Next Stop: North Dakota!

It is time to hit the road again on another Griz football adventure. This week finds Jimmy and I heading off to Grand Forks, North Dakota, where we will start making preparations for Montana to kickoff against the University of North Dakota inside the Alerus Center this Saturday.

I am excited for this week’s trip as I have never touched the soil of North Dakota before. Thursday and Friday call for temperatures in the high forties with a good chance of rain and plenty of wind. However, it is supposed to be gorgeous for gameday as Saturday’s forecast predicts sunny skies and temperatures in the high fifties. Not that it matters though, North Dakota plays its home games in an arena.

We fly out of Missoula at 2:30pm today and have a layover in Minneapolis. We are due at the Grand Forks airport at around 11pm central time tonight. Should be another great experience. As per usual, I will be taking a break from social media over the next few days. See you all on Sunday and GO GRIZ! Don’t Blink.