For Better or Worse

“If you aren’t getting better, you’re getting worse!”

I can’t count the number of times my high school football coach shouted this in the Mead High School weight room during my prep years. The insinuation was that if you weren’t getting stronger, you could only get weaker. Coach Sean Carty’s constant declaration definitely increased our weight lifting intensity and it added plenty of pressure when max week came around.

This photo of me with Sean Carty was taken in either 2013 or 2014 after a University of Montana football game. Coach Carty was always fond of saying, “If you aren’t getting better, you’re getting worse!”

But Coach Carty wasn’t the first person to theorize about the regression that could ensue if constant improvement isn’t attained. In fact, we can go all the back to the 400s to hear something similar. Saint Leo the Great said: “For the one that is not advancing is going back, and the one that is gaining nothing is losing something.”

This is the thinking of the ultra-motivated, the high achievers who do incredible things in life. The people who embrace the thinking of Coach Carty and Saint Leo are never content. But is that necessarily a good thing? Well, probably not for everyone.

I feel most of the time I am a motivated person who likes to keep my foot on the gas pedal. Just ask my wife, she will describe me as a “go-go-go” type of dude. But I also do appreciate periods of rest. Taking a month in the summer to be lazy and not chase goals is something I feel worthwhile. If I do take that time do I really feel myself regressing? I guess it depends on how much ice cream I eat.

But as the Bible says, there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven. And even though “rest” or “relax” isn’t specifically mentioned in Ecclesiastes, I like to think that it probably is acceptable and that it can be achieved without drastic decline in one’s current state.

Bottom line, I admire the people who manage to always improve themselves and hesitate to take a break in fear of regressing. But I think I tend to agree more with the way that Coach Carty eventually modified his weight room warning just before I graduated high school: “If you aren’t getting better, you’re staying the same!” Don’t Blink.

Carolina Forest Thursday Rundown

Good evening, world! I hope your week is advancing nicely. Not too much small talk from me tonight so let’s get started with the rundown…

Fires Quenched – It was a little surreal to see our old neighborhood make national news this past weekend for a scary reason. Wildfires raged in the Carolina Forest area of Myrtle Beach. The development and house we called home were evacuated. Luckily, Sidney’s family, who also live in Carolina Forest, did not have to evacuate. From all accounts, it sounded like the fire department acted heroically to prevent the destruction of any houses.

My friend and former co-worker Judy Johns took this photo of her street in Carolina Forest. Thanks Be To God, no houses were lost!

Memento Mori – It was just four months ago that Sloan educated me on Memento Mori. The phrase means “remember your death” and pushes us not to forget about the inevitable. Perhaps there is not a more appropriate time for Memento Mori than Lent. After all, when ashes were applied on our foreheads yesterday, we were reminded that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Appropriately, a book that I am reading this Lent is called Remember Your Death and it is entirely about Memento Mori. They say the concept itself is a form of Lenten penance because it is self-denial that leads to conversion.

I am reading “Remember Your Death” as I journey through Lent. Memento Mori!

National Dentist Day – Today is National Dentist Day and I feel fortunate to have received superb dental care from my past two offices. When I lived in South Carolina I went to Carolina Center for Advanced Dentistry and currently I go to Dr. C Family Dentistry here in Spokane. This week, Beau had a dental hygienist visit his classroom to chat about the importance of good oral care. He couldn’t stop talking about the visit later that night. He was given a goodie bag and guess what his most prized item was? Bubble gum mouthwash!

Beau investigates the contents of his dentist “treat bag” while sitting next to his teacher, Mrs. Hoard.

Favorite Unhealthy Cereal – I can’t believe it has been exactly 13 years since I wrote my “famous” blog post on my top three unhealthy cereals (because I am sure you are all dying to know what they are, right?). I won’t leave you in suspense tonight, my list was comprised of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Reese’s Puffs, and Rice Krispie Treats Cereal. Although I haven’t ate the latter in years because I think it no longer exists, I will always eat a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Reese’s Puffs when given the opportunity. About four years later I would rank my top healthy cereals of all-time.

Our family likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch so much I once made Cinnamon Toast Crunch pancakes.

