I am feeling great at 38!

Opening up gifts at my birthday dinner. I am feeling great at 38!
And obviously feeling pretty corny with a slogan like that. Please forgive me, in order to cope with another candle on my birthday cake, I have named/branded the last several years as I have climbed into my late thirties. I won’t recap the past monikers here, but you can view them by tapping on previous birthday posts below.
But don’t think my reasoning for naming each year means I am depressed over here in the corner. Quite the contrary, I do seriously feel great—both from a physical and life stage perspective. The mental piece? Well, I think I am pretty set there, too, but you would have to confirm with my wife.
All joking aside, I feel very blessed to turn 38. Each day I pay attention to the obituaries and read about many people who don’t make it to the age I am celebrating today. For this blessing, all I can say is thanks be to God.
I won’t reflect on the past year as a 37-year-old because I will save all that for my 2024 recap in December, but I will say this: It was fruitful. And because of a superb previous year, I am bringing plenty of momentum forward to this next trip around the sun.
It is my hope that this momentum will help me love life even more. I want to be more appreciative of my wife, more patient with my kids, and more intentional with my faith. Basically, I want to be a better person. Not a bad (if not very general) goal for a birthday year, right?
After the past three years of celebrating my birthday on a weekend day, it landed on a Tuesday this year. But I actually feel fortunate—the leap year spared me of a Monday birthday. Then again, when you get to be my age, you can’t really be choosey of when your birthday falls on the calendar.
Sorry, before I went on that tangent, my point was that I worked today. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t a fulfilling birthday. My boss treated me to lunch, my parents took my family out to dinner, we ate cake, and then we capped everything off by watching “Hubie Halloween.” Not a bad day .

Enjoying cake with Sloan and Beau. What a day!
I fully intend to “Feel Great at 38” not just today or even through the week or the month—I want to feel great at this age all the way through the eve of my 39th birthday. Will it happen? Well, you will have to check back a year from now to find out. Thanks to everyone for making my birthday special. Don’t Blink.
Past Birthday Posts
Turning 37
Turning 36
Turning 35
Turning 34
Turning 33
Turning 32
Turning 31
Turning 30