My Top Pop-Tart Flavors

A longtime breakfast habit of mine went on hiatus a couple months ago. Many people know that I eat a plain peanut butter sandwich for lunch every single day during the work week. Fewer people know that I used to eat half of a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast according to the same schedule. My PB intake has slipped over the past several weeks as I now eat something different to start my day. Let me explain briefly how this started.

In June I did a blog post where I compared premium items to generic items. I used strawberry Pop-Tarts as one of my products. While I left most of the food from the experiment at Sidney’s house, I did take the Pop-Tarts home with me. Later on that work week I had a shortage of bread. Because there was no way I would ever mess with my tradition of eating a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, I decided that I would bring a Pop-Tart package for the Thursday and Friday of that week, forgoing my usual morning meal (I eat breakfast in my office around 7:40 a.m.).

In June, I started bringing Pop-Tart packages just like this to work.

In June, I started bringing Pop-Tart packages just like this to work.

After I finished my breakfast on Friday I realized that going with Pop-Tarts was the way go. It saved me time, filled me up more, and of course tasted pretty good! I decided I would start rolling with the pastry bars for breakfast on a trial basis. Since June, I have purchased many different flavors. Combined with my Pop-Tart eating days of my youth, I think I am qualified to present a pretty solid list of my top ten favorite flavors. What do you say I reveal it?

10. Cookie Dough – A cookie dough flavor of anything really can’t count as a breakfast item, especially if it doesn’t even taste like cookie dough. For a guy like me who loves the cookie dough flavor concept I think the Pop-Tart version missed the mark a little bit. They are definitely still edible though.

9. Frosted Cherry – Just edging out raspberry, cherry makes my list as the lowest of the fruit flavors. I will choose these from the grocery store shelf if that is all there is.

8. Red Velvet Cake – I purchased a box of these a few weeks ago. The best part is the soft, very red crust. Besides that, I don’t want to start my day with them too often.

7. Wild Berry – This is the Pop-Tart with purple frosting and hot blue streaks. I think they taste pretty good but what really is a “wild berry”?

6. Frosted Strawberry – When you go to a vending machine and they have Pop-Tarts, this is the flavor they have. If I am not mistaken, the strawberry flavor is pretty much the prototype of the Pop-Tart family. I enjoy them quite a bit.

5. S’mores – Growing up, you could usually find s’mores Pop-Tarts in my mom’s cupboard. When my parents would put them in the toaster, the smell that would engulf the kitchen was glorious. The graham cracker crust was a very unique and tasty feature.

4. Frosted Blueberry – My favorite fruit flavor Pop-Tart for sure, I have also been aesthetically attracted to this particular flavored pastry. The blue sprinkles mixed in with the other colored sprinkles to distinguish the flavor always appealed to me.

3. Peanut Butter – These Pop-Tarts taste exactly like my mom’s peanut butter cookies! I seldom toast/microwave my Pop-Tarts but on that rare occasion where I actually do, this is the flavor I do it for. Did I ever mention that I love peanut butter?

2. Frosted Cinnamon – Along with the s’mores flavor, cinnamon was the other flavor of Pop-Tart you would always find in my mom’s cupboard. The texture and flavor of this Pop-Tart is the best. The fact that most of it is frosted leaving very little exposed crust is also a bonus. I will always eat these.

1. Confetti Cake – I know exactly what you are saying…there is no way this can remotely be justified as a breakfast food. I understand, I understand. But these Pop-Tarts are so incredibly good!! I bought this relatively new flavor (could you imagine if they had these when I was young?) early on in my Pop-Tart breakfast conversion and I couldn’t believe how good they were. While the cookie dough flavor misses the mark in tasting like cookie dough, the confetti cake flavor nails what it means to taste like confetti cake. I make myself feel better by calling it a confetti muffin flavor instead of a confetti cake flavor. I mean come on, a muffin counts as a legitimate breakfast food.

Without a doubt, Confetti Cake Pop-Tarts are my favorite!

Without a doubt, Confetti Cake Pop-Tarts are my favorite!


How about you? What is your go-to Pop-Tart flavor? Get in the debate with me right now though because you never know when I am going to flip the switch and go back to my peanut butter sandwich breakfast diet. Don’t Blink.

6 thoughts on “My Top Pop-Tart Flavors

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