Okay everyone, it is Thursday! With most of the work week in the books, let’s celebrate with the latest Thursday Rundown installment.
Baby Update – Yesterday, Sidney had her latest appointment with the doctor. We had the thrill of listening to the sound of our baby’s heartbeat. Everything seems to be going well and at the next appointment in four weeks we will be able to find out the sex of our baby. A week ago, we purchased the crib. It is already set up in our office area upstairs.

This is the crib we bought last week for our baby!
Newest Show – Sidney and I have found our newest show and it is NBC’s “This Is Us.” The series is on every Tuesday night and the actual runtime of each episode is about 27 minutes but commercials stretch it to an hour. Besides the constant advertisements, we enjoy watching it. “This Is Us” tells the story of triplets by going back and forth between their childhood and adulthood. Mandy Moore stars in it as the mom and several other actors give solid performances. The show is unique and I recommend that you give it a try.
The Loris Bog-Off – Last Saturday, Sidney and I went to Loris, South Carolina, for an annual festival. Called the Loris Bog-Off, the event centers around a chicken bog competition. However, the small South Carolina town offers much more on this day than just a favorite local dish. The downtown areas becomes a hub for music, entertainment, and vendors. I finished up my bog just in time to watch the chicken clucking contest. Sidney and I sat on bleachers and howled as we watched some of the contestants (men, women, and children) give their perfect clucking calls.

Sid and I at the Loris Bog-Off last Saturday. On the right is the actual winner of the Bog-Off.
Final Debate Reaction – I watched every minute of the three presidential debates. By far, last night’s was the most organized and controlled. However, that is not to say that I didn’t enjoy the madness of the other two. I just appreciated the dynamic of watching a career politician go up against a career businessman. In my opinion, both candidates had their moments. I can say with absolute certainty that I know who I will be voting for.
Cool Supermarket Promotion – The grocery store right by our house is offering a pretty cool promotion. If you spend so many dollars at Lowe’s you will be given (drum roll please)….a set of knives. Okay, maybe not the most exciting prize but it is definitely something to shoot for. Those who participate are given a stamp for every $10 spent. Once you fill up the board, you get the knives. At the rate we go to Lowe’s, this shouldn’t be a problem!

For every $10 spent, you get a stamp. Just $790 more dollars to go for us!
I extend my best October wishes to all my readers. Have a safe weekend and we will touch base soon. Don’t Blink.