A Boston Dream Sports Weekend

Many people aren’t fortunate enough to see an MLB game, NBA game, and NHL game in their lifetime, let alone see all three in one weekend. A little over a week ago I had that opportunity to experience such a rare “trifecta” and you bet I made sure to take full advantage of it.

The whole basis of the trip that Mike and I took to Boston was to watch the Red Sox play a couple games. We purchased game tickets months in advance, securing seats for night games on Friday and Saturday. I was perfectly content with this, considering it an already pretty solid sports weekend. But as April approached and the NBA playoff race started to situate itself, it became very apparent that the Celtics would have a good chance of making it. Well, the Celtics took care of business and as luck would have it, when the NBA released the playoff schedule, the Celtics were hosting the Knicks in the TD Garden while we were in town. Even better, they would host a game that would not conflict with our prior obligations. A week before heading to Boston, we bought $80 tickets off of Stub Hub for Game 4 of the opening round of the NBA Playoffs.

I had quite the sports dream weekend.

I had quite the sports dream weekend.

The Boston Bruins game was a little more spontaneous. Mike and I actually purchased them an hour before the puck dropped that Sunday night. On fire from the NBA game earlier and wanting another dose of adrenaline inside TD Garden we once again looked to Stub Hub and once again purchased $80 tickets. In what was a delayed regular season finale because of the Boston Marathon tragedy, we saw the Bruins take on the Ottawa Senators.

For this blog post, I want to briefly share with you my experience as a fan at the three different professional sports contests I went to.



Judging from what I had heard from so many about Fenway Park, I was thinking that the stadium was going to be half falling apart when I walked in. From what got to my ears, it sounded like the stadium was really showing its age and that its best days were in the rearview mirror. However, I didn’t think that at all when I first walked in the park. In fact, I found much more beauty to it than wear and tear. The stadium was pretty much exactly how I envisioned it, no real surprises from the millions of times I watched games on TV.

Fenway Park is looking nicer than ever.

Fenway Park is looking nicer than ever.

The first night we sat in the upper deck down the left field line. However, the upper deck in Boston is not as far away from the field as other upper decks in the MLB. They were great seats. But if Friday night’s seats were great, then Saturday night’s seats were spectacular. Sitting in the lower level right off of first base, it was a gorgeous view to watch a baseball game. I guess one way that the stadium does show its age is in the seats themselves. Definitely not a lot of room. But it didn’t matter because we were in such a sacred place watching one of the best games on the planet.

The second night at Fenway Park we had amazing seats.

The second night at Fenway Park we had amazing seats.

The game production is pretty good. They don’t do too much in-between innings (except for “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” in the seventh and “Sweet Caroline” in the eighth) but what they do an excellent job of is running their video board. Out in center field they have a giant electronic video board. To the left is an additional short but very long board as well. The center field scoreboard is crystal clear, it really is so refreshing to look at. Anyway, whoever produces the game does a great job of putting up the best shots available in the stadium and getting everyone involved.

Quick Bits: Boston beat Houston in both games. When I was there they had BOGO Fenway Franks . They also had small cups of beer for $5. Must check out Yawkey Way before the game. Quite a few seats in Fenway have obstructed views. Bullpens are back to back in right field. Various people involved in Boston Marathon rescue efforts were honored during the game.


I had an absolute blast during the Celtics-Knicks playoff game. I had not attended an NBA game since the Sonics were in Seattle so I didn’t know entirely what to expect. But from the time I got my free Celtics t-shirt right when we walked in all the way to the end of the game, my expectations were definitely exceeded. Pregame is like a rock concert. They have loud, remixed music combined with a great light show complete with dancers and cheerleaders while video elements play. It got me pumped up! They had a great entrance video that chronicled the rich Boston basketball history that built up to the present. The national anthem was spectacular and starting lineups were fun.

They put on quite the show at Celtics' games.

They put on quite the show at Celtics’ games.

The game itself was a lot of fun too. It was just cool to see players like Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Carmelo Anthony running around on the court. Even during timeouts there was lots of entertainment on the floor such as a break dance team composed of boys and girls who were probably 7-10 years old. We sat up in the upper level off to the side of one of the baskets but they were still decent seats. It was at this game though where we had the biggest blowhard of the whole trip sitting behind us. The whole game from this guy it was a constant “F— that, F— this,” “You kiddin’ me?!,” “Come on now!!” He went as far as to flip off Knicks fans and routinely called out players on the team he was rooting for. I think the only reason why I tolerated him was because he had an awesome Boston accent.

I had a great time cheering on the Celtics to a playoff victory.

I had a great time cheering on the Celtics to a playoff victory.

You wouldn’t know that the Celtics were down 3-0 in the series. The fans were passionate and loud the whole game. I walked the concourse of the arena and saw so many people on fire for the Celtics. I also saw tons of attractive women in basketball jerseys, several yelling matches between Celtics and Knicks fans, and bathroom lines longer than any others I have ever seen before.

