Angel Thursday Rundown

If you read one of my blog posts from earlier this week, you know how much I love October! So far, just three days into the month, it is living up to its billing. Hopefully this latest Thursday Rundown will live up to its billing as well. Here we go…

Angels – Once a month, our parish hosts Family Faith Night. These events revolve around a single topic and include lessons, food, games, and fellowship. This past Saturday, our Director of Religious Education Marie Bricher presented “Angel Flight Academy,” an evening all about angels. It was so enlightening to learn about these spiritual beings and how they help and protect us every single day. Although the content was superb, Beau’s favorite part was decorating the homemade angel food cake that was cut into—you guessed it—angels.

Beau and Sloan having a great time at St. Mary’s angel-themed Family Faith Night.

Mr. McMahon – Even for someone who doesn’t typically binge shows like myself, it took me very little time to rip through the six episodes in the Netflix documentary series “Mr. McMahon.” The episodes resonated with me because throughout my childhood I was a big professional wrestling fan so it packed a lot of nostalgia. Besides learning about some of the truly despicable things done by Vince McMahon, I was also surprised by how obsessed he was with success and the lengths he would go to “win.” It was really interesting hearing insight from Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Dwayne Johnson, The Undertaker, and more. Also, all of the footage incorporated into the documentary will have you traveling down memory lane. If you are/were a pro wrestling fan or if business interests you, I recommend “Mr. McMahon.”

Vince McMahon is a complex and win-at-all-costs person.

Friday Night Lights – This past Friday I had the thrill of attending my first high school football game of the fall. And it wasn’t just any football game, it was the Battle of the Bell rivalry game between the two high schools in the Mead School District—Mead High School and Mt. Spokane High School. As an alumnus of both Mead High School and its football program, I naturally cheered for my Panthers. In front of 6,000+ people on a beautiful evening, Mead defeated Mt. Spokane, 27-7. The victory nudged Mead ahead in the overall head-to-head record as the Panthers now lead the Wildcats 14-13 in the rivalry.

It was a beautiful scene at Union Stadium as Mead High School defeated Mt. Spokane High School in the 2024 Battle of the Bell.

Social Circle – One thing I miss from earlier in my career was the chance to work on a campus television show. This month marks 10 years since we launched Coastal Now, the revamped campus show at Coastal Carolina University. When we debuted the fresh version a decade ago, it was a breath of fresh air as we used a digital-first blueprint that was popular in pop culture at the time. The launch of Coastal Now included a segment that was written and delivered by me. Called the Social Circle, I was able to highlight the cool stuff our social media program was doing. To see that first Social Circle segment, tap here.

Me on set of Coastal Now.

Reading Rainbow – It is always ideal when I can end with something fun and wholesome. My niece, Olivia, was born last May. Not even six months yet, she is already starting to follow in the footsteps of her niece when it comes to reading prowess. Last Sunday when everyone was over at my parents’ house for Sunday dinner, I had the pleasure of reading “Five Little Pumpkins” to her. She was engaged the entire time and my brother (Olivia’s dad) managed to take this special candid shot.

I read a book to Olivia while her Aunt Sidney holds her and cousin John looks on.


Thanks for taking time to read Don’t Blink. Hope your enjoy your first October weekend. Don’t Blink.

Back In The Office (literally)

I have now worked at Eastern Washington University for two months. Over the past 60 days, many differences have become apparent between my new gig at EWU and previous higher ed jobs I have held. Duties, structure, and procedures are all examples of this contrast. But perhaps there is one glaring difference between working at EWU and my last stop at WSU…

I am now working entirely in the office vs. mostly remote. Returning to five days on-site has definitely been an adjustment, but not in an overall negative sense. But you want to know one thing that has not changed? My attire. Throughout four years of working primarily at home, I always dressed as if I was working at the office. My wife told me I was crazy but it helped me to take my job more seriously.

However, while my wardrobe didn’t change (except from replacing crimson with red), lots of other things did. Here are five adjustments I have made since returning to the office full time…

I am back in the office!

