Jamming Out at the Swifties Celebrations Tour

We try to attend as many library programs as possible and there was no way Sloan was missing the one held this past weekend. The Spokane County Library District is in the middle of its “Swifties Celebrations” tour that is stopping at the different branches in the district. Last Saturday, the tour arrived at our home branch—the Spokane Valley Library.

Sloan and I had the date circled on our calendar and showed up on Saturday with relatively high expectations. We weren’t disappointed.

We attended the Swifties Celebrations event at the Spokane County Library (Spokane County Library District) on Saturday, Feb. 15.

We entered the programming room at the Spokane Valley Library with “Welcome to New York” filling the room. With the positive energy swirling, Sloan picked up some props and posed for photos in front of the Swiftie backdrop.

The first thing Sloan did at the Swifties Celebrations event was to take a photo in front of the backdrop.

After the photo op, we found a seat at one of the craft tables. With all the new pictures on my phone, we needed a cool spot to place them once developed. Thank goodness, one of the crafts offered was a photo frame. Sloan and I both created our own.

The frames that Sloan and I made at the Spokane County Library District’s Swifties Celebrations.

Once we put the finishing touches on our frames, it was onto the next craft. Anyone want to guess what it was? Yep, friendship bracelets. Sloan had a great time standing up at the craft supply station with the librarians and other attendees as she strung her bracelet together.

Sloan’s finished friendship bracelet she made at the Spokane Valley Library.

With our crafts completed, Sloan split her time between two activities. The first one was Taylor Swift trivia. Every 15 minutes, one of the librarians would ask questions only Swifties would know about their favorite music star. In between the trivia sessions, Sloan was roaming the library participating in the Taylor Swift scavenger hunt. The librarians hid Taylor Swift album cover art throughout the facility and let me tell you—it wasn’t easy. Sloan did her best to scour the shelves, nooks, and crannies of the library to find all of Swift’s albums from Reputation to Speak Now to 1989 to all her other defining work.

Sloan finds Taylor’s “Folklore” album art at the end of one of the library’s shelves.

But Sloan wouldn’t let herself get too lost in the throes of the shelves and books because she had a trivia contest to win. We kept our eyes on the clock so we would make each round of trivia at each 15-minute interval. It paid off. In an event targeted at children in the 10-14 age range, my soon-to-be 8-year-old staved off the other girls (and a couple moms) to narrowly win the contest. Her victory notched her a special Taylor Swift prize.

Sloan poses in front of the trivia scoreboard. She won!

Sloan wasn’t the only one who had fun. This dad (who typically isn’t a Swiftie despite what my frame said) had a really enjoyable afternoon as well. For those who live in the Spokane area with a little Swiftie, you can attend the remaining stops of the “Swifties Celebrations” when it visits the Cheney Library (Feb. 22) and the North Spokane Library (March 1). Sloan and I highly recommend it! Don’t Blink.

Attraction Thursday Rundown

Alright everyone, it is time for the final Thursday Rundown of March 2021. Fair warning: Next week’s Rundown will fall on April 1 so just keep that in mind when you scan the five topics. But before we get to those five topics, we need to get to these five topics…

Magnet Kit – Your local library most likely offers so much more than just books. Last week we checked out a STEM kit from our Spokane Valley County Library. This particular STEM kit was all about magnets. It contained magnet wands, a magnetic horseshoe, alphabet magnets, several magnet books, and more. Sloan loved experimenting with the push and pull of the magnets and was even inspired to look around our house for other magnetic materials. We played a few different games with the kit and just enjoyed the cheap entertainment we got from it.

Sloan messing around with her magnet STEM kit we checked out from the Spokane County Library District.

That’s A Lot of Rubber Bands – I came across the below tweet a couple nights ago. Could you imagine spending a grand on rubber bands each week just to wrap your money stacks? Whoever the “rubber band man” was for this enterprise sure must have enjoyed the business.

Hard to imagine rolling in so much cash that you need to spend $1,000 in cash just to organize it.

National Waffle Day – Okay, let me frank…I am a pancake guy. With that said, I definitely don’t hate waffles. One thing I really miss about living in the South is Waffle House. However, there was another waffle-centric “restaurant” that I enjoyed going to. Back when I lived in Missoula a fro-yo place opened called Yo Waffle. It was just like any other fro-yo place except that it had…well…waffles. You would walk in, pour the batter to make your own waffle, and top it with all the frozen yogurt and candy that you wanted. Can you say heart attack? On second thought, let’s just say this—happy National Waffle Day!

This was my first ever meal at Waffle House. Smothered hash browns and a peanut butter waffle.

NCAA Tourney Reaction – The NCAA Tournament field has been cut to 16 teams and two out of the three universities I threw my support behind last week are still dancing. It might come as little surprise to many that tourney-favorite Gonzaga took care of business in its first two games. But the other team in the Sweet 16 who I am still cheering for fits the bill of a Cinderella. Oregon State will take on Loyola this weekend with an Elite 8 appearance on the line. Let’s go Beavers! It has been fun watching Wayne Tinkle, a great guy who I got to know when we both worked in the athletic department at the University of Montana, coach his team to some big wins. I hope by Tuesday night that the Bulldogs and Beavers are both in the Final Four.

