It looks like you have returned. Good. I have my latest Thursday Rundown fully prepared for your enjoyment. Off we go….
Vacation Bible School – This week Sloan is attending Vacation Bible School. All the parishes in the Spokane Valley combined together to offer this year’s faith camp. The theme is “the Vatican Express” and Sloan has had a blast learning about Peter and the Holy Papacy that he started. Each day is full of games, crafts, music, teachings, and everyone’s favorite—snacks. I have a lot of fond memories from attending Vacation Bible School myself so I am glad that Sloan is getting the opportunity to start making her own.

Sloan holding a couple of the things she made at Vacation Bible School yesterday. She has her fishing pool so she can be a “fisher of men” and her “I am re-lion on God” craft.
Camp Snack – With my sister and brother-in-law providing dinner and breakfast at camp this past weekend, the least we could do was bring snacks. One item my wife made was Rice Krispies treats. I don’t know your personal opinion, but I don’t think it gets much better than this childhood (and adulthood) snacking staple. My wife always makes a delicious batch of Rice Krispies treats and it was evident at camp because there wasn’t one remaining when we went home on Sunday. Do you have a special trick for making your own?

Sidney working hard to bag up the Rice Krispies treats she made for camp.
Meeting the Mouse Himself – I have kept you updated on the adventures we have had with our Chuck E. Cheese summer pass. Well, I have something new to report this week. Sloan finally met the living/breathing costumed Chuck E. Cheese! Although she posed for a photo with an inanimate Chuck E. Cheese, she never had the pleasure of meeting the actual person…umm…mouse? The reason for this is that we haven’t even seen the costumed character until this latest visit. He is tough to track down during this COVID era. Despite his elusiveness, Sloan was happy to finally get a hug.

The different stages of Sloan’s interaction with Chuck E. that resulted in a hug.
Cheetos Mac’N Cheese – I am known to be a sucker for novelty products so it might not come as a surprise that I bit on the below item. I found this macaroni and cheese box at Grocery Outlet for 79 cents and knew I had to give it a try or deal with lifelong regret. I cooked it up yesterday for lunch and when I went to put the seasoning on something became very apparent to me. The orange stuff I was sprinkling on the pasta smelled exactly like a crunchy Cheeto. There was little doubt in my mind that it was the same “dust” that tops Chester Cheetah’s most popular snack. As for the actual taste of the dish, it definitely wasn’t the best boxed mac and cheese I have ever had. It tasted like it smelled (like a crunchy Cheeto) with some spice thrown it. I won’t be getting it again.

Trying Cheetos Mac’N Cheese once was enough for me.
Beau At 1.5 – Today Beau turned a year and a half. To commemorate his 18-month milestone, I made the below collage to show him at 0 months, 6 months, 12 months, and today. Our little boy is a tornado full of energy who loves to pull his sister’s hair. But he is also one of the most affectionate little dudes you will ever meet. We sure love him.

Beau on February 5, 2020 (top left), Beau on August 5, 2020 (top right), Beau on February 6, 2021 (bottom left), and Beau on August 5, 2021.
That will wrap it up for tonight. Hope your August has started off on the right foot and that the first full weekend of the month is an exciting one. Don’t Blink.
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