A Tuesday Update

Good morning, everyone! I hope the week is off to a great start for all.

Things are a little hectic at the Reser household as we work to move out of our house. Just about everything is boxed up and ready for the moving company, which brings up a development. The company we hired identified March 10 (today) as the most likely day for their arrival, with March 11 the contingency day. Of course we budgeted our time in a way that would have us prepared for today. Well, small change of plans…

Late yesterday afternoon, one of the moving company employees assigned to our account called me to say that the truck would be at our house on Wednesday, not Tuesday. The news generated some mixed feelings. We were working down to the hour and the notice that we would have a whole extra day to pack did relieve some pressure. It also gave us another night to sleep in our own beds in our own house. At the same time, we had mentally prepared for the movers to be here today and looked forward to our house being completely empty by this afternoon.

Regardless, we are rolling with the punches. Taking care of everything is keeping my mind occupied from focusing too much on the reality that I will soon be without my family for five weeks. I leave for Washington on Friday with Sidney and the kids joining me next month. In the meantime, they will be staying with my in-laws here in Myrtle Beach.

Speaking of the kids, both Sloan and Beau are doing great. Our daughter is handling the move well, taking it upon herself to help us pack. She is still in love with her brother, taking every opportunity possible to hold him and “help” with his diaper changes. Beau is healthy and growing! He is already too big for some of his newborn clothes.

Beau and Sloan are doing well and make great siblings!

Sidney is a rock. This is a very bittersweet time for her but she is leading the charge of packing up our house and making sure everything is in order. She has had a lot thrown at her in 2020 and has taken it all in stride.

Due to the complexities of a cross country move, I will not be writing much over the next week. Our family appreciates the support we have received throughout February and this first part of March. Enjoy your Tuesday and remember to watch those hands! Don’t Blink.

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