Staying Away From Fantasy Sports

I am a self-proclaimed sports nut. However, there is something that I don’t do that would make any person these days question my claim. Can you guess what I am talking about?

I don’t play fantasy sports.

Fantasy sports are king. People don’t just have fantasy seasons they have fantasy drafts, fantasy parties, and fantasy debates. ESPN has fantasy programs, fantasy analysts, and fantasy competitions. You can’t get through a commercial break during a sporting event without one or two spots advertising different fantasy leagues. Fantasy sports have captivated the interest of millions of new fans, driven up the business of sports themed restaurants across the country, sold countless television packages, and generated billions and billions of dollars.

Despite all this, I sit out when it comes to fantasy. When it all comes down to it, I am just not interested. I can say that I have had one non-memorable experience with the phenomenon. Several years ago, some friends roped me in to joining their NFL league. I haphazardly drafted players and then did nothing with my roster the whole season. Injured players competed for me every week. It completely bored me and I just didn’t pay it any attention.

Working in an athletic department also kept me away from fantasy sports for over four years. The NCAA stipulates that intercollegiate athletics employees may not bet or wager on any aspect of a game. Although this relates primarily to college athletics, I still stayed away to be on the safe side (and really just because I had no interest).

What do you guys think, are you surprised at my apathy? Am I a bad sports fan?

I admit, I am a little jealous of my friends and family who are hardcore fantasy players. They have an enthusiasm and investment in sports that I don’t have. Don’t get me wrong, I have an enthusiasm for sports as well, it is just different from my friends. Their fantasy leagues give them so much passion for NFL Sundays that you would almost think they started drinking at 6 a.m. They are engaged and ready to rage!

What I am probably most envious of is the knowledge that my fantasy playing buddies have. I used to pride myself on knowing all the players in all the leagues. These days I can’t keep up. However, if you know someone who plays fantasy you are aware that they know the professional leagues from top to the bottom. The degree to which they prepare for fantasy and then go full throttle with it for the entire season almost make them encyclopedias of the NFL or MLB.

I am debating giving fantasy sports another try. I think I want to experience the craze and actually manage my roster with an intent to actually win. What do my readers think? Is it worthwhile? I understand I might have to wait for the 2016 MLB season to really give it a go but I could use some friendly advice now. Don’t Blink.

Lemonade Stand Competition

Many summer days of my young childhood were devoted to Kool-Aid stands. We lived across the street from a park and we would constantly stand at the corner of it and sell the sugary drink for ten cents a cup. It gave us business insight and taught us customer service. However, the real winner were my parents. They would gladly buy us unlimited Kool-Aid packets and sugar to get us off their front lawn. We played whiffle ball every day during the summer and absolutely tortured the grass. 

Anyway, I am not kidding you, Kool-Aid stands have a big spot in my memory bank of fond childhood memories. Because of this, as I grew older I always followed the stories that would make news centering on lemonade stands. A kid would raise a bunch of money for a good cause, someone would have their stand robbed, or a sweet little girl would receive an outrageous tip. Pretty much all this stuff is cliché by now in lemonade lore.

Perhaps this is why I was so excited when I saw a new dimension brought to the lemonade stand concept this morning right here at Coastal Carolina University!

This morning lemonade stands took over Prince Lawn at Coastal Carolina University.

This morning lemonade stands took over Prince Lawn at Coastal Carolina University.

The professor of one of our Management 309 classes split the students up into teams. The eight teams then set up lemonade stands around the most scenic and busiest part of campus, Prince Lawn. The students had a budget ($30 I think) and about an hour to generate as much revenue as possible. All proceeds would go to a local animal shelter but the prestige from creating the most successful lemonade stand would swell in the prideful hearts of the victorious students.

I covered the event for #CCUSocialMedia and went around to each stand where I talked to the students. I got a real kick out of the tactics used by the various teams.

One group gave their lemonade a unique texture by mixing and blending it. They decided to strategically forgo a set price and accept donations only. Another group brought an actual dog out as a prop to sway customers. They also had the economical idea of selling their lemonade in cans so people wouldn’t fret about taking it to class or in their vehicles.

This team sold lemonade in cans and brought a dog out as a prop.

This team sold lemonade in cans and brought a dog out as a prop.

The third lemonade stand I went to added an ingredient…iced tea. Yup, this specific team decided to stand out by offering Arnold Palmers. The next group I encountered had candy poured all over its table. If you bought a cup of lemonade you received a complimentary mini candy bar and the option to play water pong.

This was the group that blended its lemonade.

