I hate to say it, but I think Donald Trump’s campaign is turning from “fascinating” to a train wreck. When Monday night rolled around, I didn’t think a defeat in Iowa would doom his aspirations of winning the Republican nomination. However, the way his disappointing night went down and his response on social media afterwards has led me to believe that he might be done.

I give you three reasons why Donald Trump’s campaign is in trouble.
Let me give you my three reasons why I think we might have already seen the best days of Donald Trump the politician…
1. Bad Defeat: I wasn’t confident that Donald Trump would prevail in Iowa. I knew the polls were close and of course we all heard over and over about Ted Cruz’s ground game. However, I thought if Trump was runner up it would be in the style of how Bernie Sanders finished to Hillary Clinton. For “The Donald” to lose by 3% points and finish closer to Rubio than Cruz was a little surprising to me. I know Trump has spun this result by saying it was a triumph considering he didn’t spend a dime in Iowa and was told he had no chance of winning but I am not convinced. Suddenly his big lead via the polls in New Hampshire aren’t that impressive anymore.
2. Wild/Whiny Accusations: I used to love Donald Trump’s Twitter account. It was outrageous and no holds barred. Now it is just desperate. In a series of angry tweets, Trump insisted that Cruz “stole the Iowa caucus” and “committed fraud.” He moaned that Ted Cruz sent out a dishonest press release and also lied about his own (Trump’s) political beliefs. Trump then went on to say that either “a new election should take place or Cruz’s results (should be) nullified.”

Come on Donald, you need to move past what happened in Iowa.
Donald, just move on! You gave a good concession speech, why did you ruin it with the above garbage? American people don’t respond well to poor losers, especially ones who skip debates. Don’t blame your loss on a press release, blame it on your decision to not work hard in Iowa. Saying someone “cheated” is elementary. These accusations won’t help you out.

The accusation about cheating is just ridiculous.
3. Turning Wrath on the Voters: When I saw Donald Trump’s tweet calling out the American people I was stunned. Trump has been rude and crude with his Twitter account but bashing the voters took it to a whole new level. Trump complained that people are failing to recognize that he is self-funding his campaign by not automatically stamping his ticket to the White House via their votes.
I think his campaign came off the rails with this tweet. How can you lash out at the American people? How can you point your finger at us and say we aren’t giving you enough glory for how you are financing your campaign? Sure it is noble that you are paying your own way but it doesn’t mean you receive an automatic inauguration. I really feel Trump turned ugly with this tweet and alienated thousands of people who might have potentially voted for him.

I think Trump could have killed his campaign with this tweet.
It has been an unprecedented ride for Donald Trump but I feel his ship might be sinking just a bit. However, I will be the first one to admit he has proven me wrong on more than one occasion. We will see how he rebounds next week but he is definitely not doing himself any favors with his actions. Don’t Blink.