Thanks for coming back each and every Thursday! As you know, it is the designated day for the rundown. Five topics coming at you right now…
Friendly Confines of Wrigley Field – In last night’s post I mentioned how I went and saw our local minor league baseball team play on Tuesday night. Sidney and I got selected as the Cheerwine Fans of the Game but that wasn’t the coolest part of the evening. This past season, the Myrtle Beach Pelicans changed parent clubs from the Texas Rangers to the Chicago Cubs. In an ode to their major league affiliate, the Pelicans built a mini Wrigley Field replica out on the third base concourse. As Wrigley is a ballpark I have not had the fortune of visiting, I made sure to get a photo inside the next best thing.

The Myrtle Beach Pelicans built a Wrigley Field Replica on the concourse on the third base side of Pelicans Stadium.
I Love Hot Dogs – Today is National Hot Dog Day and although I am not celebrating it with the food, I can proudly say that I love hot dogs. For me, Hot Dog Heaven is outside of Safeco Field in Seattle. Before Mariner games, vendors line the main street to the ballpark and grill every version of a hot dog that you can think of. The hot dog scene there beats the scene at all the other MLB parks I have visited. I am also a big fan of Costco hot dogs. However, nothing will quite beat the dog I inhaled (partially) three years ago at Northern Quest Casino in Spokane. Called “The Big Dog,” that picture below is what the mammoth thing looked like the second it was presented to me at our table.
Teal Shaded Summer Alumni Style – Yesterday we sent out 60 pairs of customized sunglasses to our alumni around the country. Whereas when I did this promotion with our students I had them take photos showcasing their summer vacation, the alumni version is a little different. I have asked our past CCU graduates to take the glasses with them to work, put them on, and take a photo while in their professional environment. Besides the traditional workplaces, I have sent glasses to people who are working at Nickledeon, Pinehurst Resort, and various aquariums. I can’t wait for the images to start rolling in.
Cookie Dough – I had fun writing about my concept for a cookie dough dessert shop last week. If I ever do open such a place, I already found a cookie dough that I will have to make sure we sell. Media Services staffer David Russell brought me in a sample of actual cookie dough today! He promised that it was the real deal. Sure enough, when I tasted it I couldn’t believe how good it was. Unlike any cookie dough I had ever tried before, it had a delicious carmel flavor that was textured just right. Thanks, David!
Wedding Update #3 – It is official! Sidney and I were granted our first choice for our wedding date. On June 11, 2016, we will become a married couple. This past Friday, the pastoral associate at St. Andrew called me with the good news. We can’t wait!
So ends another Thursday Rundown. Thank you for your readership and I will connect back with all of you soon. Don’t Blink.