This was the group that blended its lemonade.

I went on to the next group and they proudly informed me that their lemonade stand stood out because they had recruited a marketing team to boost sales. Sure enough, the two guys behind the table pointed to Wall Bridge where a few enthusiastic individuals were encouraging students walking across to the Prince Lawn side to splurge on an ice cold lemonade. I then walked the short distance to the next stand where the designated spokesperson for the group told me they had an “incentives program.” If you bought a cup of lemonade or a cup of PINK lemonade you would receive a souvenir cup or a sticker.

If you purchased either regular or PINK lemonade from this group you received an incentive such as a cup.

If you purchased either regular or PINK lemonade from this group you received an incentive such as a cup.

I hustled over to the final two stands. The first one on the final stretch was selling TEAL LEMONADE! Not only did that simple fact win my heart over but the color of the liquid was extremely close to the actual official #CCU teal color (it is very hard to replicate). The final stand wasn’t too shabby either. They offered frozen lemonade fresh out of the blender.

Competition over. In my mind, the teal lemonade was the best idea out on Prince Lawn.

Competition over. In my mind, the teal lemonade was the best idea out on Prince Lawn.

Although I didn’t get to actually sample any of the different lemonades, I definitely enjoyed conversing with the students and hearing their sales tactics. My award for best stand (not based on taste of course) definitely goes to the teal lemonade team. What an absolutely genius idea.

You know the best part of all this? The other Management 309 class will be out on Prince Lawn this Thursday at the same time to give their best shot at selling lemonade. I can’t wait to see what they come up with. Maybe this time around I will actually buy a cup. Don’t Blink.


This semester I started a social media campaign at Coastal Carolina University titled #CCUwisdom. It is very simple. I ask students to provide me with quotes and each morning I tweet out one of the quotes over our main account. I also film them saying the quote and post that on Instagram.

Follow #CCUSocialMedia for your behind-the-scenes pass to Coastal Carolina University.

Follow #CCUSocialMedia for your behind-the-scenes pass to Coastal Carolina University.

I am not much of a quote guy so I didn’t know how much personal enjoyment I would get out of the campaign. I implemented it primarily because quotes on social media generate retweets and favorites. Little did I know that I would be surprised. I must have listened to the wrong quotes growing up because the ones our students are providing me with actually contain a lot of substance and meaning.

I grew up in awe of John F. Kennedy and because of this I knew several of his famous lines from speeches. However, at the end of last week I met with a student to film her quote. In the small talk before I recorded her, I asked her who her quote was from and she replied JFK. I thought I knew what was coming but when the student recited the quote my brain raced realizing that I had never heard this particular line before.

Tess Emiroglu, a transfer student from Myrtle Beach, offered this bit of wisdom from our 35th President:
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

Tess brought us this insightful quote from JFK.

Tess brought us this insightful quote from JFK.

For all the faults I have, this is actually wisdom that I embrace and try to practice as much as possible. In under three decades of life, I have watched people react to change in different ways. The ones who I have watched accept this law of life thrive while those I have seen reject this law fall behind. I don’t really know if it is the positive or negative examples that have really motivated me to always be receptive of change.

Even though I am accepting of change it doesn’t always mean that the implementation is easy. Perhaps this is a reason, besides stubbornness, as to why many people fail to welcome life’s most sure thing. Change brings with it bumps in the road and a learning curve. The transition is definitely not seamless.

One thing I can’t do though is give myself too much credit for being open to change. If I want to eat, it is necessary that I am able to make 180 degree turns every day. When you have a career in social media you are constantly tracking the next trend and preparing yourself to react to the latest bombshell. You see, while some professions might allow for people to adapt a little more slowly, new media demands that you accept change RIGHT NOW. So basically my good habit of not hiding from change really isn’t because of my own merit but rather because of the job I work in.

The second half of Kennedy’s quote is equally important. Wayne Gretzsky said (paraphrasing) that he skates to not where the puck is, but where it will be. If you dismiss impending change and believe that things will always be how they are, it is tough to make necessary adjustments and be successful in the long term. Of course it goes without saying that those stuck in the past are in an even more troublesome state.

Change can be hard but it is absolutely necessary. Not only is it “the law of life” but it is also the key ingredient for progress and success. Don’t Blink.

Don’t Blink Reader Appreciation Week

Hello my valued readers! I hope you have had a great weekend. As you watch football, let me roll out my offer for Don’t Blink Reader Appreciation Week.

