The Two Female Musical Artists I Enjoy the Most

After last night’s blog post about my top casual dining restaurants, I thought it would be appropriate to probably lay off writing about food for the rest of the week. However, I do want to keep the “Brent’s Favorites” theme going.

I am not someone who obsesses over music. I know many people who couldn’t live without it. Although I don’t need music buzzing every second of every day to keep me happy, I still do enjoy it. So, in the spirit of what some call “the universal language,” I want to identify my current two favorite female musical artists.

Hanging out with my two favorite female musical artists.

Hanging out with my two favorite female musical artists.

When it comes to purely voice, there is no other person (male or female) I like more right now than Ellie Goulding. To me, her voice is heavenly. It is distinctive and meaningful. I have never said this about any other artist before, but I also sense a bit of mystery in her voice. To me, I think her music just keeps getting better. I was never a big fan of her first huge hit, “Lights,” but since then I think she has kept improving. Songs like “Goodness Gracious,” “Anything Could Happen,” “Burn,” and “Love Me Like You Do” are melodies I never tire of hearing. But like I said, I think she keeps raising the bar. I really enjoyed her first single off her new album, “On My Mind.” However, when Sidney let me watch the Victoria Secret Fashion Show I immediately gravitated to the song that Goulding performed live, “Army.” Once it starts getting radio play you probably will too.

I am not the only Ellie fan…Sidney loves her too. Most likely, one of the first dances at our wedding reception will be to an Ellie Goulding song. I should have used “romantic” up above when I was describing her voice.

The other artist I am pretty high on is Demi Lovato. Sure her voice is above average but I just like her style and attitude. I also find her the most attractive female performer out of them all. To me, she just looks real and healthy. I know using “real” and “healthy” to describe attractiveness might sound strange but that is the best I can come up with to explain it.

I became a fan of Demi’s when I first heard “Give Your Heart A Break” because she belted out a couple verses that made me really recognize her. Since then I have continued to follow her music. A year and a half ago I wrote about another single she released that I enjoyed enough to mention in my blog. Since then, her music has become a little sexier but she still sounds really good.

If I wanted to end this blog post in a creative way I would have mashed up Ellie and Demi lyrics. Instead, I think I will just go purchase more of their music to my phone. Don’t Blink.

Chap Stick. Shattered Light. CCUSA. Sunglasses. Demi Lovato

For the third straight Thursday I wish to ramble on about five totally different topics. So sit back and let me quickly take you through the five things on my mind this evening.

Chap Stick and Pens: It is freshmen orientation season here at Coastal Carolina as the first two of nine total orientations took place this week. In order to advance our #CCU Social Media program I hand out a card I had made listing our social outlets to our incoming freshmen. To make the card a little more attractive I tape either a CCU tube of chap stick or a CCU ballpoint pen to it. Standing outside of the main dining hall during their lunch hour I await for the students to walk out as they march to their next session. Both days I did this it was as if I was giving away cards of gold instead of cards of paper with a writing utensil attached to it. I got swarmed and had to put forth an amazing effort in the hot South Carolina sun to keep up with seemingly a thousand hands in my bubble waiting for a card. I never felt so popular in my life.

A look at the card complete with the chap stick that is making me very popular with freshmen college students.

A look at the card complete with the chap stick that is making me very popular with freshmen college students.

Shattered Light: Last Thursday night a violent storm passed through Myrtle Beach. Angry thunder and constant lightning accompanied a downpour of rain. It was pretty ugly. Trying to stay out of it all I hung out in my apartment while, you guessed it, blogging. All of a sudden another round of ear-jolting thunder rattled the area and I let out a gasp as the light fixture right outside of my bedroom and laundry room completely shattered, producing a savage noise. Now I don’t know if the shattering was caused by the sound of the thunder, the shaking it produced, or a bolt of lightning but it could be 100% attributed to the storm. Although I didn’t get too angry with the glass breaking itself I might have uttered a faint curse word when I cut my finger cleaning it up.

A look at my shattered light fixture. It was not pretty.

A look at my shattered light fixture. It was not pretty.

Update on CCUSA: Last night I wrote about our CCUSA: Fifty States, Fifty Flags social media campaign. I explained the initiative and talked about the crazy response we received. At posting time last night 34 states were represented. As I type this right now we have 45 states represented! Missing are Hawaii, Nebraska, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. By tomorrow I think we will have the whole map covered. In between my regular work load today I managed to ship off 25 flags complete with a letter and a couple promo items. By quitting time Friday I hope to have the remaining flags on their way to various destinations across this country.

I spent a lot of time stuffing these tubes with flags today.

I spent a lot of time stuffing these tubes with flags today.

$10 Sunglasses Work Just Fine: Apparently I am very, very out of touch with the sunglasses market. I expressed to Sidney that I wanted a pair. While in Charleston we went inside a Sunglasses Hut to look around. I looked at a pair and glanced at the price…$340!! I went to the other side of the store where Sidney was and she looked at a pair and mentioned it was over $400. Excuse me?!? Why would anyone want to shell out that kind of money for SUNGLASSES? I remember back in the day when it seemed outrageous that a pair of Oakleys ran for $120. To spend triple digits on sunglasses in my opinion is asinine. I know I am tacky and not very hip but I think a $10 pair of sunglasses at Wal-Mart look and work just as well as a $400 pair at some fancy sunglasses shop.

Demi Lovato’s New Song: I admit that I have a low key crush on Demi Lovato. I think she has a great voice and I really like her latest song called “Really Don’t Care.” It is pretty catchy and if you like Cher Lloyd she has a small part in it too. If you care to, listen to it here.


Everyone in the office seems to have mentioned that this week has seemed really long. I think I have to agree with them. I am excited for the weekend and as is the norm for me in Myrtle Beach I know adventures await. Please remember all the dads this Sunday and you all keep safe! Thanks again for your tremendous support of this blog. Don’t Blink.