Jellycat – I took the below photo of Beau this morning. He is clutching his beloved stuffed dinosaur named “Roar.” We knew we had to get Beau a friend like “Roar” after Sloan has continued to enjoy “Corn,” her stuffed unicorn. Roar and Corn are both Jellycat stuffies, a product that goes a couple steps above your average stuffed animal. If you are looking for a toy to give a newborn, you might consider a Jellycat. Sloan still sleeps with Corn (don’t know if I should be concerned about that?) and finds a lot of comfort having the stuffed animal by her side.

Beau holding Roar, his Jellycat stuffed animal.


Another rundown in the books! Continue to pray for Pope Francis and have a nice weekend. Don’t Blink.


I am reading a book that proposes an interesting theory. The author expresses his view that extraordinary people separate themselves from average people via one thing: habits.

Habits are important but I don’t think they are defining.

He goes further by suggesting he can determine the quality and future of an individual just by learning their habits (before even meeting them). He even equates habits to character.

I don’t necessarily agree with the author. I think there are brilliant people who have downright terrible habits but still separate themselves from the status quo. Charlie Sheen, anyone?

Then there are the people who have mixed habits. Take me for example! I think I have some good habits such as daily exercise and prayer. On the other hand, I have some bad habits such as staying up too late and eating too much at dinner. Where does that put me? Well, one thing is abundantly clear: I am definitely not exceptional.

So I wholeheartedly disagree that habits signify the quality and character of a person. But I do agree with something else the author said: habits are important and they can be changed.

A grand opportunity to change habits presents itself during Lent. They say it takes a month to make something a habit and Lent provides that time plus a couple extra weeks for good measure. I truly believe this holy period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving is fertile ground to cultivate habits that improve yourself and give glory to God. To go back to yesterday’s Lenten post, establishing a habit during this season can improve your reflection in the spiritual mirror.

Truly, the best Lenten intentions bring long-lasting change beyond Easter. As we journey with Jesus in the desert through the next 40 days, it might be advantageous to begin or refine a habit. Although I don’t think the successful establishment of a new habit will distinguish someone as better from others, I do believe it can improve ourselves while possibly having a positive impact on those around us. Don’t Blink.

Lent 2025: Looking Into The Spiritual Mirror

Lent is now upon us as Ash Wednesday arrives a bit later than usual this year. The one advantage of Lent starting in March is that it gives us more time to reflect on our personal and familial Lenten plans for this 40+-day holy season. And trust me, that’s a good thing, because Lent isn’t exactly something you want to “wing.”

Lent 2025 is a great time to look in your spiritual mirror.

This past Sunday, one of our priests at St. Mary put the necessity of Lent in a very helpful perspective. Fr. Mike Kwiatkowski, our priest-in-residence, suggested that Ash Wednesday is the perfect time to look ourselves in the spiritual mirror. He cautioned that we might not like what we see but at least we have the opportunity to improve that reflection before Easter.

When I meditated on Fr. Mike’s analogy, it made perfect sense to me. How often do we look in our bathroom mirror and not like what we see? I have the feeling that I am not the only one who is sometimes less than pleased. But a thorough and honest look can spark motivation to improve. This improvement can usually be attained through exercise, eating better, and getting more sleep.

When we look into the spiritual mirror, we can be shocked at the hypocrisy, anger, and lack of faith that stares back at us. How do we get back into better faith shape? Through the most effective formula there is—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Thankfully, Lent provides the perfect length of time to steer us back onto the road of holiness by embracing those three pillars.

Sloan and I after attending the school Ash Wednesday mass in February 2024. .

Fr. Jeff Lewis, our pastor at St. Mary, once preached that Lent is like boot camp. It serves as an intensive way to get back on track. However, after boot camp ends, we can’t be lazy again and allow our training to go out the window. We still have to work hard at it.

As we prepare for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, I am going to do what I can to get into better spiritual shape. By the time April 20 rolls around, I hope to see much improvement when I look into that mirror and I also hope to have the endurance to continue onward. Don’t Blink.

