Let the Halloween festivities begin. We are exactly one week away from the spooky holiday so you can expect plenty of appropriate activities and events over the next several days. Before you start to celebrate too hard, let’s begin with the Thursday Rundown.
Classic Photo Bomb – As I mentioned last night, we went to a Gamecock football game with my dad last weekend. After we finished at our tailgate, Sidney and I took a go-cart shuttle to the stadium while our dads decided to walk. We made it to the gate before they did so we decided to pass the time by taking a selfie. It turns out that they were closer behind us than I thought. As I pushed the button on my phone, my dad came out of nowhere and jumped perfectly into the frame for an epic photo bomb.

Well played, dad.
Maui Burst Mt. Dew – In an act of kindness, Geoff, my friend and co-worker, gave me a can of Maui Burst Mt. Dew to take home to my wife. The limited time new flavor, only found at Dollar General stores, is pineapple-flavored. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, my wife’s pregnancy craving is pineapple. Apparently her pineapple craving wasn’t on the brink of overpowering last night because she split the soda with me. My opinion? It is a very smooth, tropical-tasting soda with a detectable pineapple flavor. I thought it was pretty good! And yes, Geoff is the same dude who let me try Voo-Dew last month.

The Maui Burst Mt. Dew is pretty good.
Funnel Cake Mix – A few weeks ago, a couple girls in high school rang our doorbell. They were part of their school’s choir ensemble and were selling cookie dough and other items for a fundraiser. One of those “other items” was a funnel cake mix. Sid is a funnel cake fanatic so that is what we ordered. A couple nights ago, the girls were back with the product we purchased. Perhaps I should have waited until we (“we” meaning Sid) prepared it, but I couldn’t resist. Pretty soon, we will be bringing the carnival to our kitchen! Stay tuned…

We purchased funnel cake mix from a high school fundraiser.
Family Photos – We did something for the first time as a family last Friday…we went to have formal family portraits taken. St. Andrew is putting together a church directory and we answered the call to participate. The company that our parish hired gave us a pretty comprehensive photo shoot and had us feeling pretty good. However, my positive feeling faded away when we sat down to talk packages. Dang, they are expensive! They talked us out of settling for the complimentary 8×10 photo that all parishioners receive and shelling out a good amount for an elaborate package. Oh well, these photos will last forever and I am pretty excited to see some of them.

In addition to the photos we took as a family, the photographer also took individual pictures of Sloan.
Teacher Memes – Four years ago, Sidney shared with me this link that contained 61 absolutely HILARIOUS teacher memes. Then, three years ago, my wife wrote a guest blog post on Don’t Blink counting down her personal five favorite teacher memes. You don’t have to be a teacher or a teacher’s spouse to appreciate these…as long as you have learned from a teacher in your entire life you are bound to laugh.

You got to read some of these teacher memes…they are just as funny now as they were four years ago.
For those hitting the Halloween party circuit this weekend, be safe! Thanks for reading my latest rundown and have a great night. Don’t Blink.
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