Two and a half years ago, I challenged you all to share my blog on social media. If you did, I sent you a personal card through the mail. It worked great and I shipped off numerous envelopes across the country.

Almost 1,000 days later I want to do something similar. However, this time around there will be no condition of promoting my blog. If you enjoy reading Don’t Blink and would like a personal “hello” from me, all you have to do is let me know via a simple message. You can accomplish this by:

1. Sending me a message on Facebook.
2. Sending me a direct message on Twitter (@brentreser).
3. Sending me an e-mail to my personal address at

Would you like to receive something in the mail from the author of Don't Blink himself? Just complete one of the options above.

Would you like to receive something in the mail from the author of Don’t Blink himself? Just complete one of the options above.

The message you send my way can be as simple as just leaving your address. Once it reaches me, you will be added on my list and in short order a simple but sincere form of correspondence from me will reach your mailbox.

The conditions are few. I am giving you 24 hours to submit your request to me. The deadline is September 14, 2015, at 5 p.m. ET. Only one request per reader. There will be a 100 person limit if the demand reaches that high.

I sincerely appreciate my loyal and involved readers. Throughout this week I hope to write other posts that somehow say thank you as well. Have a great week everyone, I hope to connect with you through the U.S. Postal Service soon. Don’t Blink.

Let’s Run It Down Again

It has seemed like the time between last Thursday and this Thursday has flown by. But that is a good thing because I always look forward to my Thursday Rundowns. Off we go…

Putt Putt Mania – I mentioned in the recap of my brother’s weekend here in Myrtle Beach that we played some putt putt over the few days he was here. Perhaps the word “some” is a little bit of an understatement. We played four different courses, totaling 72 holes of miniature golf fun. The courses we played were eclectic and diverse. On Friday night we played Mt. Atlanticus, on Sunday we played Shipwreck, and on Monday we played a doubleheader with a round at Jurassic Mini Golf first and then a round at Jungle Lagoon second. I enjoyed showing Glen one of Myrtle Beach’s signature pastimes. The competition wasn’t bad. Glen won the first two rounds but I registered a victory of my own at the Jurassic course. When it came to the fourth location I was ready to equal him in wins but it wasn’t to be. SIDNEY came out of nowhere and defeated us both.

We took a photo at each course we visited. Going clockwise starting with the image in the upper right hand corner: Mt. Atlanticus, Shipwreck, Jurassic, Jungle Lagoon.

We took a photo at each course we visited. Going clockwise starting with the image in the upper right hand corner: Mt. Atlanticus, Shipwreck, Jurassic, Jungle Lagoon.

I Spy – When you work in higher education, the best type of recognition you can get is from students. Our Atheneum Newsletter here at Coastal Carolina has an “I Spy” feature that highlights a staff or faculty member each month. The featured employee is nominated by someone of the campus community. A student here wrote in about me. Because of that, I was spotlighted in the September issue. To view the story, click here. Thanks Lindsay for nominating me and thanks to Lauren for the great piece.

Click the image to read the article on me.

Click the image to read the article on me.

Happy Birthday, Mikayla – My niece turned a year old this past Saturday. I still remember September 5, 2014, sitting on the couch in my apartment receiving updates on how the delivery was going. My mom told me that at this particular hospital chimes would play whenever a new baby was born. She sent me several texts that traveled across the country telling me that the baby had not yet entered the world. Finally, she sent me a text that simply said “I think I heard chimes.”

Although Mikayla had her first birthday last weekend, the celebration is this Saturday. I received an invite to her party but will unfortunately not be making the cross country trip. Sidney and I sent gifts home with Glen and we will definitely be there in spirit. Happy Birthday, Mikayla!

This is the invitation I received for Mikayla's birthday party.

This is the invitation I received for Mikayla’s birthday party.

Football, Football, Football – Tonight the NFL season gets underway. This excites me quite a bit my greater love, college football, has been going on the past couple of weeks. I genuinely love football season and can’t wait for this first weekend of both college and NFL games. Until Coastal enters the FBS I can still cheer for my favorites at that level as I root for Notre Dame and Washington State. Of course the Chants are my favorite when it comes to the FCS and I still have a soft spot for the Montana Grizzlies. When it comes to the NFL, it is all about the Seattle Seahawks! How about a third straight appearance in the Super Bowl?!

Wedding Update #9 – The biggest update I have for you is that tomorrow it will be exactly NINE MONTHS until Sidney and I tie the knot. Also, the flower girl dress that Sidney’s beautiful niece will wear has been picked out. For those in Myrtle Beach who have an idea of the area, we will be having our reception at Waterway Palms Plantation.


