What an exciting day! We are a few hours away from boarding a plane to…….(drum roll please)….

Sid and I are off to the Hawaiian island of Kauai today for a special wedding.
Neither Sid nor I have visited the Aloha State before so we are excited to visit somewhere new. We plan to do a little exploring while playing the role of tourist.
But the sightseeing will take second fiddle to the main reason why we are trekking to Hawaii. Kailey and Corbin, the couple who Sid and I mentored for their Pre-Cana marriage prep, will tie the knot this weekend. We have the honor of attending their wedding and other related festivities they have planned. We can’t wait!

Corbin and Kailey get married on Sunday, Aug. 14 in Hawaii.
All the fun is taking place on Kauai. We will be on the island this evening at approximately 7 p.m. with our overnight return flight dumping us back in Spokane early on Tuesday morning. That gives us enough time in Hawaii to re-charge, make memories, and, most importantly, celebrate Kailey and Corbin.
I am sure I will have lots to write about later next week. But until then, I am signing off from Don’t Blink. Thank you for your readership and thank you to my parents for graciously watching Sloan and Beau. Please pray for Kailey and Corbin as they prepare to enter into holy matrimony. Don’t Blink.