My Super Bowl LVIII Review

I turned a deaf ear to all Super Bowl coverage the past two weeks because a lack of interest. The Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Francisco 49ers match up bored me and I didn’t bite on the Taylor Swift stuff. But come yesterday afternoon, I had built up enough energy to sit down on my parents’ couch to absorb four hours of pure Americana and eat meatball sandwiches. Ready or not, here I come with my hot takes and unsolicited opinions on the game, anthem, commercials, and halftime show. Aren’t you lucky? 😂

The Game: To be honest, I was close to falling asleep in the third quarter. I enjoy a defensive battle as much as the next football fan, but this particular game seemed to lack the intensity and hard hits of other low-scoring championship battles. But with the contest close in the fourth quarter, the excitement picked up. Some clutch kicks had me sitting on the edge of my parents’ chair and overtime proved equally as gripping—if only the game-winning touchdown didn’t seem as anticlimactic. Although OT is cool to see in a Super Bowl, this game doesn’t come close to garnering “classic” status.

Field goal kickers contributed a lot to Super Bowl LVIII (Photo courtesy of Steph Chambers).

The Anthem: I am a Reba McEntire fan and was delighted she was chosen to perform the Star Spangled Banner. No one makes singing look easier than Reba and that one-of-a-kind talent was displayed during her performance. She sang the anthem in her signature seemingly effortless style. My one critique is that the background track was a little too loud as it drowned out Reba a bit. But I do feel that her rendition was smooth, respectful, and worthy of the world’s biggest stage.

I thought choosing Reba to sing the National Anthem was genius (photo courtesy of Jamie Squire).

The Commercials: I am notorious for heralding Super Bowl commercials that convey meaning and go beyond slapstick. With that said, I have three ads that I think made the most impact. The first was the Oreo “twist on it” spot. The idea is that you can make a decision, just like flipping a coin, based on what side the white stuff of the Oreo is on. Practical and fun, I thought this was pretty savvy. Although touching commercials were in short supply, I thought the Google Pixel ad that showcased the guided frame feature was excellent. It gave the viewer the POV of a blind person while telling a story. The surprise ending may have made this blogger’s eyes water just a little. Then there was the Poppi soda spot! I had never heard of Poppi until last night but it definitely won the award for nailing GenZ marketing. The commercial was colorful, retro, and engaging. The use of graphics and overlaid block text was superb. In fact, I think the commercial was so effective that it won’t just be teenagers and young adults drinking Poppi this morning—I want to get my hands on a can too!

I thought the Poppi spot knocked it out of the park with its targeting of the GenZ audience.

Besides the impactful, well-done ads, I also want to give a shout to the commercials that made me smile simply because I like the people and products. Never did I think Aubrey Plaza would be pitching Baja Blast but I loved seeing her deadpan self “having a blast” as “America’s Sweetheart.” Then there was the commercial that promoted my family’s “candy of the summer”—Nerd Clusters! It was fun to watch the animated Nerds fall on the gummy blob as it performed a Flashdance sequence. And then I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the State Farm spot with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I loved how he could poke fun at his accent (like a good “neighbaaa”) but I didn’t necessarily think Danny DeVito’s cameo was needed.

I enjoyed watching Aubrey Plaza star in a Super Bowl commercial.

Finally, I think it is worth mentioning the two commercials that caused the people at my Super Bowl gathering to literally laugh out loud: the Reese’s Caramel Big Cup spot (people reacting with exaggerated disappointment and glee to an announcer’s prompt) and the Hellmann’s Mayo cat spot (a cat becomes an influencer because it can talk). I laughed along with everyone else for the Reese’s commercial but just felt sick to my stomach when I watched Kate McKinnon eat mayonnaise out of the jar.

The Reese’s commercial made everyone laugh at our Super Bowl gathering.