Past Lenten Blog Posts
Pursuing the Best Reward
Lent 2024: Ash Wednesday Over Valentine’s Day
General Lenten Points of Emphasis
Lent 2023: A Necessary Time
Lent 2022: Solidarity With Ukraine
The Lenten Road
The Journey of Lent
The Real Purpose of Lent

Another Journal Filled

September 13, 2023 – February 26, 2025

No, that’s not the lifespan of our pet hamster. Rather, it is the date range that fills my latest completed journal. Many of my readers know I am a chronic journaler. If you need a video description of my hobby you can watch this or I can just give you the low-down right here: For 25 years I have kept a daily, in-depth record of each day I have lived. Needless to say, I have filled up a lot of journals.

I filled up this journal on Feb. 26, 2025.

This latest journal I finished contained 200 lined-pages and lasted me 533 days. Let me tell you, I have a lot of fond memories and life events packed into that book.

I fill my journals with lots of detail. This photo shows the journal I most recently completed open to a random page.

But instead of boring you with the specific details written over the course of those 500+ days, I figured I could share just the boring details from the first (9/13/23) and last (2/26/25) days of the journal.

On 9/13/23 I woke up at 3:30 a.m.; on 2/26/25 I woke up at 3:10 a.m.

On 9/13/23 I ate a protein bar and protein shake for breakfast; on 2/26/25 I ate half a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast.

On 9/13/23 I worked from home as an employee of WSU; on 2/26/25 I worked on campus in Cheney as an employee of EWU.

Wow, this is even more boring than I thought. Let me switch gears and cut the 9/13/23 vs. 2/26/25 comparison crap…

I think I can make this blog post more bearable by just quickly summarizing: On the first day of my journal, I was doing meaningful work for Washington State University. On that day, I was in charge of building quote graphics for both WSU and OSU as a joint statement was pushed out about a Pac-12 retention plan. I also helped get word out about a Board of Trustees meeting that was to take place the next day. Most interesting and entertaining of all, our University Marketing and Communications leadership team listened to our marketing agency present brand concepts (Here We Go would win out).

On the last day of my journal, I was doing meaningful work for Eastern Washington University. I was leading an effort to launch a major academic program marketing campaign by the beginning of the month. I also was setting up digital campaigns for various efforts on campus. Best of all, I had the joy of extending an offer of employment to a future Eagle.

Yes, work was good and it is still good.

But looking back on the first and last days of my journal, I am also reminded of family. On both days I got to drop my kids off at school. Even though I was working from home on 9/13/23, I actually spent more time with my wife and kids on the evening of 2/26/25. Our dinner time conversation for the latter was a doozy: what do other children bring for their morning snack in Sloan’s class?

Oh, you actually do care about the food we ate? Well, on 9/13/23 we had chicken and rice for dinner while on 2/26/25 we ate cheeseburgers and French fries.

Now this is just getting weird. You want to know what I ate for lunch as well? Okay, I will oblige. On 9/13/23 I had chicken nuggets and a banana vs. a peanut butter sandwich and Cheez-Its on 2/26/25.

You only wish you had such a detailed journal that you knew every meal you ate over the last 25 years, right? Ha! But in all honesty, my journaling habit has yielded greater fruits than just food recall. Sloan picked out my newest journal that we purchased from Staples. The cover might be a little girly but she was really excited to choose it. Feminine or not, I am optimistic for what will fill those pages. Don’t Blink.

Bead Thursday Rundown

The last Thursday of February is here and by the time Saturday rolls around, it will be March. Let’s get going with my latest rundown before the month slips away…

Mardi Gras Bingo – On Sunday, Sloan and I hit up the St. Mary gym for Mardi Gras Bingo. We could only stay a short time and we didn’t win but we still had fun. Sloan got some beads from my brother Knights, I bought her a Coke, and she received some good-natured ribbing from Fr. Jeff Lewis when he was calling numbers. Another awesome event offered by my Knights of Columbus council.

Sloan and I having fun at the Mardi Gras Bingo event staged by the St. Mary Knights of Columbus council.

Pope Francis – Let’s continue to pray for Pope Francis as his hospital stay continues and he remains in critical condition. Asking the Lord that his will be done is the best thing we can do at this point. It has been encouraging to see the Holy Father’s health improve over the past couple days and inspiring to see the prayer services held across the world. It is times like these when 1.4 billions Catholics unite that you truly see the power of the faith.

It is important that we continue to pray for Pope Francis.

