Ahhh sweet summer continues. I hope you have enjoyed a terrific June and are excited for the month that screams “summer” more than any other—July. Here we go with my latest Thursday Rundown…
Family Reunion – We spent last weekend in Walla Walla to celebrate my Aunt Patty’s 60th birthday. The main event took place on Saturday evening at Pioneer Park, a true gem of eastern Washington. Below is a photo of my dad (fourth from the left) with his siblings, including Aunt Patty (second from left). With them in spirit are my late Uncle Mike and late Aunt Nancy.

My aunts and uncles at Pioneer Park in Walla Walla.
Star Wars Oreos – Many of you know that I like to talk Oreos, so I wanted to show you what Sid and Sloan recently picked up. They purchased Dark Side or Light Side Star Wars limited edition Oreos. The gimmick is that when you open the package you either have “dark side” cookies with red crème or “light side” cookies with blue crème. We naturally discovered blue crème cookies in our pack! Oh, by the way, the crème of each option is infused with sugar crystals that provide a pretty satisfying consistency.

These Oreos were kind of fun.
Hoopfest Memory – On this date nine years ago, I volunteered as a Hoopfest court monitor for the seventh time in my life. Serving as my scorekeeper was my beautiful fiancé (). In fact, KXLY even did a news story on us traveling all the way from South Carolina to participate. Anyway, after nearly a decade since I last served as a court monitor, I will be volunteering in that same capacity this weekend. But more on that tomorrow.

All I can show you is a photo from the story because the link to the actual report is now broken.
Dave & Buster’s Anniversary – Sorry for another “on this date” topic, but on June 27, 2017, I wrote about my first couple of trips to Dave & Buster’s. Before June of 2017, I almost thought Dave & Buster’s was just a big legend. I would see so many television ads for the entertainment center but had never set foot in one. That all changed when a location opened up in Myrtle Beach. Sidney and I had a lot of fun going to Dave & Buster’s every now and then for games, food, and drinks. It was a sensory overload for sure but the atmosphere always gave me a jolt of energy. I really think Dave & Buster’s should move into the Players and Spectators location here in Spokane.

Sidney and I playing at Dave & Buster’s in 2017.
The Debate – I need to turn my focus away from the computer screen and to the TV screen because the presidential debate is about to start. Or, actually, is that even a good idea? I don’t know if I even want to watch Donald Trump and Joe Biden battle it out tonight because honestly, it is going to be uncomfortable. Get ready for the insults to fly, the yelling to begin, and the mud to be thrown. Although I am glad that there will be no studio audience and only one microphone turned on at a time, I think it will most likely still be a s*** show. Let the candidate with the fewest gaffes prevail!

Get ready for what will probably be a wild one tonight.
Thanks for reading, friends! Can’t wish you all a good weekend (yet) because I will be back tomorrow with a short blog post. Until then, enjoy your Thursday evening. Don’t Blink.