Quick Bits: Boston defeated the New York Knicks in overtime. Carlos Arredondo, the guy who assisted bombing victims immediately after the blast, was in attendance. The cheer squad had both female and male members on it. The Celtics run several video elements featuring their star players urging fans to get loud. The media section is large and everyone in it is constantly on their cell phones. Beer prices were expensive although I got a cool light up souvenir glass. Security had me empty my pockets upon entry into the arena.


Besides going to an NHL preseason game, the Boston Bruins vs. Ottawa Senators game was my first real NHL experience. It did not disappoint. Walking back into the TD Garden for the second time that day it was a complete transformation. When I left in the late afternoon it was an arena with a hardwood floor and a mix of all different colors filling in the stands. When I returned that evening, the floor had turned into an ice rink and a sea of black and gold covered the seating area. Everyone in the arena wore Bruins gear to the game, it was really cool to see.

Bruins fans are pretty rabid in the TD Garden

Bruins fans are pretty rabid in the TD Garden

As it was the regular season finale, they honored a bunch of old-timers as well as current players who had won season awards. Also, in honor of fan appreciation, they gave out several prizes throughout the game to whole sections of people, many of which were in the upper level. I guess I was just in awe that the whole arena was packed despite it being a Sunday night and despite the fact that the game had been rescheduled. It did not take me long to realize how much Boston loves hockey.

Decked out in my Bruins gear for NHL action.

Decked out in my Bruins gear for NHL action.

We sat up in the third level in the second to last row. But again, it didn’t matter, I was just there to enjoy the experience and take in all I could. We were pretty much surrounded by women. I had no idea that hockey had such a strong female following. We got to see a couple pretty good fights on the ice and the game was pretty close the whole way. It was loud in the TD Garden that night but I think it was louder at the NBA game. Just like at Fenway Park and just like earlier in the day, the video board production was great. There was never a dull moment and I always had a smile on my face.

Quick Bits: Ottawa defeated the Bruins. Before that result, the home team had won every game we saw that trip. Bruins have “ice girls”, the hockey version of cheerleaders. Music was much more hard/rock centered than music at the NBA or MLB games. As with the previous games we watched, they honored Boston Marathon heroes at the game.


I had a great time at every game I went to while in Boston. What I will remember the most were the passionate fans with thick accents, awesome video board engagement, and the strong sense of history and reverence that was evident at every game. I am so glad that we made the extra effort to take full advantage of the sports scene while in Boston and I know for a fact that I will be able to tell my kids about the time I saw MLB, NBA, and NHL action live in person over the course of a single weekend. The stories are always the best souvenirs. Don’t Blink.

My Trip to Boston

NOTE: This is the first installment of my three part series chronicling my time in Boston.

Last Thursday through Monday I had the opportunity to travel to Boston for leisure. I had a great several days seeing everything the city has to offer with my friend “Money” Mike. And believe me, when I say everything, I am not exaggerating. We went from place to place making sure to get the full Boston experience. We never had a dull moment and we were always engaged with something. Because we took so much in, I couldn’t possibly write about it all in one blog post. To make things easier and less overwhelming, I am going to write about my Boston experience in a three part series. Tomorrow I will reflect on my time at the memorial set up to honor and remember everyone impacted by the Boston Marathon bombings. On Thursday I will provide my readers with an in depth look at the ultimate professional sports odyssey we went on while in Beantown. But what about for tonight?…

For this evening’s post I want to do what has become custom for me when I get back from a new city. Below I will characterize the top five themes I will always associate with Boston. Then I will just offer a brief skeleton run down of everything we did while back in the northeast. I hope you enjoy my inside look at my Boston experience over the next few days. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Boston is a great city.

Boston is a great city.


1. Boston Strong – Let me tell you, I traveled to one tough city this past week. The Boston Strong message is absolutely everywhere right now….on t-shirts, scrolling on buses, in sporting venues, in churches, at the airport, plastered on windows, etc. But it is not just a message you see wherever you turn your head. Rather, Boston Strong is an attitude, a way of life so to speak. The people of Boston took the savage attacks very personally and united together to push back. Right now in that climate there is a distinct feeling of solidarity. From the moment we stepped on our cab at the airport and our driver started talking to us to the last person we chatted with at the hockey game on Sunday night the Boston Strong attitude came out loud and clear.

Even the candy stores reflect the "Boston Strong" message.

Even the candy stores reflect the “Boston Strong” message.

