The Start of Classes at Coastal Carolina University

A main reason why I choose to work in higher education is because of the people I get to serve. In my opinion, there is no better group to keep you positive than college students. I get to go to campus each day and be around people who are driven, happy, healthy, and optimistic. How do you beat that combo?

Working at Coastal Carolina University has exposed me even more to this special demographic. When I was at the University of Montana I worked exclusively with student-athletes. While athletes no doubt excel at the characteristics I mentioned above (you won’t find a harder working group), I immediately became introduced to a much broader scope of the college population when I started work at CCU. It was very refreshing.

Last academic year I had the amazing opportunity to personally interview over 100 students for a social media campaign I took on. By connecting with so many students on this personal, face-to-face level, I seemed to really get a special feel for the pulse of this university. Besides the 100+ students I did features on, I met countless more through the work I do on a daily basis for #CCUSocialMedia. The people I met and the experiences I went through made one thing clear to me about Coastal Carolina: I really like it here.

With that said, I am very excited for the start of the academic year tomorrow. Although I worked this whole weekend and am already in “full blast” mode, there is just something about that first day of classes. I liken it to opening day of Major League Baseball. There is just a special feeling in the air that is full of excitement and optimism.

The campus of Coastal Carolina University is beautiful, even when students aren't around. But...

The campus of Coastal Carolina University is beautiful, even when students aren’t around. But…

When it all comes down to it, I am mostly excited for campus to come alive. Students bring an indescribable energy to the table. Without students, none of us at CCU would have jobs. I personally prefer to have the people around who make it a possibility for me to enjoy a paycheck. I am also pumped to see the individual students I got to know and work with last year. They keep me young!

...I prefer when Coastal Carolina University is full of students. (Brent Reser photo).

…I prefer when Coastal Carolina University is full of students.

From a professional standpoint, I am ready to unveil all I have planned for #CCUSocialMedia this year. Last year was an incredible, record-breaking couple of semesters but that means nothing starting tomorrow. The plan is to continue to push the envelope, grow our brand, tell our story, and stay ahead of other universities. Luckily I have a passionate student body of 10,000 Chanticleers who are really the ones who make our social media program such a success.

I have a feeling it is going to be another great year for #CCUSocialMedia.

I have a feeling it is going to be another great year for #CCUSocialMedia.

Best of luck to all students returning to campus tomorrow. Thank you for motivating me. I have a feeling it is going to be another great year. Don’t Blink.

A Social Media Campaign Months in the Making: #CCUfamily

Yesterday, #CCUSocialMedia officially kicked off an ambitious campaign called #CCUfamily. Designed to run every single school day of the semester, the campaign will thoroughly spotlight a Coastal student each day through our various social networks and website. Believe it or not, #CCUfamily has been in the makings for five months.

Yesterday, the #CCUfamily campaign made its debut (graphic created by the talented Daniel Mableton).

Yesterday, the #CCUfamily campaign made its debut (graphic created by the talented Daniel Mableton).

When I came to Coastal Carolina University in March for my on-site interview I was instructed to devise a social media campaign for the school and present it to the hiring committee. It was in my Missoula apartment that I drafted #CCUfamily. I worked hard to plan the campaign and work out how all the pieces would compliment each other. When I pitched my idea to the hiring committee I won points for the feasibility and organization of it. I promised that if hired I would follow through in implementing the campaign exactly how I presented it. I am now making good on that promise.

Inside my vision for #CCUSocialMedia was a section devoted to #CCUfamily.

Inside my vision for #CCUSocialMedia was a section devoted to #CCUfamily.

Camille Hurley, a senior student-athlete from Chicago, was my first featured student on Monday when the 2014-15 academic year started. Scrambling to put the finishing touches on the website, Camille’s face was all over our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube channels by 3 p.m. Each different outlet features a different image and fact about the featured student. However, while the social media outlets present different information they all drive the user to the #CCUfamily website where they can get a complete profile on the student.

Camille Hurley kicked off the #CCUSA campaign on Monday. This was the Facebook post.

Camille Hurley kicked off the #CCUSA campaign on Monday. This was the Facebook post.

I have found out over the past two days that I might have underestimated the work load just a little bit with this campaign. For each day this semester I will have to play web designer, video editor, journalist, and of course social media manager.

And that is just for getting the daily feature up each day.

A lot of prep work has/will go into this as well. I receive names of students worthy of this recognition from fellow Coastal employees. I compile those names and send them through the Dean of Students for approval. Once given the okay I start reaching out to the students and asking them if they want to participate. After sending them a questionnaire I set up a time to meet with them. During those individual meetings I take photos and shoot the Youtube video. As of right now I have completed 10 of these meetings and have about 60 more to go.

To be 100% honest, my favorite part of this campaign has nothing to do with social media. Although the original intent was based solely on introducing something cool for #CCUSocialMedia I am loving #CCUfamily for an entirely different reason: I get to meet our students. Only 10 interviews through and I am already blown away and rejuvenated by the maturity, humility, and drive of the #CCU student body. These students call me Mr. Reser, act graciously, and express honor at the opportunity to participate in the campaign. I have walked away from each interview feeling so happy to be on this campus.

To follow the #CCUfamily campaign, click here. On Instagram and Twitter our handle is @CCUChanticleers. If Facebook is your thing, click here. Don’t forget to watch the short 90 second videos either. Our Youtube channel can be accessed by clicking here. I am excited to share the students of Coastal Carolina University in a very cool and descriptive way throughout the next several months. Don’t Blink.