Simple Compassion

On this date two years ago, I came across the below social media post. As was eloquently conveyed, the Reddit user who responded to the thread displayed commendable compassion and kindness.

I appreciated the perspective and message from this social media post.

Coincidentally, on this date 10 years ago, I wrote about a different sandwich franchise that implemented an anxiety-free ordering system. When I lived in the South, I always enjoyed picking up a sandwich at Which Wich. This particular place offered fresh, delicious food via a unique approach to ordering.

When you walked into Which Wich, you would arrive at a table that had brown sandwich bags in differing sizes. Based on the size of sandwich you wanted, you would select the appropriate bag and then pick up a Sharpie. You would then use the pen to make choices on the bag. By checking boxes, you would select your bread type, veggies, meats, condiments, etc. From there you would hand the bag to an employee and they would make your sandwich exactly how you specified it. No need to “go down the line” directing a “sandwich artist” on how you wanted your sub made.

This is what a Which Wich bag looks like.

Of course Which Wich’s ordering model is no longer as unique as it once was. Every restaurant chain, including Subway, now has online ordering where you can build your meal with extreme specificity that doesn’t require a single word to be uttered.

Still, I understand the Reddit poster’s apprehension at making a traditional in-person order at Subway. Sometimes processes and choices can be overwhelming, especially in an environment with lines and crowds. In college I had a friend who was discouraged from going to the gym because of the sometimes burdensome and anxiety-ridden process of swiping your student card and punching in an ID number.

We need to be understanding that things some of us think as simple–like ordering a Subway sandwich–can be challenging to others.

The point is that we should be understanding of those who suffer from anxiety and the societal processes that exasperate it. Refraining from judgment and streamlining should always be goals. Don’t Blink.

Random and Boring

It is a Thursday evening so why don’t I run down some random and insignificant topics for you? Okay, let’s do it! Time to go rapid fire through five unrelated discussions.

Which Wich – On Sunday night on our way back from Atlanta Sidney and I stopped in Augusta, Georgia, to find a place to eat. We decided to dine at Which Wich. Now I understand that this place is a very popular sandwich chain with locations in the majority of the states but I had never tried it before. Let me tell you, I had been missing out. I got a chicken pesto sandwich and it was superb. I loved how you placed your order by checking off items on a card and simply handing it to the counter. The large variety of what you could make had me stressing over what I wanted to order. Although it is expensive for the type of place it is ($22 for Sidney and I) the quality of the sandwich will not disappoint you.

Movies, Movies, Movies – On Tuesday night I watched a film called “13 Sins.” Entertaining and disturbing with a very interesting premise I recommend it. Last night I sat through “The Purge” for the second time so Sidney could see it before the sequel comes out next Friday. Tonight the film at the Reser Apartment will be “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.” Of course I am watching it so I set myself up for tomorrow evening when I watch “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” in the theater. Some of the guys from work are attending the show and I have accepted their invitation to tag along.

Perks of the Job – Exactly one year ago today I blogged about the top three perks of my job at the time. Now that I have a new gig I took a couple minutes to think about the different perks I enjoy in this capacity. I thought up about ten but for the sake of congruity here are three:
1. I get to work in a department where news breaks, decisions are made, and the rest of campus looks up to you.
2. I work on a campus with about twelve different fountains, infinite sunshine, and a state of the art gym.
3. On Fridays during the summer we go home at 1 p.m. and we enjoy the whole week off between Christmas and New Year’s.

Lebron: The Decision, Part II – Come on King James, just let us know who you are going to sign with. This whole thing has already spun out of control and I am sick of it. I know you have your mind made up so please just issue a quiet statement through your agent, don’t say anything about taking your talents anywhere, act humble, and go away for the rest of the summer.

Newspaper – As Sidney is fond of saying, I am a “creature of habit.” Besides a million other things, one item I need in the morning is my newspaper. When I arrived in Myrtle Beach one of the first things I did was subscribe to the local periodical. Much to my chagrin the past two months have not treated me too well in the newspaper delivery department. By far, less than half the days since I have paid my subscription has a paper actually arrived. I reported the problem through the paper’s e-mail report service and their automated voice system. I talked to different customer service representatives (outsourced) SEVEN times. I even typed out a letter and sent it to them. Nothing worked. On Tuesday I called up again and just flat out asked for a refund. I guess those words lit a spark in them. The past two mornings my paper has been right at my door inside a bag with my address personally written on it. I don’t want to jinx it but I think I finally got through to them.


Never quit trying to improve yourself my friends. Thanks for reading what I have to say and I wish you an awesome weekend. Don’t Blink.