2. Old City – One thing you will notice immediately upon exploring Boston is that it is a very old city. No, not old in a rundown sort of way but rather old in a historic and architectural type way. Many of the buildings, streets, and parks just have a 1700’s type feel to them. Everything is built so close together and the reddish-brown color of a different era predominates on most of the buildings. Streets are narrow, sidewalks are jaded, and historical sites are abundant. Every neighborhood in Boston is full of history and charm. I got a kick out of walking the streets of Boston and after passing large buildings and businesses I would stumble upon a small cemetery that would stretch out for a few steps and then the pattern of large buildings and businesses would pick back up again. While visiting the city I knew I was walking in a place rich in history.

It just takes a quick glance to realize that Boston is an old city.

It just takes a quick glance to realize that Boston is an old city.

3. Thick Accents – As I learned when I traveled to the south, the native accent is not exaggerated one bit. Bostonians have thick, distinctive accents. All those times you see Boston characters in movies and television shows speaking with what seems like an overemphasized accent?…well, it is not overemphasized at all. I quickly learned that the people of Boston just sound and talk different than people in the rest of the country. The usage of “r’s” need not apply (say Hah-Vad instead of Har-Vard). The occasional drop of the word “wicked” actually happens all the time. The fast paced, expletive laced dialogue can be heard everywhere. The toughness that embodies most words spoken by a Boston resident comes out through the accent. I always feel a little left out that I speak with a neutral accent because I feel that it lacks character and distinction.

4. Sports Town – Boston is one of the best sports towns I have ever stepped foot in. The city loves its teams. With all major professional leagues represented with a team in Boston, there is never a shortage of sporting events going on. People just love the Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, Patriots, and Revolution. Everyone walks around wearing gear of the local teams. Vendors sell apparel on every corner. The pride and success that defines many of the teams in the city is openly celebrated. There is just that tradition of sporting excellence along with larger than life legends and current athletes that residents latch on to.

5. Great Transportation System – The public transportation system, called The T, is excellent. In fact, I put the system in the same category as Washington D.C. when it comes to efficiency and cleanliness. When we got to the Boston airport we immediately bought our T passes. For $18 we rode The T what seemed like a million times during our stay. The trains come frequently, the route system is not too confusing, and I always felt safe. Maybe the route system was never too confusing though because Mike was a complete whiz with how it worked. He always kept me on task with what trains we needed to get on and what transfers we needed to make. With or without his help though I could easily see that the accessibility of The T was top notch. You could easily get wherever you wanted to go in the city in a short amount of time. Although not to the degree of New York City or Washington D.C., the diversity on each train was always something that I enjoyed observing. You really experience the culture and ethnic makeup of a city when you ride public transportation.

Inside one of The T tunnels during our trip.

Inside one of The T tunnels during our trip.

Quick rundown of what we did during our time in Boston:

Thursday, April 25: Landed in Boston at around 5 p.m. Visited the site of the Boston Massacre. Explored Downtown Boston. Went down to Boston Harbor. Visited the Cambridge Galleria (shopping mall). Ate at the Cheesecake Factory.

Me at the Boston Harbor.

Me at the Boston Harbor.

Friday, April 26: Viewed the memorial for the Boston Marathon victims. Stood at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Visited the Boston Sports Museum in TD Garden. Went to the top of the Prudential Center fifty stories up and viewed the whole city from above. Visited some of the old churches of Boston. Visited some Revolutionary era cemeteries. Lounged at a Boston dive bar. Went to Fenway Park and watched the Red Sox defeat the Houston Astros.

The Boston Marathon memorial.

The Boston Marathon memorial.

Saturday, April 27: Toured Chinatown. Ate lunch on the patio at Boston’s Joe’s American Grill. Went on the campus of Harvard University. Walked around Harvard Square. Explored North Boston. Went inside Paul Revere’s church. Drank Sam Adams and watched NBA playoffs at a Boston Harbor outdoor bar. Watched the Red Sox defeat Houston from incredible seats inside Fenway Park. Ate at Dunkin Donuts.

Boston's Chinatown was awesome and lively.

Boston’s Chinatown was awesome and lively.

Sunday, April 28: Ate lunch at an exclusively macaroni and cheese restaurant. Visited a friend I have in Boston. Went to the Celtics vs. Knicks playoff game in TD Garden. Went to the Bruins vs. Senators season finale in TD Garden.

We had a wonderful time at the Celtics playoff game...they pulled out an overtime victory over New York!

We had a wonderful time at the Celtics playoff game…they pulled out an overtime victory over New York!


So there you have it, my broad outlook on my time in Boston. Of course I have left out the little things that define a vacation. Little things such as interactions with the locals, hotel experience, close calls, spontaneous decisions, bonding moments, etc. We definitely had all of these during our stay. I want to thank “Money” Mike for giving me the opportunity to travel with him to Boston. It was an experience that I won’t forget. Tomorrow night I will talk about my experience at the Boston Marathon memorial. Don’t Blink.

Thanks so much to Mike for letting me travel to Boston with him. We had a great time.

Thanks so much to Mike for letting me travel to Boston with him. We had a great time.