Tomorrow is September 11. Please take a few minutes to think about all those who lost their lives or were impacted. Have a fabulous weekend. Don’t Blink.

Still Respecting Those Photographers

Two years ago today I wrote one of my favorite blog posts in the history of Don’t Blink. I explained how social media really turned upside down the photographer profession. The men and women behind the lens who actually spend years of training perfecting their skill started to see their work devalued, stolen, and depersonalized thanks to services out there called Facebook and Instagram (to just name a couple).

A big part of what made my post 730 days ago so memorable was that I drew from the experiences of a former colleague of mine. Todd Goodrich, the superb photographer at the University of Montana, was candid with me about his initial hesitations regarding the social media boom. It took him a little longer than overnight to come to terms that a lot of his work would be demanded of him practically on the spot just so clueless people with no appreciation for good photography could “like” his images on an iPhone screen.

At the time I talked to Todd two years ago I understood his point of view. I also had an amazing sense of appreciation for how collaborative he was with me and, even though it was tough for him to initially do, had fully accepted and thrived in the new age of photography.

Two years before our talk in 2013 I didn’t completely understand good photography. Of course I knew the difference between a grainy phone image and one of Todd’s high res masterpieces but I didn’t see the distinction as clearly between an amateur with a really nice camera and a professional who had worked behind a lens for years. Seeing more photos, building relationships with photographers, and just maturing in general made me truly able to respect Todd for the incredible talent he possesses.

Now here in the present, my admiration for photographers has heightened even more. As social media continues to dominate society, everyday users are becoming more and more savvy. Our society consumes content at an alarming rate each and every day. With more “stuff” thrown at them now than ever before, people know very well the difference between quality and amateur hour.

You see, two years ago I don’t think the majority of social media users completely understood the difference between professional and non-professional work. Because we wanted to give our audience the best experience possible even if they didn’t know it, I tried to include as much of Todd’s photography as I could. However, that ignorance simply doesn’t exist as much anymore. With social media still growing every single day and the competition absolutely fierce between rival colleges/businesses/etc., good photography is as crucial to a social media program as good creativity and good graphics. Whereas in the past some might have thought someone with a phone in their hand could substitute for a photographer, the average social media user is now starting to reject that display of amateurism. Users notice a difference when they visit the social media page of Brand A and see vibrant, colorful, detailed photos and then visit Brand B and see regular, dulled images.

When students and other people who are looking to break into social media ask me for tips, I always tell them to become good friends with the photographer. They are such an important part of a social media program’s success and it pays to be on great terms with him or her. Some photographers, like Todd, get it. Others might not fully understand the importance of their work being utilized for social media. It is crucial to let your photographer know how much you value them and then show them how their work is received on your social media outlets.

Of course most of us social media professionals won’t have the luxury of securing our institution’s photographer at every event we cover. While a fair amount of events overlap that are covered by both social media personnel and the photographer, you will also have many others that don’t. My general rule is to use images from the photographer whenever they are available but to take the most quality and clear images you can when he/she is not.

Two years later, I still love my photographers! Without them, the social media channels that I have presided over wouldn’t look very good. For all those working in social media, make sure to show your appreciation. Don’t Blink.


I don’t think my Labor Day weekend could have went any better. As I mentioned on Thursday, my brother visited me all the way from Spokane for a few days of fun. Besides all the entertainment that was planned, I also wanted to really show him my life here in Myrtle Beach. Looking back at it all on this Tuesday night while Glen is flying through the sky to the west coast, I can undoubtedly say that the trip was a smashing success.

As I often do with these type of things, I like to give a recap of the happenings by going one day at a time. So, if you don’t mind, I will do the same thing this time around.

Friday – September 4

Sidney and I went to the Myrtle Beach Airport to pick up Glen after his long day of flying. He landed at 7 p.m. and after welcoming him to the South we went to the luggage carousel to pick up his bag.

Glen and I pose for a picture right after he arrived in the Myrtle Beach Airport.

Glen and I pose for a picture right after he arrived in the Myrtle Beach Airport.

It never came.

So yes, the trip started off a little rough but that would be the end of the hiccups. His luggage would arrive in the wee hours of the next morning so until then he could just borrow my clothes. We went to my apartment and chilled out for a few minutes and then we went out into the Myrtle Beach night. We first went to Chick-Fil-A and ate dinner, a meal Glen was looking forward to. After we ate our chicken sandwiches and fries we headed off to the Mt. Atlanticus putt putt course where he received his first taste of both the eclectic miniature golf courses and the stifling humidity that characterizes this area. The latter didn’t bother him too much though as Glen beat Sidney and I in his Myrtle Beach putt putt debut.

