“This Is Us” Gratitude

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the conclusion of “Ozark” and how our household watched the series intently. Well, last week another series came to an end that meant even more to Sid and I than the dark plots and roller coaster ride of “Ozark.”

After six years, “This Is Us” wrapped up on NBC. The family drama was lauded by critics and was immensely popular with viewers—and for good reason. The series had the power to resonate with just about everyone and delivered consistently superb scripts with stellar performances that never failed to leave an emotional mark on viewers.

We sure enjoyed watching “This Is Us” over the past six years.

“This Is Us” is special to Sid and I because it had been a constant in our marriage. It premiered on September 20, 2016, just a few months after we tied the knot. From the moment it initially aired to the final episode last week, Sid and I were along for the entire ride. Although our routine of watching the new episode every Tuesday night shifted to watching it on Hulu later in the week, we never missed a show.

There was a lot to like about “This Is Us” but I think Sid and I enjoyed it so much because it was simply a realistic depiction of life. From culture to careers to relationships, the show was real. But perhaps the greatest attribute of “This Is Us” was its spotlight on the family. So many relevant, tricky, and magical aspects of the modern-day family were explored on a weekly basis throughout the six-year run. As my wife and I grew with the show and started to build our own family, the series was just that perfect fit in our lives.

It also provided a link of commonality with my parents and siblings. They all would watch “This Is Us” on a weekly basis as well. This led to many enthusiastic discussions and hot takes about the subject matter and actions of the characters. Especially when we were living on the east coast and my parents/siblings were on the west coast, “This Is Us” was a topic of discussion that seemed to bridge the miles.

The “This Is Us” finale succeeded in providing some closure.

My favorite characters were Jack and Kevin, but everyone says that my personality matched Randall the most. Sid was a big Beth fan. Our favorite guest character was the doctor who delivered the triplets, Dr. Nathan Katowski. I never really liked Toby but he did warm up to me in the last couple of seasons. I always enjoyed the Thanksgiving episodes and I thought the portrayal of Jack’s alcoholism was gritty yet touching. The use of music in the series was at times very effective and moving. Bottom line, “This Is Us” was that rare secular series that could warm my heart.

The conclusion of “This Is Us” will leave a small void for Sid and I. But with a seemingly endless supply of television content at our disposal, I am sure we will find something else that will pull our emotional heartstrings. Thank you to the cast and crew of “This Is Us” for a memorable half dozen years of outstanding programming. Don’t Blink.

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