At the University of Montana there was a big start of the year picnic called Welcomefeast. I was responsible for coordinating the athletics portion of the event. One of my responsibilities was to find a guest speaker and Coach Tinkle never hesitated to accept my invitation when I would ask him.

Doesn’t Make Cents – Another cliché news story that media always bite on is the tired tale of a debt being paid in pennies. Whether it is an angry citizen paying a fine at city hall or someone making good on a lost monetary bet, the ultimate way to stick it to the collector is to pay in copper coins. A story that made the rounds today centered on a disgruntled auto shop manager who paid a fired employee his final $915 paycheck in pennies. The manager dropped off a wheelbarrow with the payment at the guy’s house and fled. When the ex-employee found his payment, he noticed that the pennies were covered in motor oil. Okay, I must admit this is the first time I have never heard about someone actually adding a substance to the coins but I still think it is tired and juvenile. Let’s retire this unoriginal act of passive aggressiveness.

The ex-employee went outside his house to discover a wheelbarrow full of pennies.


That’s a wrap for this week. Hope you get some nice weather this weekend and maybe a waffle or two. Don’t Blink.

10 Fun and Easy Christmas Activities

The holiday season is young but we have already packed a lot of Yuletide-fun into the first week of December. While trying to plant small seeds into Sloan’s heart about what this season is truly about, we are also finding lots of Christmas activities that 3-year-old girls really enjoy.

If you are looking for some easy and festive ways to get into the holiday spirit with your little ones (or big ones), here are 10 ideas that we have already done with Sloan this month.

Write Letter to Santa – We sat Sloan down at the table and helped her write a letter to Santa. She then decorated the paper and envelope with her markers and stickers. If the Big Guy writes back, I plan to devote a blog post to the whole process.

Sloan writing a letter to Santa.

Christmas Light Drive – Taking a page out of my parents’ holiday playbook, we packed Sloan and Beau into the car on Sunday night and looked at some of the best Christmas light displays in the Spokane Valley. Sloan had a great time yelling out “Look daddy! Look mommy!” when we would pass an especially magnificent house. The next day, Sloan asked us if we could go look at Christmas lights again.

One of the trees in a neighborhood we visited on our Christmas light drive was covered from the top to bottom in these beautiful lights.

Drive-thru Santa Experience – This past Saturday, Sloan and Beau met Santa…from a distance. A local charity organization in Spokane invited the public to its Santa drive-thru event. But it wasn’t just Santa – he brought one of his reindeer too! Sloan was ecstatic during the entire experience and thoroughly enjoyed the frosted Christmas cookie that the volunteers gave her prior to us driving away.

Over the weekend, Sloan met Santa and saw reindeer at a drive-thru event.

Chocolate Countdown Calendar – Thanks to her Aunt Miranda, this chocolate calendar has become something that Sloan looks forward to each morning. She locates the number that corresponds to the December date, punches out the door, and identifies the shape of the chocolate (i.e. Santa hat, ornament, present, etc.) before dropping it into her mouth.

Sloan is a big fan of her chocolate calendar.

Hot Cocoa Bar – Remember when I wrote about the hot chocolate bombs I got my hands on? As you can imagine, Sloan was just as excited about them as me. For good behavior during the day I have let her make her own cups of hot chocolate at night using one the bombs. I then let her add marshmallows and whipped cream (under close adult supervision).

Sloan has made hot cocoa out of these hot chocolate bombs and then added whipped cream and marshmallows.

Christmas Shows – With all our new streaming services, an extremely large vault of Christmas programming for kids has been opened up to us. Best of all, Sloan eats it up. From Blippi’s Snowflake Scavenger Hunt to the StoryBots Christmas special to the Grinch movies, the entertainment is non-stop for Sloan.

Sloan watching a Christmas Netflix show in our living room.

Thanking Sallie – Santa isn’t the only holiday figure that Sloan is writing to. Last night she sent her first correspondence to Sallie, the Elf on the Shelf who is assigned to our daughter for the month. Sloan thanked Sallie for the cheer she has already brought to our house and perhaps reinforced a couple of gift ideas to pass onto Santa.

Sloan wrote a letter to Sallie last night.

Library Crafts – We might not be able to go inside our county libraries, but their services are still available via curbside. The Spokane County Library District is offering a cinnamon spice ornament kit for anyone who wants to get a little crafty. We ordered the free kit via its website, picked it up, and Sid did the project with Sloan.

Sid and Sloan made these cinnamon ornaments today. They got the kit to make them, with all ingredients included, from the library.

Christmas Card Mail – We have started to receive Christmas cards in the mail. Although I personally love opening them, I have a little girl who enjoys doing the same thing just as much. I have to coach her not to tear the card itself when she rips open the envelope but it is a minor inconvenience for the satisfaction that she receives.

Pajamas Party – Go ahead, do a couple Christmas Eve rehearsals before the real deal! We let Sloan get in her Christmas pajamas and “wear them in” before the night of December 24 comes around. We are pretty sure Santa won’t mind.

Sloan slipped into her Christmas Eve pajamas the other day.


With it only being December 8, I am sure I can drop a couple more activity lists before December 25. In the meantime, hopefully you can find some holiday joy with these 10 hacks. Don’t Blink.