Playing some putt putt at Mt. Atlanticus was a fun way to start Glen's vacation.

Playing some putt putt at Mt. Atlanticus was a fun way to start Glen’s vacation.

After golf we headed out to Myrtle Beach’s adult playground, Broadway at the Beach. With various themed bars and fun night clubs, it is an area perfect for someone Glen’s age. We had a fabulous time hopping around the various establishments. The highlights were playing the arcade games inside Broadway Louie’s and then entering a certain complex that has about three or four different clubs located under one roof. Once we finished at Broadway at the Beach we took a taxi back to my neck of the woods and I showed Glen around our neighborhood watering holes and introduced him to the extended hours that bars enjoy in Myrtle Beach. We walked inside my apartment after an amazing night at 4 a.m.

It was a long but very fun night.

It was a long but very fun night.

Saturday – September 5

I hassled Glen to get up early and we started heading in the direction of Conway. We stopped at Waffle House for breakfast so Glen could experience another Southern institution. After eating a heavy meal that was much welcomed after the previous night, we visited the Coastal Carolina University campus. I had the privilege of showing him around as he got to see Prince Lawn, our athletic fields, my office, and much more.

I got to show Glen our teal football field.

I got to show Glen our teal football field.

Once we finished at CCU, we went out to Sidney’s parents’ house to retrieve Glen’s luggage. We had Delta deliver it to the home of her parents because we wanted to make sure people were home when the delivery person came by. Glen got to meet Sid’s dad as we watched tennis in the living room for a few minutes. We returned home and watched the first three quarters of the Washington State vs. Portland State game. We then went to 4:30 p.m. mass at St. Andrew Parish, allowing Glen to see the church where he will serve as the best man at in eight months. After the service we stopped at a produce stand on the side of the road and purchased boiled peanuts. From there we went back to Broadway at the Beach so I could show him the area during the daytime while also taking him out of the Celebrity Circle bar district.

Glen and I enjoying Broadway at the Beach.

Glen and I enjoying Broadway at the Beach.

After Broadway at the Beach we went right to Sid’s house and ate some peanuts. From there we went to the Murrell’s Inlet Marshwalk for a relaxing evening. It was a 90 minute wait at the restaurant we wanted to eat at so we had the luxury of walking around the whole marsh area at our own pace. After Glen saw the sights, including the place where I proposed to Sidney, we went to this really cool bar called Wahoo’s and watched people dance while also checking the television screens showing football games. At 9:30 p.m., we finally received a text message from Drunken Jack’s telling us that our table was ready. We made the short walk over from Wahoo’s and enjoyed a fabulous dinner in a great atmosphere. Glen got to try hush puppies and eat some great meat. After we finished our meal we returned to Sidney’s house where we watched highlights of the day’s football games.

We had a wonderful evening in Murrells Inlet at the Marshwalk.

We had a wonderful evening in Murrells Inlet at the Marshwalk.

Sunday – September 6

I once again did my best to get Glen up at a reasonable hour and then we were off to the beach! I took him to Springmaid, the beach area close to my place where locals go. We had a nice morning stroll up and down the shore. We finished our walk and then went to a putt putt course called Shipwreck. Despite my noble efforts, Glen once again beat me. We shook hands and then went to a place called Damon’s for lunch. We sat on the outdoor patio overlooking the beach as we ate and had a couple cold ones. Now well-nourished, we went on with our day.

We enjoyed some time at the beach, shot some putt putt at Shipwreck, and ate yummy food at Damon's.

We enjoyed some time at the beach, shot some putt putt at Shipwreck, and ate yummy food at Damon’s.

We drove up Kings Highway and stopped at a few of the souvenir shops so Glen could start getting an idea of the inventory available. This journey helped lead us to the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk. We had a nice time walking around, checking out the arcade, and browsing through the Gay Dolphin (a giant gift shop). The weather was beautiful and the scenery nice. After Glen did some major purchasing at a nearby gift store we left the area and stopped at a random bar halfway to my apartment. Sidney joined us here as we had fun listening to one of the gruff customers chat us up the whole time we were there.

Glen pinned his hometown on the big map in the bar.

Glen pinned his hometown on the big map in the bar.

