Aunt Nancy Thursday Rundown

Tonight I offer up another Thursday Rundown although I do it in a more somber tone as we continue to come to grips with the passing of my Aunt Nancy. Here we go…

#1 Fan – With the loss of Aunt Nancy, Don’t Blink also lost its top fan. As I mentioned in my post earlier this week, Nancy supported me in every pursuit and that support extended to my blog. She read every entry, engaged with the social media post promoting each new post, and many times commented. She provided motivation to write and even if a post was going to totally bomb I always knew that I would get at least one view.

My Aunt Nancy was a big supporter of my blog

End of A Dollar Tree Era – A couple days ago, Sloan and I had to run to the Dollar Tree. When we walked in, we immediately realized that something we knew would happen but secretly hoped that it wouldn’t had taken effect. The Dollar Tree is now the $1.25 Tree. Most items in the store had been marked up by a quarter. I warned about the price hike in a blog post from last September, but when I saw that the change wasn’t immediate on January 1 I hoped that maybe the decision was reversed. Well, it wasn’t. I think this might be a game changer for a lot of people. The increase now makes many products more expensive than what you can purchase at Walmart.

I took this photo during our Tuesday Dollar Tree run. Major price hike!

Blondies – Over the weekend I messed around and made blonde brownies. I was inspired by an article in the Spokesman-Review that paid tribute to the blonde brownie and accompanied the ode with a recipe. They turned out well and we used them for delicious blonde brownie sundaes over the course of a couple nights.

My blonde brownies turned out pretty tasty.

The Invisible String – Last night, Sloan and I read a book called “The Invisible String.” The story is recommended for people who are grieving and uses the concept of an invisible string to show how we are all connected. The string is a metaphor for love and shows us that no matter how far we are apart from someone, love can bridge all distances. I highly recommend it.

We checked out “The Invisible String” from the library and read it last night.

Birth Announcement – Someone has a birthday tomorrow! If you need a hint, just read the birth announcement below that hit the papers approximately 30 years ago.

What a beautiful birth announcement!


Thanks for reading. Please keep my Aunt Nancy in your prayers. May eternal rest be grant unto her. Don’t Blink.

Thursday Night Lights Rundown

Good evening and happy National Last Day of September (sometimes I like to make up my own days). If you prefer to celebration National October Eve Day instead please accept my greetings as well. But before I offend someone by not wishing them a happy National Brent Reser Is Awesome Day, let’s get to the Thursday Rundown…

Straight Hair – Sloan is known for her crazy curls and for most of my readers that is how you have always seen her when I share photos of her on this blog. But the other day Sidney straightened Sloan’s hair and I thought you might be interested to see what she looks like when her hair reaches down her back. I prefer the curls.

Sloan sporting her straight hair.

Friday Night Football Magic – Is this pure Americana or what? This is a scene from the Gonzaga Prep vs. Mead High School football game I attended last Friday. As night started to fall at G-Prep’s stadium, these vibrant colors filled the sky. Let me tell you, I don’t think I have enjoyed anything more than attending high school football games this month. With the return of prep athletics and the abundance of beautiful weather, I have found myself soaking in the atmosphere and scolding myself never to take something as simple as a high school football game for granted again.

I took this photo of the sunset at the Gonzaga Prep football stadium in Spokane on Friday, September 24, 2021.

Dollar Tree Disappointment – This is devastating. Dollar Tree announced today that it will be raising prices on some of its items. Yes. Raising prices on its items. It seems inconceivable that a dollar store can raise prices on its stuff. Soon, you will find Dollar Tree inventory selling for $1.25 and $1.50. Now, I know I shouldn’t get too worked up about this but I am tight with the Dollar Tree and I hate that prices are going to increase. It was so comforting to know that you didn’t have to check for price tags when shopping. Thanks, inflation.

This is a tough pill to swallow.

Halloween Candy Map – I have long been skeptical of the United States map presentations that convey “data” by inserting a different visual within each state. A common example is the college football map that places a team’s logo inside the outline of each state. I always ask myself, where is this data coming from? Yesterday morning I saw a new one for most popular Halloween candy. I was going to dismiss it but after reading the actual article that accompanied it, it seems legit (the company behind the data supposedly used 14 years of sales date to compile the below map). Of course I went straight to the states I have lived in. The most popular candy in Washington State is the Tootsie Pop and I actually bought one when Sloan and I walked to the store last Saturday. The most popular candy in South Carolina is the Butterfinger which I found interesting because Sid and I split a fun sized bar on Tuesday. Top candy in Montana is Double Bubble and I am actually chewing a piece of the gum right now. Well, I am lying about chewing Double Bubble but I do like it!

After I could confirm its legitimacy, I found this Halloween candy map rather interesting.

Dr. Pepper Cotton Candy – I want to extend my gratitude to my brother for sending me the photo of this gem last night. I also want to publicly reprimand him for not buying it! That’s right folks, you are looking at Dr. Pepper cotton candy. Although not a big cotton candy fan myself, I definitely would have tried what the Dr. Pepper version tasted like (and most likely given the rest to a certain little girl and a certain little boy). If you have had the rare opportunity to come across this sweet confection and actually tried it, please let me know how it tasted!

This Dr. Pepper cotton candy is very interesting.


Tomorrow is HalloweenGivingMas. I hope the beginning of this exhilarating three-month span sets the tone for one of the best annual stretches on the calendar. Don’t Blink.