Greetings to everyone! We are in the true dog days of summer and I hope this blog post finds you well. It is time for the latest Thursday Rundown. Here we go with five random topics…
Bambis – In tonight’s edition of In The Wild with Brent, we go from a porcupine to deer. This is literally my backyard as we have become a refuge for wildlife. These two baby deer were munching on plants last night under the watchful eye of their mother. Now the bambis are cute as buttons but it is unfortunately a sad case for the mom. She has a large tumor on her eye and her ribs are showing. Despite being very sick, she is doing all she can to care for her young.

You can see the two baby deer along with the diseased mom. I feel really bad for her.
Thanks, Amazon – My wife has been trying to replicate the white chocolate mochas she orders from the various espresso stands in our area. When doing research, she came across a three pound can of chocolate powder on Amazon. She had no intention of buying it but Sloan did. After Sid was done browsing, she gave her phone to Sloan so she could watch videos. Well, she did more than watch YouTube. Our daughter did some shopping and somehow ordered the oversized can of chocolate. Funniest of all, the package was shipped to my mother-in-law’s house. Needless to say, Sid’s mom was a little confused when a heavy package arrived for Sid. We sorted everything out and went through the return process. Yesterday, Amazon emailed my wife and told her that she had been refunded for the purchase…and that she could keep the product. Because of Covid, the company can’t accept returns on some items. My mother-in-law is now sending the can directly to us instead of Amazon headquarters.

We were refunded for an item we accidentally bought and told to keep it!
International Lefthanders Day – Special shoutout to my creative and eccentric lefty friends! Today is your day and I definitely think it is warranted. You live in a right-handed world and deal with multiple daily inconveniences. In recent years I have become more aware of these annoyances and actually wrote a whole blog post on the topic. I do believe that lefties think differently (in a good way!) than us right-handed folk and I just want to say that I appreciate you!

No, I am not left handed. But I sympathize with those who are.
Memory Lane – It was four years ago this week that Sidney surprised me with the news that she was pregnant with Sloan. I did not see it coming! Exactly two years ago today, I wrote about how she told me. With Beau it was the opposite. We had a pretty good idea that Sid was pregnant so she took the test in my presence and we found out the good news together.

Sidney told me the good news with this photo.
Zingo – For my readers with young children, I have another game recommendation after last week’s Candy Land endorsement. Zingo is a toddler-optimized version of Bingo. You receive a card with objects on it that you have to try to blackout with tiles. You put a tile over an object when it is dispensed in a contraption called a Zinger. When it is your turn, you cock the Zinger and it spits out two cards with objects on them. If either card corresponds to an object on your card, you cover it up. It is basically a visual twist on Bingo and Sloan loves it.

Sloan playing Zingo last Friday.
Enjoy your Friday and the ensuing weekend, folks. As I have said at the end of my Rundowns over the past five months, let’s continue to pray for an end to the coronavirus. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Don’t Blink.