Packing A Lunch – When I worked from home, I would take a break around noon and stroll into the kitchen. I would pull out some leftovers from the previous evening or heat up some chicken nuggets and sit down to watch Netflix. Ha! Not anymore. I am back to making peanut butter sandwiches the night before. However, it all works out because I also prepare sack lunches for my kids, so I am able to knock out midday meals for the three of us all at once.

Meeting Time – Of course a major dynamic shift is that most of my meetings are now in-person. Speaking with people face-to-face is definitely more enriching than over Zoom but the biggest adjustment I have had to make is just taking care to be punctual. I became so used to Zoom calls and the convenience of hopping on the meeting right when it started (i.e. if a meeting was at 9 a.m. I would log on right at 9 a.m) that at first I didn’t provide myself extra time to walk to the meeting site once I started at EWU. I know it sounds weird but it is true. And even though most of my meetings take place in a conference room inside the building I work in, it still takes a couple minutes to leave my office and walk up the stairs.*Sigh* Remote work to in-person problems.

Commute – Perhaps the biggest adjustment of all has been driving to/from work each day. While employed at WSU, I worked from home four days per week and the only driving I did on those days was taking my kids to/from school. Over the past two months, I have driven to Cheney (and back) each day, about a 36-minute commute in average traffic. Having that daily time in my vehicle to just chill/think is nice but so was walking out of my at-home office into our living room at 5 p.m.

Co-Worker Interaction – When I worked remotely, I never felt a disconnect with my colleagues. Even through Zoom, we developed genuine relationships—both personal and professional. But now that I am back in the actual office, that same relationship development and the opportunity for social interaction is so much more enhanced. I don’t have to wait for a Zoom meeting to chat with someone…people are literally just a few feet outside my door. You greet people when filling up your water bottle, mingle with co-workers at lunch, and join the occasional gatherings that take place in the lobby area of our offices. Work is truly social again.

What My Job Is All About – When it all comes down to it, working in the office is so great because it has brought me back to campus full time. What’s so great about campus? Well, besides the beauty, squirrels, and dining options there is one other big thing…STUDENTS. Most of us who work in higher education do it for the students and when I was working primarily from home, I didn’t get to be around them much. Now, on a daily basis, I get to be inspired again by the enthusiasm, youth, and intelligence of the population that makes it possible for me to even have a job.


I know it is a good thing that I have returned to the office. I always said that the WFH arrangement I had at WSU probably wouldn’t last forever. Making the switch on my own via a job change was better than having it one day taken away from me. However, soon enough, I will have the chance to work one day from home per week. I am looking forward to having that brief taste of working remotely. But you better believe I will still be dressing up in my EWU polo and khakis once those days start 😂. Don’t Blink.

So Much To Love About October 1

Happy October, everyone! We are at the very beginning of a terrific month and I hope that you are ready for a spectacular 31 days. But before we look ahead too far, how about we just focus on October 1? Why? Well, because October 1 is pretty special in its own rite. Whether something is happening on it or it kicks something off, let’s consider five things about Oct. 1…

October is here! I love this month.

Happy HalloweenGivingMas! Or, to those uppity types, happy HalloGivingMas! Whatever you call it, today begins a three-month blitz of some really special holidays. This stretch is such a fun and festive period with so much to celebrate and look forward to. Enjoy!

Speaking of a three-month stretch, these last few months comprise the final quarter of 2024. Yep, we are already 75% of the way through this year. You can look at the remaining 92 days as either a long time or a short time but one thing is for sure—it is the perfect amount of time to satisfy any goals you had for 2024 or to do something that will leave you with a positive impression of the year.

With October now here, we can say that the presidential election is NEXT MONTH. In fact, in exactly five weeks we will elect a new president. If this race has brought you anxiety, I know the next 35 days might be tough. Stick in there!

Hooray! Jimmy Carter turned 100 today. Last month I had the opportunity to read the kids a book about the 39th President of the United States. At the time of the reading, Sloan asked, Is he still alive? I answered her question and mentioned that he was so close to turning 100. We are all glad he reached the milestone.

While we are on the topic of October birthdays, a blogger you know will also be blowing out candles this month. My cake will have a few less of them than President Carter’s.


Have a fabulous month. October is a lot of fun and I hope you kick it off the right way by enjoying today. Don’t Blink.