The Best Foodie Twitter Account

My current favorite Twitter account definitely deserves a follow from you. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to do with sports, social media, or Donald Trump. Rather, its focus is squarely on something we all love.


Excuse the questionable name of the account, but I think everyone who has a Twitter account should follow @ItsFoodPorn. If you enjoy fun, ridiculous, and delicious images of food there isn’t anything better in the social media space than FoodPorn*.

The FoodPorn Twitter account specializes in tweeting out photos of pizza, ice cream, cookies, cakes, fast food meals, pastas, pastries, and comfort food. You will never find a vegetable or organic item on @ItsFoodPorn. Everything is served over the top and with a side of nostalgia.

This is what a basic tweet looks like from @ItsFoodPorn

This is what a basic tweet looks like from @ItsFoodPorn

Just three very quick reasons on why this account is so good.

1. Tempting Selections – You will never have any trouble finding something you like. In the past week I have retweeted chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches, stuffed pepperoni bites, chocolate and peanut butter brownies, sweet and sour chicken, funnel cake, black bottom banana peanut butter cup blondies, Oreo ice cream cake, Butterfinger peanut butter pie, mac and grilled cheese (two pieces of grilled bread with macaroni and cheese in the middle), and Reeses s’mores.

Some of the dishes from @ItsFoodPorn that I have retweeted in the past week....grilled mac and cheese sandwiches, chocolate and peanut butter brownies, Oreo ice cream cake, and black bottom banana peanut butter cup blondies.

Some of the dishes from @ItsFoodPorn that I have retweeted in the past week….grilled mac and cheese sandwiches, chocolate and peanut butter brownies, Oreo ice cream cake, and black bottom banana peanut butter cup blondies.

2. Constant Content – Some people have given me the nickname of Content King but I think whoever is behind the FoodPorn account is the real MVP. Tweets flow from @ItsFoodPorn at a ridiculous rate. Just looking through the past hour I have counted over 20 tweets. If you are like me and look at the account about four times a day you never have to worry about encountering content you have already looked at. Sometimes before going to sleep I will relax in bed and watch as new dishes are rapidly tweeted out. Talk about sweet dreams!

3. Great Ideas – Although I don’t cook, I have found several great ideas from FoodPorn for Sidney to cook. Where else would I have discovered Lucky Charms cookie sandwiches, pizza cake, or spicy bacon wrapped meatballs?

Oh how I would love for Sidney to cook bacon wrapped meatballs, Lucky Charm cookie sandwiches, and pizza cake!

Oh how I would love for Sidney to cook bacon wrapped meatballs, Lucky Charm cookie sandwiches, and pizza cake!

I don’t know if you all understand how much I love this account. My passion for FoodPorn caused me to be rebuked by my brother in front of our whole group message. Routinely I will tag Glen and Sidney in my @ItsFoodPorn retweets. I guess I did it one time too many:

Glen was starting to get a little tired of me including him in all my @ItsFoodPorn retweets.

Glen was starting to get a little tired of me including him in all my @ItsFoodPorn retweets.

Although this post is an unquestionable affirmation of the awesomeness of @ItsFoodPorn, I must bring up one tiny quirk. While 95% of the time the account showcases mouth-watering dishes, every now and then it will tweet out something not as appetizing. If you are a diehard follower of FoodPorn you will occasionally see some very generic photos (along with generic captions) of items such as pizza, fries, and macaroni and cheese. It doesn’t take a foodie to come to the conclusion that some of the images look as if they came out of the 1980s.

Sometimes, however, the food tweeted out looks very average and...old.

Sometimes, however, the food tweeted out looks very average and…old.

But come on, no Twitter account is perfect. I highly recommend that you follow @ItsFoodPorn. For those of us who want an occasional break on our Twitter timelines from news networks, subtweets, and score updates, there is nothing better than FoodPorn. Don’t Blink.

* FoodPorn is the Twitter display name of the account. The Twitter handle is @ItsFoodPorn.