Special Date – It wasn’t long ago that I mentioned the importance of baptismal birthdays. Well, Feb. 27 is important in our family for more than just a baptism. On this date in 2020, Beau was baptized about a week after his release from the NICU. But joining him up front in the St. Andrew chapel was Sidney. As Beau was sprinkled with water, Sidney was confirmed into the Catholic Church. What a special day it was in front of our family and friends! We pray for Fr. Roger Morgan, the priest who administered both sacraments, every night.

Thanks be to God for Feb. 27, 2020. This is our family at St. Andrew Catholic Church in Myrtle Beach on the day Sidney was welcomed into the Church and Beau was baptized.

National Chili Day – Today is National Toast Day and I usually share a priceless chart that Sid always teases me about. However, I have mentioned/featured it a lot over the years (tap here to see) so today I choose to celebrate the other big Feb. 27 food-related holiday—National Chili Day! Bringing up my wife again, she hates chili. Me on the other hand? I love it! Regular chili, thick chili, white chili, three-way chili…I enjoy it all. When I released my popular Top 5 Soups post, you better believe it landed on the list. But the photo I am choosing to share with this topic is me with a Papa John’s Fritos CHILI pizza. I tried this bad boy in 2014 and although it was pretty bad I still ate most of it.

Me holding the Papa John’s Fritos Chili pizza.

Bunny and Claus – To send us out on a humorous note, here is a look at yesterday’s Non-Sequitur comic strip. I am a fan of when childhood legends get together—hence why I enjoy the movie “Rise of the Guardians” so much—so this depiction made me laugh. This rendezvous couldn’t have come at a better time because it truly is “between the holidays” for Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. With Christmas on Dec. 25 and Easter on April 20 this year, yesterday’s “meeting” at the tavern came pretty close to the midpoint.

This was the Non-Sequitur comic strip from Feb. 26, 2025.


I hope you have a nice weekend and that March starts off on the right foot. I know I have already mentioned it, but please pray for Pope Francis 🙏🏼. Don’t Blink.

The Birth of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

This past weekend I learned the origin story of one of our country’s most magical flavors.

Sidney and I watch a show called “The Food That Built America.” It normally airs on the History Channel but since we don’t have cable we stream it on Hulu. The series chronicles the development of iconic foods and the people/companies that invent and produce them.

“The Food That Built America” is an awesome show.

Currently we are watching season five and recently finished an episode titled Ice Cream Revolution. It told the story of how America eventually moved beyond just vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice creams to richer flavors with candy mix-ins.

At one point, the show shifted to Dairy Queen’s introduction of the Blizzard. DQ bolstered its investment by officially partnering with candy and snack companies for its mix-ins. For example, Dairy Queen and Mars signed a contract so the fast food/soft serve giant could use M&M’s and Snickers in its Blizzards while also using the logos of the candy in its restaurants and marketing collateral.

Dairy Queen also partnered with Nabisco to use Oreos in its cookies and cream Blizzard. With this exclusive partnership now signed, Nabisco went after ice cream companies using its signature product in their own cookies and cream flavors. At the top of the list was Ben & Jerry’s. For years prior to the Blizzard, Ben & Jerry’s made a mint cookies and cream flavor that implied the use of Oreo cookies. Yep, DQ put a stop to that.

Desperate to replace its beloved ice cream flavor with something different, Ben & Jerry’s tried to come up with a new cookie-based flavor. While baking cookies for testing, they had a very bright idea: Why not just put the dough itself inside the ice cream? Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream was born!

Just in the same way that Sloan was mixing cookie dough, an idea sprouted in the minds of Ben & Jerry’s.

What a genius idea it was. Who doesn’t this flavor appeal to? I really feel Ben & Jerry’s hit gold by capitalizing on what Americans like even more than actual baked cookies…the cookie dough!

Then there is the nostalgia piece. Most of us have memories of eating the leftover cookie dough from mom’s baking bowl or just plotting an outright attack on the dough before it was even placed on a cookie sheet.

The combination of cookie dough and ice cream just works. In fact, the cookie dough flavor works for pretty much everything else including Pop-Tarts, Oreos, and protein bars. But let me not digress. This post is about chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and I have just two short stories to share.

