Well, it wasn’t the birthday my dear wife had envisioned. We spent the past weekend tending to Sloan, who had come down with a stomach virus. We had hoped that Friday and Saturday would have given our baby daughter enough time to fend off the bug. However, come Sidney’s birthday on Sunday, Sloan was still fighting it.

It was not the birthday that Sid had envisioned.
Even though not feeling well, Sloan was a great sport on her mommy’s special day. Our little family had a nice birthday celebration in the morning. Later that day, Sid’s parents came over for a bit and gave Sidney gifts and brought over cupcakes. About 30 minutes or so after they left, around 5 p.m., I felt something that is unmistakable (and uncomfortable).

Sloan might have been sick this past weekend but she was still cute! (photo taken on Saturday).
Despite not throwing up since my teens, except for maybe once or twice when I celebrated a little too hard in my early 20s, I had that feeling in my gut that I was sick. At least 13 years since I last had a vomit-inducing illness, I stood in our living room pale-faced and uttered those cliché words to Sidney: I think I am going to be sick.
And sick I was. Every 45 minutes or so I was making trips to the bathroom, becoming re-acquainted with the unpleasant vomit reflex. Knowing that I would be in no shape for a Monday morning at the office, for the first time in my professional career, I had to call in sick for an illness that was related to myself.
Throughout this all, Sidney was doing double duty. She took my temperature, brought me Ginger Ale, tucked me into bed, checked up on me regularly, and did all she could to make me feel better. Even though she had her hands full with me, she never stopped giving Sloan the attention and care she needed. Before I retreated to our bed, Sidney looked at me and said, “I need to take care of my family,” and promptly put in for a substitute so she could stay with us on Monday. Throughout the night she tended to her husband and daughter.
After all Sidney did, how was she repaid?
You guessed it.
At around 5:30 a.m. this morning, Sid had come down with the stomach virus herself. Our whole family was officially sick. Sid’s parents graciously took Sloan from us so we could work on getting better ourselves. Perhaps the only silver lining is that Sid was shielded from sickness until her birthday was officially over? I know, not funny.
Thankfully, there really is a such thing as the 24 hour bug. I am feeling much better after a tough night. Sidney and Sloan are both on the mend too. We are still a sick household but we are feeling better.
I am so thankful for a wife that sacrificed her own health on her birthday to take care of both of us. I am thankful to my in-laws for taking care of Sloan when her parents were both under the weather. Here’s to continued healing! Don’t Blink.
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