After our time in the dive we hustled home and showered. We needed to look and smell nice because we were going over to eat dinner with Sidney’s family. We went over to the house of Sidney’s sister for the meal. Glen had the opportunity to meet all of Sidney’s sister’s family, Sid’s parents, Sid’s aunt, and her cousin. We smacked our lips as we ate an incredible spread that included ribs, macaroni and cheese, corn, green beans, rice, and rolls. I ate so much that I couldn’t even do dessert. Glen was definitely shown Southern hospitality.

My plate of food at Sidney's sister's house. Glen had a plate similar to this!

My plate of food at Sidney’s sister’s house. Glen had a plate similar to this!

We said thank you to Sid’s family and the three of us went to the Boathouse, a bar in Myrtle Beach with a gorgeous backyard area that overlooks the Intracoastal Waterway. The venue was crazy and packed with lots of people watching to be done. We stayed for a little bit and then returned home to my apartment where we watched “Big Brother” and “Bar Rescue.” We then went on a six stop bar tour where some of the establishments were in desperate need of Jon Taffer’s assistance. It was a lot of fun though as we picked up a story from each place we visited.

Monday – September 7

Labor Day started with us driving the short distance to the beach but it started to rain. We reversed course and drove to Sidney’s house, stopping at Bojangles on the way to pick up breakfast. We ate our food in Sid’s living room, giving Glen a taste of yet another Southern staple as we munched on chicken and Bo-Berry biscuits. In an effort to wait out the rain, Glen and I went to the movie theater to watch the 11 a.m. showing of “The Gift.” Although the movie wasn’t stellar by any means we accomplished our objective as it was beautiful outside by the time we exited the theater. Sidney met us outside the doors and we briefly looked around the mall. After our quick tour of the shopping center, it was time to play more putt putt.

We drove to Jurassic Mini Golf where we played 18 holes with the dinosaurs. This course was a lot of fun and it helped also that I won! It was hot and humid but that didn’t detract us from wanting to play more. We drove to the Jungle Lagoon course where we once again had a ball. Out of the four courses we played, this was our favorite. Sidney pulled out the victory this time around, making it so that all three of us won at least once during Glen’s trip. After 36 holes of putt putt in the Labor Day sun, we were thirsty. We had Sid pick out a bar for us and we went inside for a couple more cold ones.

We had a ton of fun playing putt putt. This is Glen and I at Jungle Lagoon.

We had a ton of fun playing putt putt. This is Glen and I at Jungle Lagoon.

Glen and I then set off to do what we had originally planned to do earlier that morning…go back to the beach. We went to Springmaid again and had just a relaxing time. The conditions were perfect and nothing said “Myrtle Beach” more than those 45 minutes we spent yesterday afternoon carving stuff in the sand, picking up seashells, and going in the water. When it was time to move on we went to one final souvenir shop to purchase a last minute item. I then took Glen on a tour of my apartment complex and we ran a couple errands.

Glen and I enjoying a perfect day at the beach.

Glen and I enjoying a perfect day at the beach.

We returned to my place and showered. Sidney came over and met us and we all sat down and watched Jeopardy. After the show we went to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse and had a terrific final meal. After we had stuffed our bellies we chose a movie out of the Redbox and came home. The film we selected was “Unfinished Business” and it definitely went unfinished by us. We didn’t even watch an hour of it before stopping it and watching the remainder of the Ohio State vs. Virginia Tech football game instead. By that time it was past midnight and we were ready to go to bed. We knew we had enjoyed an incredible 3+ days so instead of going to bed sad that vacation was coming to a close, we went to sleep fulfilled.

Last night, Sidney presented Glen with this sign to take back to Spokane with him.

Last night, Sidney presented Glen with this sign to take back to Spokane with him.


This morning I had to say goodbye to my brother as he slept soundly. Because I leave for campus at 5:30 a.m. each morning and his flight didn’t depart until 11 a.m., he had to get a cab to take him to the airport. I felt a little guilty leaving him to take a taxi but I know he understood and didn’t care that much.

Probably my most favorite picture of the trip. Glen and I in our Myrtle Beach polos right before we went to dinner at the house of Sid's sister.

Probably my most favorite picture of the trip. Glen and I in our Myrtle Beach polos right before we went to dinner at the house of Sid’s sister.

During my drive to campus and pretty much this whole day, I constantly thought about the great weekend we had. Words can’t describe how nice it was to spend time with my brother here in Myrtle Beach. I had waited a long time for him to come visit me and we had more fun than even I thought we would. Thanks to my best friend Sidney for doing all she could to make sure I had such a memorable experience with my other best friend. Hanging out with those two in tandem provided me with so much joy. Finally, in closing, we used the hashtag #GlenDoesMyrtle the whole trip to chronicle our Myrtle Beach adventures on social media. Glen, my good sir, you have earned the right to change that hashtag to #GlenDidMyrtle. Thank you, well done, and I love you. Don’t Blink.

