Training to be Cathletes

We are in the midst of that very special week that always comes around during the latter half of June: Catholic Summer Camp!

This year the theme at St. Mary is Cathletics: Training to be Champions of Christ. The goal of this year’s camp is to focus on the Commandments, Beatitudes, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. As you can imagine, Sloan is working hard to be the best Cathlete that she can.

The theme for this year’s Catholic Summer Camp at St. Mary is Cathletics.

Because it just wouldn’t be right otherwise, this year’s Cathletics theme is playing off the Olympics. Walk in the gym and you will see the six rings everywhere. There is even an Olympics-inspired photo backdrop available.

Sloan wearing her Catholic Summer Camp “Cathletics” t-shirt.

But the Olympics angle was executed to perfection on Sunday evening. That was when the “opening ceremony” was held. Mass was said at 5 p.m. and then all campers and families converged in the gym for a pizza dinner followed by the parade of nations. The parade took the form of camp volunteers marching around the gym holding portraits of saints from all around the world. Then the really cool part occurred. Kevin Schultz, the 8th grade teacher at St. Mary Catholic School, constructed a gigantic monstrance that doubles as an Olympic cauldron. To conclude the opening ceremony on Sunday night, a “torch bearer” (aka random parent) performed the honor of “lighting” the monstrance/cauldron (the “flame” is fan-powered orange paper).

This monstrance was constructed by St. Mary Catholic School teacher Kevin Schultz.

The flame has shined brightly ever since. Over the past three days, Sloan and her fellow campers have made crafts, learned songs, danced their hearts out, watched skits, played games, and—most importantly—ate snacks. Oh wait, that has not been the most important part. Rather, it has been nurturing their relationship with God and becoming more familiar with the graces he has given us.

Volunteers parade around the gym with photos of the saints during the opening ceremony for the St. Mary Cathletics Catholic Summer Camp.

Perhaps the only aspect of camp that is more on fire than the cauldron itself is the enthusiasm of Marie Bricher. She is once again leading the week as she never ceases to amaze me by her creativity, attention to detail, gift for teaching, and love of Jesus. Thanks for all you do, Marie!

Please pray for the campers and volunteers as they finish out the last two days of camp. For the most of us not attending the St. Mary Catholic Summer Camp, we can still train to be champions of Christ. Don’t Blink.