Good evening, my friends. I hope everyone has had a great day so far. Thanks for returning to Don’t Blink. Here we go with the Thursday Rundown…
Birthday Cookie – How do you ship a cookie from one side of the country to the other and still have it taste like it just came out of the oven? Put it in a miniature pizza box of course! My mom sent me one of her homemade chocolate chip cookies this past week to mark my birthday. Sidney and I devoured it, well, I mostly devoured it, and I couldn’t have been more impressed with its quality. It tasted just like home. Thanks mom!

Thank you to my mom for sending me a delicious birthday cookie.
Brent “Trump” Reser – Out of all the birthday messages I received on Facebook (and I replied to each one), the most creative one came from Rob Wyeth, our director of creative services at Coastal. If you remember Rob from previous blog posts, he is the man behind our Festivus t-shirt exchange and our office birthday cards. Anyway, he celebrated my day of birth by “Trumping” me. I don’t really know if it is a good look for me or not. DISCLAIMER: Someone putting my face on a politician does not necessarily mean I support or endorse that person.

Rob Wyeth put this graphic together.
Deal Alert – I have written before about how good Walmart’s Great Value brand is, especially its ice cream. Heck, it beat out Ben & Jerry’s in a taste test I conducted. So when ice cream that good is on sale for a low price, I have to let my readers know about it. At our local Walmart Market this past Sunday, a tub ran just $1.84. This includes all flavors. A pint of Ben & Jerry’s runs close to $6 at some places. I had never seen the price of ice cream of this quality and quantity ever dip so low. Take advantage of it, you won’t regret it (unless you are trying to lose weight).

All those cartons of ice cream for just $1.84!!
Austin – Because I wrote an entire blog post on Jeopardy champion Austin Rogers, I feel obligated to follow up with an update on my Thursday Rundown (I will do this every Thursday until he is dethroned). The past two nights have been runaways for the champ as he continues to use the Daily Doubles to pull away. Last evening a woman from Surf Side, S.C., was a contestant and it would have been a storybook tale if she defeated Austin. Obviously, it didn’t happen. I am still punching the pillows and gritting my teeth as he sweeps categories and aces Final Jeopardy. At least I learned a cool fact last night…Austin buys all of his suits and ties at thrift shops…much respect to him!
Sloan at 30 Weeks – Sloan is well over 200 days old now! She reaches for everything and she feels that a box of baby wipes is more fun to play with than any of her toys. Her newest trick is clapping her hands. She loves to show off by doing it, bringing a big smile to her mommy and daddy. She keeps getting sweeter and prettier by the day.

Our baby girl is now 30 weeks old. Here is the latest collage with photos from this past week.
Please remember the victims and families impacted by awful events such as the shooting, the hurricanes, and the fires. We all need to realize our own good fortune. Have a nice weekend. Don’t Blink.