Those Dark Facebook Users

We all have our friends who we follow on social media who take full liberty to air out their griviences and opinions. We may get annoyed and we may just laugh while saying to ourselves “Oh man, here we go again.” These are the people we complain and make fun about.

So while I never lose sleep over the digital rants of those I know, I sometimes feel a little unsettled by those strangers who have the tendency to let loose with bizarre statements fueled by obsessive dedication.

I remember while working at the University of Montana, there was a certain person who would mix his strong beliefs and inappropriate language into awful Facebook comments. He would publish his garbage underneath our Facebook posts, many times not having anything to do with the featured content (this was an athletics page for crying out loud). I gave him a long leash before I finally blocked him. Just because I banned him from our Montana Grizzlies page didn’t mean I had seen the last of his Facebook mug, however.

I would frequently see his comments appear on unofficial Griz Facebook pages. I would also always see his filth on every social media account belonging to a local Missoula news outlet as well. What was up with this person? It went way beyond acting as a troll.

I wish I could say this was the only occurrence I have seen of this. Not even close. You don’t have to work in social media to see these Facebook crazies make their daily rounds on pages with large followings and high engagement. They rant, they spam, and they threaten.

Just this past summer, Myrtle Beach held a major country music festival. It was a massive event, one that was heavily covered by the local media. As it was the event’s first year, minor hiccups did occur. I observed one certain Facebook user, disgruntled over the festival’s high ticket price, ambush not just the festival’s Facebook page but every single page of our area’s various television outlets covering it. This particular lady, who didn’t even attend the festival, went on an absolute crusade creating long winded posts (copying and pasting many of them) that she plastered on all these different Facebook pages. The dialogue that ensued between her and users defending the festival always turned nasty.

I have too many examples to write about here, but you know exactly what I am talking about. The same questions probably run through your head that run through mine. Why are these people so angry? Why don’t they care about their reputation? Don’t they know that everyone can see their name/identity? Are they sane?

By the way, that last question is a legitimate one. Have you ever done what I have a hundred times and gone to the profiles of these folks? Their timeline is filled with rambling status updates, incredibly offensive memes, and photos of them flipping off the camera. After seeing the carnage they do on public Facebook pages I am always able to confirm their instability by checking their personal page and seeing the same trash. Defacing the digital presence of others shows that you are inconsiderate and rude. Making a joke out of your own digital presence shows that you are crazy.

I mentioned at the start of this post that these type of social media users make me feel uneasy. Can you see why? Not only do they have strong and polarizing views, they most likely also have a mental illness. What happens if these people ever do damage through other means besides just causing social media unrest? Now I know most of these people would never act in such a way but the thought does cross my mind.

The other day I was looking at a Facebook page for a Spokane news station. Under one of the posts I saw a vile comment. I had to look twice but it was completely obvious…the same person who terrorized social media accounts in Missoula was now spreading his “wisdom” to a new audience in a new town 200 miles to the west. How he still has a Facebook account is beyond me. These people are relentless. We have to balance between ignoring these people while at the same time keeping a watchful eye. Don’t Blink.

Great, Good, Grand Thursday Rundown

Do you know what they say about the first Thursday Rundown of each month? That it is Great (notice the capital “G”)! With that said, let’s get started.

Glen – Tomorrow my brother will arrive in Myrtle Beach to spend the Labor Day weekend with me. Just like when my parents came to visit me in March, I am ecstatic to show him my home. After almost a year and a half here in Myrtle Beach, he will get his first look at where I live, where I work, and where I hangout. I am excited for him to meet Sidney’s family and for him to get a taste of what he can expect when he returns to MB in June to serve as my Best Man.

Glen and I a couple years ago.

Glen and I a couple years ago.

Grandma – Today my Grandma would have turned 98. She passed away nine years ago. Virginia Fazzari was an incredibly generous and patient woman who loved her family, excelled at cooking, participated fully in the church, and read at a frantic pace. I have many, many fond memories of my Grandma and will always miss her.

My grandma and I before we went to the church for my First Communion.

My grandma and I before we went to the church for my First Communion.

Gas – South Carolina is famous for cheap gas. We are definitely living up to that billing right now. Driving to work this morning I don’t think I saw one station that wasn’t boasting sub $1.90 prices. The cheapest of the cheap I have seen so far is a dirt cheap $1.84 per gallon. I think my brother is going to bring gas cans with him to fill up and bring home to Spokane at the end of the weekend.

