The Servant Song

Do you ever have an epiphany when it comes to the lyrics of a song? Hmm, let me ask a more pointed question. Have you ever thought you liked a song only to like it even more once you actually understood the lyrics?

As I mentioned in last night’s blog post, Sidney and I had the blessing of presenting at an Engaged Encounter weekend. But it just wasn’t us or our partner couple doing all the talking. A priest is always assigned to the weekend retreat team and plays a major role in conveying lessons and Catholic doctrine. We had the great fortune of having Fr. Pat Kerst on our squad.

At one point on Saturday, Fr. Pat passed out half sheets to all the couples. Copied on each sheet was a Catholic hymn called The Servant Song. Fr. Pat explained that the hymn wasn’t made with marriage specifically in mind but that he didn’t know of a better resource that so accurately depicted the essence and vocation of marriage.

The lyrics to “The Servant Song” are profound.

I was very familiar with The Servant Song, having heard it at mass on random Sundays throughout most of my life. But I had not taken the initiative to take a deep dive into the actual lyrics. I am so glad Fr. Pat brought it to my attention.

The song promotes the willingness to assume a Christ-like servant’s role to others over the course of a lifetime. It frames this service in the context of a journey that is filled with empathy, grace, suffering, and companionship. As I read the lyrics and digested them in context with my marriage to Sid, I couldn’t help but shed a tear or two.

After we dismissed the engaged couples to reflect on the lesson that was just completed, I played The Servant Song on my computer. It was even more beautiful than usual as I now knew and understood the profoundness of the lyrics. A couple more tears may have formed in my eyes 😉.

The half sheet with the song that Fr. Pat gave us is now on our refrigerator.

I encourage you tonight to listen to The Servant Song on YouTube. Listen carefully to each lyric and frame it within the context of your own marriage. I guarantee that you will go to bed with a greater conviction to “bear the load” for your spouse.

And, oh yeah, guess what? After Fr. Pat has brought up the song to couples at past retreats, some have actually decided to include The Servant Song in their weddings. I think Sid and I would have too. Don’t Blink.