Getting a Deal at the Movies

I go to the movie theater a lot. I love watching the hottest blockbusters in a packed auditorium while stuffing my face with popcorn and drinking Pibb XTRA. Evidenced by the names Carmike, Regal, and Cinemark frequently appearing on my debit card transaction list, I spend a lot of money at the movies.

Whether it be a loyalty points card, special email offers, or Fandango, I am always up for ways to make going to the movies less expensive and/or more convenient. This past weekend I utilized a service that saved me both money and time.

Someone at work told me about an app called Dealflicks. I had never heard of it nor realized that such a service existed. However, after he told me about it I internally described the app as this: Fandango meets Expedia.

If you like going to the movies, make sure to check Dealflicks out.

If you like going to the movies, make sure to check Dealflicks out.

Contracting with various theaters, Dealflicks is an app that lets you purchase discounted movie tickets with something else thrown in to sweeten the deal. This “something else” usually takes the form of a concessions item, such as a box of candy or a soda. Depending on the theater, the film, and the side item offered, Dealflicks will quote you a total price. If it is enticing enough to meet your needs, you just click on the deal and provide your credit card information.

On Saturday night, Sidney and I wanted to go see a movie. I pulled out my phone and opened up Dealflicks. The app automatically used my GPS positioning to tell me the closest participating theaters and the movies playing. Luckily, the theater that is closest to us happened to be a Dealflicks partner. We looked through the listings and decided on “Criminal,” a thriller starring Kevin Costner.

I clicked on the showtime we desired and was presented with the deal: For $9, I could receive a movie ticket and a medium sized popcorn. I said Yes Please! I purchased the deal twice and for $18 Sidney and I had plans for the evening.

I never took a screenshot of when I purchased my tickets for "Criminal" but here is a similar screenshot I took of a movie that played earlier today. Not bad for tickets and popcorn, huh?

I never took a screenshot of when I purchased my tickets for “Criminal” but here is a similar screenshot I took of a movie that played earlier today. Not bad for tickets and popcorn, huh?

Even before leaving for the theater, the benefits were pretty clear. We had already bought our tickets so we didn’t have to worry about the show selling out, the tickets themselves were discounted, and we were each getting a free popcorn. I am not that much of a penny-pincher but when it comes to attending a movie you aren’t talking pennies these days!

This was the screen I showed the theater employee. She tapped "Mark as Used" and I was good to go.

This was the screen I showed the theater employee. She tapped “Mark as Used” and I was good to go.

We arrived at the theater and I pulled out my phone. I brought up the Dealflicks screen and the employee immediately knew what to do. She took my phone from my hands, tapped the screen a couple times, and we were all set. We were handed our tickets and given our bags of popcorn. As I looked at the concessions menu, I noticed that a medium popcorn was $7.24 (totally random price, I know). That was justification enough for using Dealflicks.

Getting our tickets was easy.

Getting our tickets was easy.

The process was seamless. We were given everything we thought we would. It was totally legit. I guess I was just expecting it all to be a little more sketchy than what it was. I mean why isn’t this app more well-known? Why aren’t more people doing it?

Dealflicks set us up nicely this past Saturday night.

Dealflicks set us up nicely this past Saturday night.

Like I said, Dealflicks is half Fandango, half Expedia. It is like Fandango because you purchase your tickets electronically ahead of time. It is like Expedia because it is acting as a third party to help sell the surplus movie tickets (such as hotel rooms or airline tickets) at a discounted price. Luckily, whatever hybrid Dealflicks might be, it works.

I plan to use Dealflicks in the future. If you enjoy saving around $10-$15 and prefer a heavy dose of convenience, I recommend it. See you at the movies. Don’t Blink.

Sidney’s Smorgasbord

Note: This evening, Sidney once again takes over Don’t Blink. As you will see, she also takes over one of Brent’s weekly blogging traditions.

After having a month long hiatus away from guest blogging for Brent, I think it’s time that I get back to it. This month, I decided to rip out a page from my husband-to-be’s playbook, and write a rundown post. Now he just calls his posts “The Thursday Rundown”, but my post is more uniquely known as “Sid’s Sunday Subject Smorgasbord” (Okay…I know…this title is really corny…but cut me some slack. I taught my kids all about alliteration this week and I’m having a hard time getting away from it!). Also, Brent normally writes about five topics but I am going to opt with just four; he doesn’t pay me enough to do an extra one. So here we go…ladies and gents..I present to you my four subject rundown!