It is harder than it looks to take a photo of gas prices when you are driving.

It is harder than it looks to take a photo of gas prices when you are driving. This was taken last weekend at a Myrtle Beach Kangaroo location

Gameday – Today I received my season tickets for the 2015 Chanticleer football season! Although I work all games from the sidelines, I do purchase a couple tickets so Sidney and a guest can attend. This year the home season is much anticipated just not because the team will once again be strong but because of the debut of the TEAL TURF. Also, with the recent announcement about the Sun Belt Conference, folks are more on fire about the program than ever before. Should be a great season!

It is so convenient having your season tickets loaded onto a card.

It is so convenient having your season tickets loaded onto a card.

Golf Update – Because I don’t have a wedding update this week, I decided to bring you a golf update instead. Last night Sidney and I had our latest golf lesson. For me it went well as I had my “ah-ha” moment. I was finally swinging the club well and making solid contact with the ball. It was a lot of fun! Best part was that I was barely able to outperform Sid this time around.


Have an incredible Labor Day weekend, everyone. I have looked forward to this one for a couple months now. Enjoy and be safe. Don’t Blink.

Coastal Carolina Moving to the Sun Belt Conference

Today was a very historic day at Coastal Carolina. After much talk, rumor, and anticipation, the big announcement was finally made to confirm that the college I work for would join a new conference. However, this wasn’t a lateral move or a charade to jump off of a sinking ship. Rather, It was a move that offered great testament to the stature, progress, and potential of Coastal Carolina University.

It was announced at this afternoon’s press conference that our institution would join the Sun Belt Conference (effective July of 2016). As I mentioned, this just isn’t our university jumping from one conference to the other…it is so much more. By making this move, Coastal Carolina is now an FBS school. Or, in another words, CCU is now at the big boy table.

Today the announcement was made that Coastal Carolina University would join the Big South Conference (photo courtesy of Bill Edmonds, Coastal Carolina University).

Today the announcement was made that Coastal Carolina University would join the Sun Belt Conference (photo courtesy of Bill Edmonds, Coastal Carolina University).

It is no secret, Coastal is a university that is on the rise from just about every aspect. With the insane growth, exposure, and recognition consistently generated by our college it made sense to take an offer that will multiply all of these great things even more. The Sun Belt naturally wanted the Chanticleers and our administrators made the strategic move to accept the invite.

Commissioner Karl Benson said today that the decision to add our university was a “student-athlete decision.” This is exactly how it should be. Of course Coastal has the facilities, the structure, and the means to be a perfect fit but in the end it all comes down to the student-athletes. To know that our students who come here to compete for the Chanticleers will have a solid conference to compete in is comforting.

I took this photo today of President David DeCenzo, Sun Belt Commissioner Karl Benson, and Athletic Director Matt Hogue during the press conference.

I snapped this photo with my phone today of President David DeCenzo, Sun Belt Commissioner Karl Benson, and Athletic Director Matt Hogue during the press conference.

From a complete selfish standpoint, I am so jacked up about this move. To say that I now work for an FBS school (or at least a transitioning FBS school) as opposed to an FCS school makes me feel good. Whether or not you want to admit it, there is no better place to be than at the highest level of competition.

I am so pumped that the college I work for is going FBS and joining the Sun Belt Conference.

I am so pumped that the college I work for is going FBS and joining the Sun Belt Conference.

When I was working in the athletic department at Montana an invite was offered to join the Western Athletic Conference (WAC). The move would have taken the Griz to the FBS level as well. The president opted not to accept. I remembered feeling so disappointed that the program would remain at the FCS level in a less than glamorous conference. Now the WAC ended up dissolving its sponsorship of football so perhaps the right decision was made but who knows what would have happened if Montana joined and added stability. Bottom line, I am glad I don’t have the bad taste in my mouth of not moving up again.

Coastal Carolina can undoubtedly prosper at this next level. In fact, most of our athletic programs are already succeeding at this level through membership in the Big South Conference (besides football, our other sports play in the top tier NCAA championships). But the move to the Sun Belt will be a complete game changer. The switch in conferences will bring a sizeable boom that will bolster our athletic program and campus like nothing we have seen before.

I give much credit to President DeCenzo and Athletic Director Matt Hogue for making this all happen. If you can believe it, Coastal Carolina University has now become an even more desirable place to go to school and to work at. Go Chants! Don’t Blink.