Good evening! I hope your Holy Week has gone well and that you are making the necessary preparations for a joyous Easter celebration. Here we go with my latest Thursday Rundown.
Thirteen Reasons Why – The hottest series out on Netflix right now is Thirteen Reasons Why. The program’s narrator, a high school girl, details the 13 reasons that drove her to take her own life over the course of 13 episodes. Sidney and I watched the entire series in about five days and we couldn’t turn our eyes away, even through the tough moments. The show addresses timely topics and introduces an engaging cast. It may or may not be for you, but I do recommend watching the first couple episodes.
Taking Sloan to Work – Earlier this week, I got to show off my daughter at work! Sidney brought Sloan to campus so I could parade her around our University Communication offices. Wearing her own little Chanticleer outfit, Sloan got to meet my co-workers. The people I work with showed great interest throughout Sidney’s pregnancy so it was nice to be able to share with them the grand result. Even though Sloan slept through all the excitement, I think she enjoyed the little outing.

Sidney brought Sloan to the office earlier this week so she could meet the people I work with.
Meal Change – In Tuesday’s blog post, I wrote that I am making life changes so I can devote more time to my daughter. In that particular post I announced that my blogging schedule would be cut back a bit. Today I want to share another change with you. My longstanding tradition of eating a peanut butter sandwich for lunch is now over…kind of. I would normally eat a half of a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and a regular peanut butter sandwich for lunch. However, it took time to prepare the sandwiches. To eliminate those minutes spent slapping PB on bread, I have converted to Uncrustables. I now eat one Uncrustable for breakfast and two Uncrustables for lunch. They are quite good.

I used to eat half of a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and a full peanut butter sandwich for lunch every single day. In April of 2017 I switched to eating one Uncrustable for breakfast and two Uncrustables for lunch.
Sloan Photos Part III – It was weird, I took Sloan out of her bassinet the other night and I could have sworn she had grown just a little bit. It drove the point home to me that I need to take as many photos as possible so I don’t miss any of her development. Here is my latest Sloan collage…

Here are the latest photos of our sweet Sloan.
That Moment I Attended a Mike & Mike Broadcast – Two years ago on this date, I covered the Monday After the Masters event put on by Darius Rucker here in Myrtle Beach. It was a day filled with celebrities and golf but my favorite part of the event was watching Mike & Mike in person. The show was broadcast live from the event and I got to see firsthand how the country’s most popular sports talk radio show is produced. Although Mike Greenberg was out that day (Ryan Rucco filled in for him) I got to watch Mike Golic do his thing. It was a blast!

This was one of my favorite photos I took two years ago. Golic and Ruocco interview Darius Rucker and his band.
I want to wish all of my readers a happy Easter. Rejoice and be glad for He is risen! Don’t Blink.