It was only a week or so after I wrote about the best ever corporate produced snack mix that something else was thrust in front of me. My wife shared one of those recipe viral videos to my Facebook wall of what I can only describe as the holiday homemade snack mix of all holiday homemade snack mixes. The outrageous Yuletide treat had quite the name: Christmas Reindeer Crack.

Sidney posted on my Facebook wall a video for making a treat called Christmas Reindeer Crack.
However, it was almost as if the colorful name still fell short on doing it justice. Then again, it really is hard to decide upon a worthy name for a snack that uses eight sweet and/or salty snacks. Christmas Reindeer Crack calls for the sweet tooth “crackhead” cook to mix pretzels, peanuts, Fritos, Chex Mix, Bugles, and M&M’s together in a gigantic container. After the items are combined, white chocolate is poured over the contents to bring together the several different snacks into one. It is quite the sight.
Did I see myself making it? With a half of a tub of Rudolph’s Mix still left in our pantry and with all the Thanksgiving dishes and leftovers, my initial thought was no. However, my initial thinking would soon be tweaked…
After I commented underneath the post that Sid shared with something along the lines of “OMG THAT IS INCREDIBLE” she responded with a simple question.
Will you make it for me?
It didn’t take more than a few minutes for one of Sidney’s co-workers to jump in the conversation and reply: “Of course he will! You’re carrying his baby!”

This sealed it! I was making the Reindeer Crack.
There was no possible way to back out now.
On Black Friday, I went to Walmart and bought the ingredients. The only thing I omitted was the Chex Mix. I couldn’t find a mild flavored traditional mix and I wasn’t too excited about how the texture of the snack would fit with everything else. I bought double the amount of white chocolate and double the amount of M&M’s.

These were the ingredients I bought for Christmas Reindeer Crack. I laid them out for a photo on our kitchen table before getting to work.
For those who know me, and for those who regularly follow this blog, I can’t cook myself out of a paper bag. Luckily, the only skill needed of anyone wanting to make this recipe was just the ability to pour items into a container.

To make Reindeer Crack, you just have to be really good at pouring stuff into a container. This was my mix before I started adding the sweet stuff.
You know all those ingredients I had on the table above? I used 95% of them. I think I had a few pretzels and some Bugles left over. Even without the white chocolate added yet, I had a gigantic snack mix concoction that looked very festive.

After I poured in the M&M’s, the Christmas Reindeer Crack looked very festive.
To properly mix the Reindeer Crack and to create a couple different batches, I took the big container and emptied the contents into two smaller containers. I then poured one white chocolate packet on top of the mix in one of the containers and the other white chocolate packet on top of the mix in the other container. I then stirred and mixed with Sid’s kitchen tools. I never realized how well white chocolate bands items together. In no time, the snack looked fit enough for even St. Nick himself to eat.

A look at right when I put on the white chocolate and then after I mixed it.
I cooled the Reindeer Crack in the refrigerator for about an hour. Upon taking it out and trying it, I realized why it has the name it does. The sweet and salty taste truly wins the day. I brought one of the batches over to our Thanksgiving leftover dinner with the Mathis family. The other batch is still at our house where we have been working on it throughout the weekend.

This is me proudly holding one of the batches of Christmas Reindeer Crack I made.
If you want an easy, tasty, and original treat to bring to a holiday party this year, I would recommend Reindeer Crack. Just remember to follow the rule I outlined above and always add extra white chocolate and M&M’s. Don’t Blink.