Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone has had a great weekend. It has been a nice (and very hot) one for our family. Although we have taken it pretty easy the past few days, the big highlight of the weekend came last night when Sloan went for her first boat ride. She cruised down the Intracoastal Waterway as we caught an evening ride on Sidney’s dad’s boat.
June is almost here and that means we will soon celebrate our wedding anniversary. Along with reminiscing about that beautiful day, we will also remember the time in paradise we enjoyed immediately after it. For our honeymoon, we went to Cancun. It was an incredible trip full of romance and memories. Although Sidney and I spent a lot of time just the two of us, we still managed to meet new friends.
Toward the end of our trip we met several different couples from both the US and around the world. We all spent the day together in the pool at our resort. One of these particular couples, Ashlee and Chris Morris, had come to Mexico from Houston to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary and renew their vows. We had a very nice time meeting Ashlee and Chris and since the trip we have kept tabs on each other via Facebook.

A photo of Sid and I with Ashlee and Chris at the Sun Palace pool in Cancun (photo courtesy of Angela Klaus)
Ah, yes, Facebook. Because of social media, I learned the devastating news that their daughter, Zoe, suffered a brain aneurysm last week. For the past several days, Sidney and I have waited for status updates on this extremely scary situation. Doctors at Texas Medical Center performed brain surgery on Zoe and removed an arteriovenous malformation. At this point in time, Zoe is in a medically-induced coma. Because of prayers and top-notch medical care, Zoe will pull through. However, the long term impacts are unknown.
For those of you with kind hearts who have the desire to help someone you have never met before, Ashlee and Chris will tell you that the most important thing you can do is pray. For those of you who are able to give financially, you can also make a donation to the Zoe Lee Morris Medical Fund. When you go to the fund’s website, you can learn the entire week-long nightmare (with actual medical language that I am incapable of articulating) that Zoe and her family lived out.

Please pray for Zoe.
Awful situations like this hit home much harder once you have kids of your own. Sidney and I know how scary something like this is and our thoughts and prayers are 100% with the Morris family. Don’t Blink.