Tooth Pulling Extraordinaire! – So I had not originally had this idea for one of my rundown subjects, but the idea literally just fell into my lap, or more truthfully came to me via FaceTime call. My niece, Russell, “FaceTimed” me in the middle of writing this blog. She is on the way home from a weekend spent with her cousins, and she called me from the car on her Daddy’s cell phone. When I answered the call she politely requested that I meet her at her house when she gets home. The reason? She needs me to pull out her tooth. My niece is a quick-witted little firecracker, much akin to her ever-so-lovely aunt. Anyway…she is six and at that prime age of Tooth Fairy excitement. Now why did she call and demand my presence, and not ask one of her parents to do the job? Well, that’s because I accidentally pulled out her first tooth. A year or so ago, she had her first wiggly tooth. She wanted me to wiggle it, and when I did, she jerked her head back and the tooth was left in my hand. OOPS!! Ever since, I’ve been entrusted with high-honor of pulling her teeth. Not the biggest claim to fame, but hey…those are memories with my niece that ONLY I will ever have! (On a side-note…Brent witnessed me pull out Russell’s tooth once. He instantaneously turned as white as a ghost. Needless to say, I think I will continue to reign as the Tooth Pulling Extraordinaire for our kids too).

It was a fast trip...mission accomplished!

It was a fast trip…mission accomplished!

Mac vs PC – All through college, I dubbed myself solely an Apple product person. I used a MacBook and had an iPhone. The wireless router in my house was an AirPort router. I even used AppleTV on a daily basis. I still love Apple products and to this day still use all of these products on the daily. But I have slowly started to develop a love-hate relationship with my MacBook. At school, I have a district issued PC laptop. I use this piece of technology for LITERALLY every aspect of my school day. As you can guess, I have become very familiar with all things PC. And I’m still MacBook literate, but DAMN! Sometimes it takes me forever to complete a remedial task on my Mac that would’ve taken me two seconds a couple years ago. So it makes me wonder. You know how people from other countries move to the United States to adopt the English language, and slowly lose the ability to speak or read their native language? Could this be what’s happened to me and my Mac? What do you all think? Am I losing my Mac-Ability?

GO NOODLE! – Last week in school, the upper elementary grades were taking the SC READY Test, a state issued end of the year assessment. Primary grades (i.e. Kindergarten, first grade, second grade) do not take this test. However, when the test is being administered there are strict rules. The school is under lock-down procedure. No visitors. No movement in the hallways. No outdoor recess. No Special area classes. As you can guess, when you have 25 little kids trapped in the classroom all day, they start to get stir crazy. So to help get the wiggles out (and give myself a chuckle) I let my kids GoNoodle for approximately 30 minutes a day. GoNoodle is a cool website that has lots of activities that involve moving, dancing, and singing. It even has stress relief activities and yoga!! It’s ideal for indoor recess or brain breaks, because it lets the kids exert come energy in a constructive and safe way. My kids are obsessed with the MooseTube songs and dances. And I have to admit…watching them do these silly activities gives me a deep-belly laugh. And sometimes in the stress of a school day, a good laugh is just what I need to turn a bad day into a good one. If you have a bunch of kids to wrangle, or even one or two, check it out. It’s FREEEEE!!!!

Moving Day – A couple Thursdays back, Brent mentioned that I was writing the post for that following Sunday, but then…low and behold…Brent wrote last Sunday..not me! Now because all of you LOVE my writing, I know you were disappointed, and surely spent most of the day grieving my absence. But have no fear…an explanation is here!! (Clearly, I spend too much time with children. I need more adult friends.) Anyway…the reason for neglecting my blogging duty was because Brent moved into my house! I know right?! Exciting times! Because Brent’s lease ended at his apartment, I decided to take him in rather than have him fend for himself as a homeless bum on the Myrtle Beach streets. This arrangement is based on VERY STRICT STIPULATIONS. For the time being, Brent and I share an address but that’s as far as the sharing goes. We have separate sleeping quarters, separate closets, separate bathrooms, and we even have separate baskets to collect our mail. So essentially, Brent and I are living like roommates. It is nice to have my best friend under the same roof, but we both thought it was important that we not jump right in to acting like a married couple (because obviously we aren’t married yet). To some, it might seem ridiculous, but for us, and thousands of others in the same situation, it works. So until next month (ahhhhh!!!) Brent is more like my roomie than my hubby, and I’m okay with that.


Well guys, that’s all I have for you this Sunday evening. It is a rainy one here in SC, so hopefully I can convince my new ROOMMATE (hehehehe) to watch a good movie with me on the couch! The next time I blog for you guys, summer break will be in full swing and I will be days away from getting married! Crazy how fast time flies…but as always…DON’T BLINK!