Apple Cup Crisp Thursday Rundown

It is that special day of the week when I present five random topics that most likely mean absolutely nothing to you. So without further ado, let’s begin tonight’s rundown…

Coke Zero Formula Change – My wife’s favorite soda is Coke Zero. Our house is always stocked with it. Sid likes it so much that when we were in Las Vegas she opted to fill our hotel fridge with the soda instead of more “adult-ish” drinks. So, you can imagine she was a bit concerned when I told her yesterday morning that Coca-Cola is tweaking the formula of Coke Zero. I will keep you posted on what Sidney thinks of the new formula once she tries it but until then you can see how Pepsi reacted to the news on social media.

Pepsi having some fun at Coke Zero’s expense.

Latest Beau Photo – Thought I would give Beau some recognition tonight. This photo was snapped moments before we left for last Saturday’s wedding. He isn’t a baby anymore as he is turning into pure little boy. He is both cuter than ever and tougher than ever to keep track of.

Beau dressed and ready for the wedding. He is growing up.

The Best Ice Cream – I make the trip down to Pullman at least once a week now to work from campus. Last Thursday we were shooting a video on a particularly hot August day. We ended the shoot at Ferdinand’s, the famous ice cream shop on campus. Everyone involved with the project was treated to ice cream and I ordered a waffle cone of Apple Cup Crisp. It once won a national competition of best ice cream flavors on college campuses and for good reason—it is unique and delicious! Apple Cup Crisp is vanilla ice cream laced with spiced apple flavorings, swirled with caramel, and packed with oatmeal cookies. It is phenomenal along with all the other Ferdinand’s flavors.

Me holding my Apple Cup Crisp ice cream cone from last Thursday.

National Potato Day – Today is National Potato Day and I can’t help but remember the day that my friend and fellow higher ed social media professional Kimberly sent me a potato in the mail. I am not kidding. She sent a literal potato to my mailbox. The novelty gift was made possible by a company called Potato Parcel that sends spuds with messages to unsuspecting Americans via the U.S. Postal Service.

I will never forget that one day I received a potato in the mail.

Reaction to Jeopardy Host – I wasn’t blown away with excitement when Mike Richards was named the permanent Jeopardy host. I had voiced my hope that Ken Jennings would get the gig but past tweets hindered his chances. Now it looks like past transgressions might get the best of Richards too. I guess I was just hoping for a bigger name to be selected as host but perhaps that is what Jeopardy wanted to avoid, opting for someone whose celebrity status wouldn’t overshadow the game. But if Richards survives his current scandal I will definitely keep an open mind as he begins his Jeopardy tenure.

Mike Richards wasn’t my first choice for permanent Jeopardy host.


Let’s pray for peace in Afghanistan and for the safety of those citizens who are now living under a hostile government. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you have a great weekend. Don’t Blink.

Potato Parcel

Thanks to the internet, you can do some really random things. Oh, you want an example? Believe it or not, if you desire, you can send a customized potato to anyone you please in the world.

Yesterday I received a single potato in the mail delivered to me in an envelope. Read on to find out about Potato Parcel.

Yesterday I received a single potato in the mail delivered to me in an envelope. Read on to find out about Potato Parcel.

Last week on Instagram I shared an image of the new stationary I received for Christmas. Part of this stationary set that my mother-in-law gave me included envelopes with my address on them. The social media professional at the University of Arizona, Kimberly Davis, saw this and notified me that she was going to send me something.

In the back of my head throughout the week, I looked forward to what Kimberly was going to send me. She said it was a surprise and when the words “it’s a surprise” comes out of someone’s mouth who happens to work in social media you know it is most likely going to be a little wacky.

Yesterday I went out and got the mail. Stuffed in our box was a small manila packaging envelope. It was addressed to me and it contained an obvious object in it. Although it was from a San Francisco return address with no name on it, I knew the package was from Kimberly. I took it inside to open it up.

This was the package I received in the mail yesterday afternoon.

This was the package I received in the mail yesterday afternoon.

I sat on our couch, put the package on our living room table, and ripped it open. The object rolled out and caught me by surprise. The initial feeling of surprise went to a quick feeling of disgust that then turned into a feeling of I can’t believe the things people come up with…

Kimberly had sent me a POTATO in the mail. After the surprise went away, I immediately questioned whether it was sanitary to even come into contact with a produce item that went on a week-long journey inside an envelope across the country. I touched the potato just enough to turn it over and I saw the written message on it: Hey Brent! – Kimberly.

The contents of the package that Kimberly sent me.

The contents of the package that Kimberly sent me.

The potato was accompanied by a slip of paper. It was now clear what had happened. Kimberly used the services of a company called Potato Parcel. Customers pay $10 to have a potato with a message written on it sent to anyone in the country. For a little bit more money, folks can send a spud internationally or have a colored image superimposed on it.

Think about that for a second: There is a successful company that makes money off of sending potatoes with messages written on them through the mail.

A look at what Potato Parcel offers.

A look at what Potato Parcel offers.

Why didn’t I think of that?!

Potato Parcel depends on social media to get word out about its services. The slip of paper that accompanied the potato had hashtags to use and handles to follow. I posted my photo with my potato using the hashtag across a couple different social media platforms and immediately I received responses from the Potato Parcel social accounts. I browsed the hashtag myself on Instagram and it seemed like the posted images were endless.

Supposedly the creators of Potato Parcel went on Shark Tank. I have yet to look it up on YouTube but I am anxious to see how the presentation went and how the Sharks reacted. Kudos to the people behind Potato Parcel and thanks to my counterpart in Tucson for making me aware that it is possible to send a vegetable through the mail. Don’t Blink.