The Halftime Show: I have nothing against Usher, his music is a backdrop to my high school and college years, but I wasn’t that entertained by the halftime show. I think the set just started off too slow and Usher’s audio seemed off. However, to his credit, Usher got on track and seemed to make the most of his shot at the world’s greatest gig. After my disappointment of no surprise guests over the past couple years, I was happy to see three—Alicia Keys, Ludacris, and Lil’ Jon. On my report card, Usher earned points for sliding under that dude’s legs on roller skates but lost points for needlessly taking off his shirt (while probably winning them from most females in America). I give this year’s halftime show a C.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the halftime show but enjoyed seeing some surprise guests (photo courtesy of Steph Chambers).


Hope everyone is feeling okay this morning! Enjoy your water cooler discussions and special congrats to all the Kansas City Chiefs (and Taylor Swift) fans out there. Don’t Blink.

Past Super Bowl Commentary
Super Bowl LVII
Super Bowl LVI
Super Bowl LV
Super Bowl LII
Super Bowl LI
Super Bowl 50
Super Bowl XLIX

Baja Blast Thursday Rundown

Greetings to all! Is it Thursday already? Well, I think I am prepared for the latest rundown so let’s just jump in and cross fingers that my topics add up to five…

Baja Blast 20th Anniversary – I was a bit shocked when I saw the below display in Safeway. Not surprised that 20 years of life with Baja Blast had already passed but rather that it had only been that long. For some reason I thought I remembered Baja Blast being on the Taco Bell taps since the Stone Age, which would pre-date high school and thus eclipse more than 20 years of teal soda happiness. But I will take the word of Mt. Dew and celebrate just the two decade-milestone.

I am actually surprised that Baja Blast has only been around for 20 years.

Parenting Decision – Sidney and I put our feet down the other night. No more! Not in this house! We told Sloan and Beau that they could no longer make “ice cream soup” (their term) when we treated them to dessert at night. Our kids had become pretty obsessed with eating just a couple bites of their ice cream before swirling and mashing it into a lumpy, sticky liquid. I reached my boiling point when I watched Beau turn gourmet, beautiful ice cream into a disgusting soup when I took him out to a parlor after he ran a weekend errand with me. Not only does “ice cream soup” ruin a special treat but it also makes a mess and is terrible table manners. If the kids ever want to eat ice cream again I think we made ourselves clear.

After watching Beau reduce this beautiful treat to ice cream soup (they gave us a dish with his cone which you can’t see in the photo) I knew we had to put an end to the practice.

Throwback – Thought this week would be another good one for a Throwback. This comes from the “awkward Christmas card pose” file. I don’t know which one of us thought, “Oh, let’s go across the street and pose on the playground slide” but it is now etched in time. What were we thinking?! 😂

I will take “Random and Awkward Family Photos” for $1000, Alex.

90s Films – This past week I watched a couple of well-known movies from the 1990s. On Friday night, Sid and I watched “The Bone Collector” with Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie. The ending was completely problematic but it was still a fun mystery to try and solve. Although I usually prefer villain-Denzel, he played a great paraplegic hero in this film. Then, just recently, I watched “Searching For Bobby Fischer.” I thought this movie was great and beautiful at the same time as I thought the performance by the boy who played the chess prodigy was superb. The film made me want to go out, buy a chess board, and teach Sloan how to play.

I enjoyed watching both “The Bone Collector” and “Searching for Bobby Fischer.”

Snowball Growth Chart – With all the snow that dumped on the Inland Northwest yesterday, there was more than enough to roll it up into balls and measure the entire population of Spokane. Beau came in at a solid height of 14 snowballs. I didn’t want to waste Ms. Shaurette’s time so I didn’t measure myself but I am pretty sure I would have measured 27 snow balls.

Beau measured 14 snow balls according to the St. Mary snowball growth chart.


Alright, everything did add up to “five” tonight. I guess that means my work here is done. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the NFL Playoffs this weekend. Don’t Blink.