instead of sharing funny memes like most people do in 2025, I continue to share comics. This Family Circus strip caught my eye. If Texas is an XXL and Rhode Island is an XS, I think Washington would probably be a medium.

A Rhode Island shirt would probably be a crop top.


Have a great evening, everyone. Don’t Blink.

My Superpower

I ride the bus with a colleague who works on my marketing team. Yesterday, as we walked from the EWU bus station to our offices in Hargreaves Hall, Will asked me a really good question.

“How do you pass the time on the bus?”

The bus ride to/from Cheney is about 23 minutes, equating to roughly 45-50 minutes round trip. As I have outlined in this blog before, this time is coveted by most bus riders. Instead of spending it behind the wheel, it allows us to decompress and attend to things we wouldn’t have the luxury of completing while driving.

I answered Will’s question by telling him that I answer emails, format my blog, read the newspaper, and sometimes close my eyes. The last item really caught his attention. Will explained that he couldn’t imagine having the ability to sleep on a bumpy city bus. He then said something I never considered before:

“That’s your super power,” he exclaimed.

Well, if the ability to nap anywhere is a superpower, consider me Superman!

I can effortlessly sleep anywhere….including sitting up in chairs.

Yes, I have the uncanny ability to sleep “sitting up.” And this ability truly extends to just about anywhere. I can fall asleep instantly in our black leather chair at home but I also can snooze in more challenging environments as well. Car rides, bus rides, and in airports are welcome opportunities for me to catch up on sleep. Probably most advantageous of all, I can easily sleep on a plane. It isn’t out of the question for me to fall asleep prior to takeoff on the east coast only to wake up when the plane touches down on the west coast.

Where did this habit—I mean superpower—come from? My grandpa slept in his chair A LOT. As a restaurant owner who never seemed to leave his beloved café (which stayed open for extended hours), he preferred to catch some zzz’s in his reclining chair when he did come home. I observed this and I guess I ended up emulating it.

I like to think I keep my grandpa’s hours as well. As a 3 a.m. riser, I instantly fall asleep when I hit the pillow at around 11 p.m. each night. But when the opportunity arises for me to supplement this sleep schedule with a cat nap, I have no shame closing my eyes wherever I may be at. As long as I have a bed—aka a chair—I am good to go.

Sidney will tell you, however, that I don’t sleep like a baby. If she is driving a leg of a road trip and I am snoozing in the front seat, it isn’t pretty. As I never use head rests when sleeping in chairs, my cranium is bobbing back and forth while my body moves with the road. She says sudden brakeage, sharp turns, and a loud radio won’t wake me but it sure looks hella uncomfortable. I hope I don’t look as miserable when I sleep on the bus.

Sure, I would rather fly or render myself invisible as my superpower but falling asleep on call isn’t a bad consolation, right? Thank you, Will, for validating my superpower! Don’t Blink.