I wrote hundreds of blog posts during the Obama Administration and I wrote hundreds of blog posts during the Trump Administration. Tonight I write my first post during the Biden Administration. It just so happens that it is a Thursday Rundown. Let’s get started.
Noah’s Ark – On Monday night, we were over at my parents’ house. For whatever reason, I was reminded of a jigsaw puzzle I put together over and over as a child. Thinking there was no way my mom would still have it, I asked her if she remembered the puzzle. She told me to wait a minute as she went upstairs. A few minutes later she came back down with the same 1987 Ravensburger Noah’s Ark puzzle I loved as a kid. Sloan and I proceeded to put it together as the memories came right back. Did you have the same puzzle as a kid? If so, please let me know.

Moments after Sloan and I completed a 1987 Noah’s Ark puzzle.
Go Spokane Quaranteam! – If you are reading this from eastern Washington, there is no doubt that you have heard about the Spokane Quaranteam. Led by Good Samaritan Rick Clark, the squad helps restaurants hit hard by the pandemic by giving them business. Spokane Quaranteam will purchase a high volume of meals (usually around 200) from a local restaurant and then distribute them on-site to the community free of charge. The idea is twofold. First, community members can leave donations so that the Quaranteam can continue to do its good work. Second, the restaurants hope that once Spokanites try their food that they will return in the near future. This past weekend, my dad, wife, sister, and I went to Poole’s Public House for free club sandwiches. It was inspiring to see in-person the work of the Spokane Quaranteam and the outpouring of support from the community.

After we received our free club sandwiches courtesy of Poole’s Public House and the Spokane Quaranteam, we took this photo.
Presidential Administrations – While everyone is mostly focused on Bernie memes (check out this website that will put Bernie in front of your house), I am over here reflecting on how many presidential administrations I have been alive for. My grand total? Seven. But before you call me a dinosaur, let me point out that I didn’t come around until Ronald Regan was well into his second term. How many administrations have you been alive for?

These are the seven presidents whose terms I have been alive for.
Personalized Chairs – For Christmas, Santa brought Sloan and Beau their own personalized chairs. As you can see, they are the perfect size for each…at least for now. I want to make sure they spend plenty of time listening to stories, saying prayers, and just hanging out in them before they outgrow them.

A look at the personalized chairs of Beau and Sloan.
#SquirrelAppreciationDay – Today is National Squirrel Day and a year ago I wrote a blog post to commemorate it. Squirrels seem to cover every square foot of this country and each community seems to have its own unique population roaming the streets. Every place I have been, whether it be a town or a university, seems to think highly of its squirrel culture. To truly honor this day, I might make a trip to my parents’ backyard and visit the mini pet cemetery my dad has created below the deck over the past many years. The plot is the final resting place for many squirrels.

One day I looked out my office window and saw this guy just chilling out!
Thanks for your time this evening. As my blog continues into its third presidential administration, I am very appreciative that you have read my content throughout the years. Don’t Blink.