It almost turned into a disaster. Several months back, a well-intentioned person (or people, I really don’t know), started a Facebook group to discuss plans for a high school class reunion. While the goal was to brainstorm and nail down dates for a possible reunion in the summer, some “class clowns” had other ideas. A crude joke or two was posted, draining the enthusiasm and support that initially existed from the page. However, true to the spirit of Mead Panthers, a couple motivated individuals swooped in and rallied support while setting up a reunion itinerary.
Next month my high school class will hold its 10-year reunion. The Mead High School Class of 2005 will host your typical agenda for such an occasion; an informal evening cocktail party, a family opportunity in a park, and a formal dinner to cap things off. For me, I am trying to figure out what I am more upset about…the fact that it has been 10 years or the reality that I will not be able to attend.
Sure, it seems like I have been out of high school for a long time but a decade? I don’t think the title of my blog could describe my thoughts on that any better. I just hold close to my heart that I am still in my twenties!
When it comes to my absence from my 10-year reunion I am bummed. I had a great high school experience and met mostly good people. I would love to see where all my former classmates are at in their lives today. But time off work is precious and flying across the country and back twice in the span of 30 days isn’t cost effective…especially when you are planning a wedding. With that said, while it is with regret that I won’t be attending, it is not like I am crying my eyes out.
You see, I visited Spokane for almost two great weeks recently. It just so happened that I ran into several of my high school friends randomly, whether it was during Hoopfest or some other chance occurrence. I also got to sit down with some of my high school football teammates, people who I consider myself much closer to than many of the students I am associated with just based off of my class year. And, although a bit embarrassed to admit it, during my time at home I went to the old Mead High School track to work out. So while I might miss the official reunion dates in early August, I feel like I already got my own mini reunion.
To all my fellow 2005 Panther grads, I hope you have a great time participating in the reunion activities. I will make sure to keep an eye on the Facebook page for all the photos uploaded during the fun. Still Alive 2005. Don’t Blink.
A Pearl Jam theme. I love it.
Wait…”Still Alive 2005″? Early 20s? The math isn’t adding up.
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