Cookie dough and ice cream just go together. I got this cookie dough sundae from Sonic.

The first one is about 27 years old. I estimate I was about 11 when I had Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for the first time. We were at an old pizza parlor in north Spokane and they had a cooler case with Ben & Jerry’s pints inside of it. My mom bought a chocolate chip cookie dough pint and I was blown away. It was like nothing I had ever tasted in my life. The rich vanilla ice cream combined with the gobs of cookie dough made my taste buds dance. I never knew ice cream could taste so good.

The first time I tried Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream was pretty special.

My other chocolate chip cookie dough story is actually chronicled in a blog post I wrote nine years ago. My wife was a great sport as she taste-tested five different chocolate chip cookie dough ice creams. The result is still shocking to this day.

Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough was definitely one of the cookie dough ice creams tested.

If you have time to watch the Ice Cream Revolution episode of “The Food That Built America” you won’t be disappointed. Just the chemistry of how Ben & Jerry’s was able to pack its ice cream with cookie dough pieces is worth it. Enjoy! Don’t Blink.

You Had A Good Run, Lester

Believe it or not, there was a time when Sidney and I subscribed to cable. And when we did, Jeopardy wasn’t the only show we watched on a nightly basis.

Early in our marriage, we would arrive home from work and start to prepare dinner. While we did that, we turned on the TV. As food was cooking, we watched NBC Nightly News. At that time, a relatively established journalist named Lester Holt had been recently installed as the anchor. Those first few years of our marriage we saw Lester just as much as we saw Alex Trebek.

Sid and I watched Lester Holt a lot when he first became anchor of NBC Nightly News.

Yesterday, Holt announced he would step down as anchor from NBC Nightly News. After 10 years, he is ready to leave behind the pressure and grind that must undoubtedly come from serving as the face of a national network evening newscast.

I am really dating myself here, but when I was a boy, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and Tom Brokaw were all in their heydays at their respective networks (CBS, ABC, NBC). When the clock hit 5:30 p.m. on the west coast and the local news swung it to the “big boys,” you knew it was serious business. The only time things got more serious was when you saw Rather, Jennings, or Brokaw outside of the 5:30 p.m. time slot because that meant something major had happened and they were at their desks covering breaking news.

I don’t think Lester Holt will find himself on the Mount Rushmore of evening news anchors, but a 10-year run isn’t bad. Sidney will tell you that I had some minor gripes with Lester but the fact that we always chose to watch him while we had cable should tell you something. If there is a defining moment for me during Holt’s tenure that I won’t forget, it was his coverage of the Las Vegas sniper attack.

Sid and I wish Lester Holt the best and will still welcome him into our living rooms when we stream Dateline. Not going to lie, hosting a news magazine seems to be the perfect cushy retirement gig…but what do I know? Even though we will rarely see the new person who will fill the NBC Nightly News anchor chair, I am excited to see who is selected! Don’t Blink.

I Don’t Like Skee-Ball

It was quite the practical joke. Many years ago when I was either a preteen or young teen, my parents hosted my dad’s large family for Thanksgiving. The night before Turkey Day, we all went to a family fun center called Wonderland. This place, which is still operational in north Spokane, boasts laser tag, go-carts, batting cages, and a large arcade. When we all arrived back at my parents’ place that night, it was discovered that we brought home more than just crappy redemption prizes.

When my aunt opened up her purse, she discovered a brown skee-ball resting inside. This was back in the late 1990s or early 2000s when most skee-ball machines used the heavy-duty, wooden balls for play. I remember seeing the ball and thinking it was so weird to see it outside the context of an arcade. My uncle had swiped one of Wonderland’s skee-balls and snuck it into my aunt’s purse to invoke an unusual surprise upon returning to my parents.

Ah, skee-ball. Quite the arcade classic, right?

My brother playing skee-ball in 2011.

It definitely isn’t my favorite. I would take hot shot or Ms. Pac-Man over it any day. But perhaps that is because I am just not very good at it. Or maybe it is because I don’t care for the sound of the ball rolling up the chute or the disparity between a high score and the minuscule number of tickets the machine would spit out.

Despite my relative disdain for the arcade mainstay, I sure have played a lot of it. In fact, I tested my skill (still really bad) at Chuck E. Cheese with the kids last week. Even after all these years, I just don’t find it to be that much fun.

