Twins or Not?

***Please CLICK HERE to view the 30 second video that this blog post is about.***

Recently, some talented twin sisters graciously provided me with a testimonial about . The energetic and attractive duo gave an honest and descriptive review of my blog. But while they were honest about my blog itself, there possibly could be something that they aren’t so honest about.

These twin sisters did a great testimonial for my blog.

These twin sisters did a great testimonial for my blog.

When I received the video I didn’t think twice about the fact that I was watching twins. It didn’t even cross my mind. But when I excitedly showed Sidney my newest sparkling testimonial she cried foul.

“Those aren’t twins! That is the same girl, she just has a wig on!” my girlfriend immediately exclaimed.

Sid thinks this girl has a wig on and that she is really the girl with the dark hair.

Sid thinks this girl has a wig on and that she is really the girl with the dark hair.

It caught me off guard. Like I said, I just assumed they were twins because that is how they advertise themselves and they appeared together on screen more than once in the testimonial. I mean come on, technology isn’t advanced enough to place the same person on screen twice, right?

If there are two girls on the screen, there has to be two girls in real life, right?

If there are two girls on the screen, there has to be two girls in real life, right?

I have always believed identical twins to be identical. Okay, that is obvious. What I mean is that one twin sister is expected to look exactly the same as her other twin sister. In a way, just from a video, you kind of just have to trust that they are twins. Unless of course there is a way to identify a fraud.

Is this girl a "twin fraud"?

Is this girl a “twin fraud”?

This is where I want my readers to come in. I am hoping some of you have experience with twins, are a twin, or just have a really good eye and can tell me if it is people or a person in my video. It would help me relax and it would also settle a debate between Sidney and I. Oh, if you do reply with an insightful response I will include you in my Thursday night blog post.

Is this twinning or not? Please tell me. Thank you for your help. Don’t Blink.