What an amazing ride it has been! When I last posted I was in Camden, South Carolina. At that time only 120 miles separated me from my final destination. That was on Sunday night. With it now Wednesday I can report to all my readers that I am settled in my new residence in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
On Monday morning my dad and I rolled into Myrtle Beach. We reported to the U-Haul station and turned in the car dolly. Of course this meant that I could now drive my car. With my dad following me in the U-Haul I drove to my new apartment complex. Let me tell you, my new place is fantastic. It was everything as advertised in my blog post from earlier this month. But we only had a couple minutes to admire my major step up in living quarters because we had moving to do! My dad and I spent a couple very sweaty hours hauling my stuff up three staircases to my unit. By the time we were done our shirts were soaked with perspiration.
After we took the U-Haul truck back to the station, a truck that we used to transport us 2,601 miles across the country, it really hit home that the days of traveling over 600 miles a day had come to an end. The rest of Monday we spent unpacking and getting my apartment “Brent-Ready”.
Tuesday I went to campus and became official. I signed payroll paperwork, received my Coastal Carolina I.D. card, picked up my parking decal, and visited the bookstore. We then made a stop at Costco where I bought a brand new television for my living room and of course loaded up on food (I don’t have a Costco card but luckily my dad does!).
After I met with the maintenance staff of my apartment complex for a standard orientation session my dad and I drove the couple minutes from my place to the beach. We walked on the tier and on the beach itself as we admired the Atlantic Ocean and all the neat activity surrounding us.
With the beach visit in the books we made a trip to our second Wal-Mart in as many days to just pick up some last minute items to make the move in complete. After hanging out in my apartment for a little bit my dad and I went to Market Common, a gorgeous and sophisticated lifestyle and shopping area in Myrtle Beach. We ate at a restaurant called Nacho Hippo and enjoyed our last night together.

A prominent grocery store chain in the south is Piggly Wiggly. They have a really cool store in Market Common.
This morning I dropped my dad off at the airport for his 7 a.m. flight. I had no problem saying goodbye to the people I am leaving behind out west with the exception of my mom and dad. There were tears when I left my mom last week and when I hugged my dad goodbye this morning. Even though I am so ready for this new chapter in my life it is hard to move thousands of miles away from your two biggest supporters. But they both have given me their blessings so I am completely comfortable looking nothing but forward here in South Carolina.
Today I ventured again to campus and got my first workout in at the rec center. Holy cow, that is one nice gym! It seemed even nicer than I remember it when I visited for my interview. The place is state of the art, spotless, and has a great vibe! I am stoked for the many hours to come in that building. When I concluded my exercise I took time to stroll around campus.
As you can probably gather since I am publishing this blog post I now have internet (along with cable) at my apartment. Just another thing to check off the list when it comes to making a move. I look to relax for the rest of today and get ready for the real exciting things to come in the next couple days.
Tomorrow is my first official day at Coastal Carolina University. I will spend it in orientation meetings and on Friday I will report to the office for the first time. Things are coming together and I am so glad I am doing what I am doing. Thanks again for all your support. Don’t Blink.