Let me wish a pleasant good evening to everyone! I hope your month is off to a fabulous start and that you are soaking in the fall season. I have a Thursday Rundown up my sleeve tonight so let’s get begin with the five topics…
Sky on Fire – I mentioned that we attended a trunk-or-treat in the parking lot of a trampoline park last Friday. Earlier this week, the business (Altitude Trampoline Park) posted a Facebook album of the event and our family made the cut in a couple of the images. What more can you say about the sunset in this photo? I thought it was too cool not to share.

If you notice the sky before you notice us, that’s okay (photo courtesy of the Spokane Valley Altitude Trampoline Park).
Free Pizza – As I have indicated before, I am a generous Google Reviewer. But if I do have a really bad experience, I will be honest in the review. I aired my grievances about a hibachi steakhouse in Las Vegas last July and ended up receiving a call from the manager and a generous gift card for the trouble. A couple weeks ago, things didn’t work out as promised at a local Spokane pizza chain. I noted it in the review and the manager soon reached out and sent me gift cards as well. I appreciate Pizza Rita’s gesture and we had a great experience when we re-ordered last Saturday.

I received $30 in Pizza Rita bucks to give the local chain another try. Our second experience was much better.
Nov. 4 – Today marks a bunch of “holidays.” It is National Candy Day (shouldn’t that have been five days ago?) so if you want to read about my top five favorite hard candies please be my guest. It is also National Cash Back Day, a day I celebrate because there is nothing I like doing more than bypassing ATM fees and walking into a supermarket to buy a 99 cent soda only to request $60 in cash back. Finally, it is also National Men Make Dinner Day and not only did I cook tonight but I cooked last night too. Happy Candy/Cash Back/Dudes Cook Day!!

Happy National Candy Day!
Muffin Tops – I asked this question on Twitter, but what good are muffin tops? Sid brought one home for me from the espresso stand last Friday morning and the first thing that went through my head was where is the rest of it? It is kind of like giving me a slice of pie with just the crust. Although the calorie count makes a convincing case for why it is just the top, I think I still prefer my muffins whole.

This was the Grandma Ruthie’s muffin top that Sid brought home for me last week. I just really don’t understand them.
Spookiness – On Halloween afternoon, this shady character was standing at one of the entrances to our neighborhood. He was drawing attention to a haunted house that would open later that night. If you know me, you probably aren’t surprised that I rolled down my window and engaged the guy in a conversation (and asked to take his photo). Later that night you better believe I went to the location and went through the haunted house. It had several scenes, strobe lights, actors, etc. I love the effort Halloween fanatics put forth to transform their own residence into a haunted house for the enjoyment of others.

This guy definitely stood out.
Thank you for joining me tonight. Remember to fall back this weekend and savor that extra hour of sleep! Don’t Blink.