Sloan playing some skee-ball at Chuck E. Cheese this past weekend.

So why do I keep finding myself playing it? I think because it is such an easy, self-explanatory game to play. In our current arcade era where games are so complex, life-like, and expensive, it is kind of a comfort for an old dude like me to try my luck at something so basic.

After doing some basic research on skee-ball, I thought I would share my favorite three facts I learned…

– Skee-ball was patented in 1909

– Although bowling was an obvious inspiration for skee-ball, it also was inspired by skiing/ski jumping that was becoming popular at the time—thus the jump ramp that the balls glide over to reach the game board

– Skee-ball is now a sanctioned competitive sport with championships held through the Brewskee-Ball League.

I don’t know if the skee-ball my uncle snatched from Wonderland was ever returned, but I hope it was. Don’t Blink.

BOGO Thursday Rundown

Good evening and thanks once again for choosing to read Don’t Blink. Even if you do choose to only come for the Thursdays, you are always welcome. Let’s begin this rundown…

Latest Chuck E. Cheese Outing – I have written a lot over the past several years about my family’s acceptance of Chuck E. Cheese. We have taken our kids there frequently over the years and even held a birthday there. Our “home” Chuck E. Cheese in the Spokane Valley recently went through an update and it looks great inside! I took the kids for a visit on President’s Day to play the new games and have some fun. I am glad to report that Sloan and Beau did indeed have fun, but it did come at a price. The unlimited hourly rate for a child is now $32. If I didn’t have a special BOGO offer, it would have been $64. Those prices make any of the area trampoline parks seem like cheap entertainment.

Sloan and Beau with the mouse himself at the Spokane Valley Chuck E. Cheese on Monday, Feb. 17.

100th Day of School – It was the 100th Day of School at St. Mary last week and the Pre-K4 class decided to dress up as centenarians. Sid dressed Beau in suspenders and dusted his hair with powder. Our son also brought in 100 Lego pieces for the occasion. If you remember, Sloan brought in raffle tickets when tasked with bringing in 100 items.

Beau dressed up as an old man on the 100th day of school.

Stephen King – When you think of Stephen King, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably horror. But believe it or not, he also writes thrillers and crime novels too. After completing Billy Summers not too long ago, I decided to read another non-scary book of King’s—Mr. Mercedes. When you don’t have to worry about giving yourself nightmares, you will be surprised at how great King’s writing is. With superb character development, plenty of humor mixed in, and masterful storytelling, his books really are page-turners. I completed Mr. Mercedes earlier this week and might consider reading the other two books in the trilogy.

Me clutching my library copy of “Mr. Mercedes.”

Post Office Birthday – On this date in 1792, President George Washington established the U.S. Post Office. What a glorious day! Although USPS has fallen on tough times lately, I never cease to sing its praises. The fact that you can slap a stamp on a letter and have it delivered anywhere in the nation has always fascinated me. In fact, it has done more than just “fascinate” me, it has pushed me to action. I love to send cards and letters and do so on a very constant basis. Almost 12 years ago, I even offered a promotion within this blog that resulted in many of my readers receiving personal mail from me! Also, back in 2021, my recommended gift of the holiday season was a book of stamps. There is nothing else to say but HAPPY BIRTHDAY, USPS!

I love USPS.

Mr. Walker Steps Out – My kids and I read so many books together that it has to be a special story to really stand out. Well, Beau and I read a pretty creative one earlier this week. Called Mr. Walker Steps Out by Lisa Graff, the story chronicles the “life” of a “person” who serves as the walk icon within a traffic light at a random intersection. One day, he becomes bored with his job and walks out of the light box. He strolls around town and enjoys his newfound freedom. However, after a while, he wanders back to his former intersection just in time to witness the makings of disaster. He jumps to action and saves a little girl crossing the street. The icon climbs back into his box with a greater appreciation for what he does.

Beau stands next to “Mr. Walker Steps Out.”


That covers it for tonight. Thanks for taking the time to read my randomness! If you aren’t too busy, write a quick letter to a loved one, place it in an envelope, throw on a stamp, and drop it in the mailbox. Don’t Blink.