Veggie Thursday Rundown

The last Thursday of August is here and what better way to mark it than with five random topics? Here we go…

Teacher Outreach – This week, both of my children received post cards from their teachers ahead of school starting next week. I appreciated the fact that they received their own item in the mailbox and that the correspondence conveyed positivity and enthusiasm. First day of school is Tuesday!

I thought this was a really nice gesture from St. Mary teacher Mrs. Mead. Sloan received a post card from her teacher too.

Throwback Siblings – Long story on how I found it, but I discovered a photo on Instagram the other day that I didn’t know existed. It was an image of my siblings and me at the window of an espresso stand. We were riding in my brother’s Honda Civic and I couldn’t help but smile since it was such a natural photo where we looked so nice and young!

The Reser siblings out for a cruise.

A Game For Suckers – I have seen a particular new engagement method at recent community events I have attended. Most people call it a sucker board and it allows kids to possibly “win” a couple times. The “contestant” pulls a lollipop of their choice from pegboard and gets to keep it. However, if the bottom of the stick is covered in ink (only the head of the sucker is visible from the pegboard), the child receives an additional prize. Often, the ink color corresponds to a specific prize tub near the board. For example, a red-marked sticker might win the contestant a stuffed animal while a blue-marked sticker would allow the contestant to pick a prize from a tub of bubble gum. More often than not, at least in the case of my kids, the bottom of the sucker doesn’t have any ink so they have to settle with just the free lollipop.

Sloan picks a sucker from the pegboard at Millwood Daze.

Jesus 2024 – The other day I was driving north on Argonne in Spokane and the below billboard seemed to glowingly stand out, even from far away. It was essentially a “campaign” sign for Jesus Christ and I don’t know if it could have been more effective. We all have our candidates we want to win this November, but I think it is important that we vote for Jesus as our leader every single day in our hearts.

This “Jesus 2024” billboard is on Argonne in Spokane.

Veggies – I am sure you toss and turn in the night wondering what my favorite vegetable is, right? Well, on this date in 2018 I provided a list. For this particular blog post I counted down my top 5 favorite veggies and they included (in descending order) celery, green beans, corn, and carrots. My #1 vegetable? Well, you will have to read the blog post to find it. I did describe it as a food that is “versatile, readily available, and yummy.”

Carrots and corn — two of the greatest!


Have a fantastic Labor Day weekend, friends. What a summer it has been. Don’t Blink.