Autumn Thursday Rundown

I no longer have to write about it feeling like fall because it is now officially fall! I hope the season is off to a wondrous start for you all. Here we go with my latest Thursday Rundown…

Price of Froyo Going Up – On Sunday, I really needed a cold treat. On my way home from Sam’s Club, I stopped at a froyo place right next to my house. I am a pro at these self-serve froyo shops and know how it all works, but my experience couldn’t prepare me for what happened at the register. Yes, I did fill my cup up with yogurt and a few toppings, but I didn’t expect it to cost more than two pints of Ben & Jerry’s. When the employee said $9.47, I felt both embarrassed and shocked. Oh well, at least it was really good.

The froyo was good but the price was steep.

Sounds Refreshing – I have written about pink Starbursts a couple times before (here and here). But until this week, I had no idea that a pink Starburst DRINK exists. I saw this on an Instagram account I follow and couldn’t help but think about how it would taste. Basically just a Kool-Aid mix, I do want to try it sooner rather than later.

I gotta try this!

Water Rodents (yuck) – In the newspaper this morning, I read the wildest story about water rodents. Animals called nutria are infesting the riverbanksof California. These 20 pound creatures have webbed feet, white whiskers, shaggy fur, and orange bucked teeth that look like carrots! Nutria are destroying wetland habitats and jeopardizing California’s water supply. I think I would freak out if jumped in the water and one swam up to me. Anyway, nutria are an invasive species from South America and the only thing I kept thinking while reading the article was I sure don’t want to drink water that those creatures have been swimming in. Got a couple minutes? Read the story.

Not the most attractive things, right?

Not Much Has Changed – It was another one of those ironic moments. This week, Sloan has taken a liking to the booster eating set she used as a baby. She prefers to sit in it during her precious “pad” time at the end of the night. This morning when I was looking at TimeHop I came across this photo from exactly two years ago of Sidney feeding Sloan. Same booster, different purpose.

Sloan in her booster seat in 2017 and 2019.

TV Tidbits – I give the “This Is Us” season premiere a B+. It is slightly annoying when some of my favorite characters aren’t included for most of the show but the final eight minutes of the season opener had me thinking, damn it, they did it again. So many light bulb epiphanies in the extended 480 seconds. As for the Big Brother 21 finale, the person who deserved to win based off of game play (Michie) did. However, if you didn’t see how the finale ended, you really have to Google it.


Thank you for your enthusiasm of my blog. Have a terrific evening and enjoy your first weekend of autumn. Don’t Blink.

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  1. Pingback: A Timeless Frozen Yogurt Haven | Don't Blink

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