My children finally visited Walla Walla.
This past weekend, the four of us traveled south to spend family time in a town that meant a lot to me growing up. Sidney and I wanted to make some memories with the kids so we chose the spot where several of my aunts, uncles, and cousins still live for a one-night getaway.
Now, to say that it was a breeze traveling to Walla Walla wouldn’t be entirely honest. A drive that would normally take a little under three hours took more than four due to FIVE stops along the way. Hey, when you have a toddler and infant what can you expect?
Once we finally arrived we went to my Uncle Bob’s house where he allowed us to cool off in his pool on the hot August afternoon. It was nice to play Sloan’s imaginary games in the water while also catching up with my uncle. It was his first time meeting both Sloan and Beau.

Sloan had a lot of fun swimming in my Uncle Bob’s pool.
From the pool, we checked into our lodging. We played up the fact to Sloan that it was going to be an “adventure” staying in a hotel and she completely bought it. Sloan thought it was the greatest thing that we had a hotel room and became obsessed with the vending machine.

Sloan loved getting to stay in a hotel!
After checking in, Sidney went with my cousin Abby to get her hair done. Abby is an excellent stylist and Sid was ready to get something done after more than a year since her last cut. During this time, my parents paid us a visit as they traveled to Walla Walla for the weekend as well (they started the trend) and my Aunt Nancy did too. After my parents left, Nancy, Sloan, Beau, and I went on a walk in downtown Walla Walla.

Nancy, Sloan, Beau, and I on our walk.
Later that evening, Abby returned a new wife to me! Seriously, Sid’s hair looked great! My Uncle Dick visited us and got his first glimpse of Beau.

Sid’s hair turned out beautiful!
We went to dinner at El Sombrero, a local Mexican restaurant right across the street from our hotel. I actually ate there a lot as a kid and it has only gotten better. Our meal was delicious and after we ate we returned to our room and went right to sleep.

We had a nice family dinner at El Sombrero.
Sunday started at the Maple Counter, a breakfast spot in downtown Walla Walla. Although we were split up because of social distancing, our party consisted of the four of us, my parents, Nancy, Abby (who was celebrating her birthday), and my Aunt Debbie. Just like with Bob and Dick, it was my aunt’s first time meeting Beau.

The Maple Counter in Walla Walla is a great breakfast spot.
Not too long after breakfast, Sidney, Sloan, Beau, and I went to Pioneer Park, an absolutely gorgeous and historic gigantic park in the city. We hit up the playground, admired the pond, and walked through the aviary. The Pioneer experience might have been my favorite part of the whole weekend.

Our stroll through Pioneer Park was a highlight of the trip.
We drove by the house my grandparents used to live in as well as the old family restaurant. As we made our way out of town, we made one last stop at Klickers, a store famous for fresh produce and really good ice cream. Along with peaches and cucumbers, we also got cones.

Sloan eating her cotton candy cone. I got maple nut.
Since Sid and the kids arrived in Spokane three months ago, we have spent all our time here. This past weekend was about getting out of Dodge and enjoying some family bonding. However, it was also about introducing our little ones to the relatives who love them so much. Walla Walla, thanks for a fun and meaningful 24 hours. Don’t Blink.