When it comes to dieting, if I want to lose weight, I will simply stop eating as much. If that means going to extreme measures, that is what I will do. I am good at stopping cold turkey, and some might recognize that as superb discipline.
However, as I have recently seen, losing weight in a healthy manner is actually the epitome of true discipline. Opting to starve yourself will test your self-control but it cuts out a crucial component of positive body change: nutrition. Those who lose weight by sacrificing their beloved comfort foods while at the same time nourishing their bodies with nutritious substitutes are the ones actually committed to a healthy change.
My brother recently completed the Whole30 program. A regimen that requires dieters to eliminate sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, soy, and dairy from their eating palette, success is based on the motivation of the individual to prepare meals that are free from this laundry list of cooking staples that most of us eat on a daily basis.

The Whole30 program is a pretty effective dieting regimen.
Glen didn’t take the Whole30 challenge lightly. Prior to starting the program on January 1, he read a couple books on the diet and mentally prepared himself for the major change he would begin once 2018 arrived.
Throughout the month of January he spent plenty of time in the kitchen preparing accepted Whole30 meals. Despite the heavy restrictions on what he could eat, he was still able to cook Whole30 compliant dinners such as steak and chicken. He ate lots of vegetables and was extremely creative experimenting with new dishes.
Glen hit the gym as well. He found a workout buddy and they kept each other honest as they exercised throughout the entire month. He also used social media to give him structure and accountability. At the end of each night, he recapped the day by explaining how he felt both physically and mentally while using the #GlenDoesWhole30 hashtag. Not wanting to let down his followers, he strictly followed the program.

An example of one of Glen’s nightly #Whole30 tweets. I enjoyed following along.
At the end of January, my brother’s hard work had dramatically paid off. He lost 25 pounds! When it came to his measurements, he shed 2 inches off his waist, 3 inches off his stomach, 3 inches off his chest, and 1.5 inches off his thighs. The transformation was unmistakable. He not only looked much thinner but he looked younger as well.

On the left is Glen (with Sloan) at the end of December before he started Whole30. The photo on the right is of Glen in early February, fresh off completing the program.
During his entire Whole30 saga, he never cut a single corner. He stayed true to the program’s philosophy and used his willpower to reach the finish line. Glen proved that Whole30 genuinely works. Losing 25 pounds in one month is extremely impressive. So, if you are looking for a proven diet to make some positive changes, you might want to give strong consideration to Whole30. Although I wouldn’t get through a day on the program, I know for some of my readers it might be exactly what you are looking for. Great work, Glen! Don’t Blink.