Over a year ago, my Mead High School Class of 2005 held its 10-year high school reunion. Because of geography, I did not attend. Although mildly disappointed, I was by no means heartbroken. You see, I had already attended about four or five high school reunions before the official August 2015 one.
One year ago on this date, I wrote about my Thanksgiving traditions. Because I no longer celebrated one certain tradition at the time I wrote it, I did not include it in the blog post. Tonight I will shed a little light on that omitted tradition. For a span of about 4-5 years, I would celebrate Thanksgiving Eve the way a large portion of people in their twenties do…at a watering hole.
Anyone in the bar industry will tell you that Thanksgiving Eve is one of the busiest nights of the year. This is fueled by a few things:
1. The next day is a holiday for many.
2. People need a break from family.
3. It is a joyful time of the year.
However, the driving force behind big Thanksgiving Eve nights is the fact that people come back home to their old stomping grounds. Students and young professionals return to the place they grew up in because most of the time their families are still rooted there.
Ecstatic at returning home and feeling good about the prospect of hanging with old friends, many people will devote some of their time to going out on Thanksgiving Eve. For a few years, this was me.
I would hit up a place in north Spokane called Fizzie Mulligans. A line would be out the door, patrons would be shoulder to shoulder inside, and a loud band would drown out almost all conversation. However, I still made it a priority to show up on more than one Turkey Day Eves.

My brother and I on Thanksgiving Eve 2010 inside Fizzie Mulligans.
As someone who hates the above conditions, why would I do this? Well it was to see people of course! It wasn’t like I went there alone. I would go with a group of my close friends from high school or my brother or sister (on one occasion all three of us went together). From there we would join the masses and run into everyone from old classmates to old teammates to even old teachers. With a carefree attitude brought on by the holiday season and a drink or two, it was actually always a great time.
Now I know there is a high percentage of people out there who become repulsed at the thought of seeing people from high school and/or their childhood. Obviously, these folks stay home on Thanksgiving Eve. But I wasn’t like that. I had an interest in how my friends and acquaintances from Mead were doing. The night always brought with it a little bit of excitement.
Since I no longer take part in the Thanksgiving Eve tradition, do I miss it? Not really. First off, I am too old for it. Second, with social media as dominating as it is in society these days, I pretty much already know what everyone is doing. So even if 3,000 miles didn’t separate me from my hometown, I still wouldn’t venture out on Thanksgiving Eve. However, I understand the youngsters who do. To all who go out tonight, have fun and be safe. Don’t Blink.