A Few Small Steps For Sloan


With Sloan running a fever, I took the opportunity to work from home and watch over her. Although no one enjoys having a sick child or staying home from the office when you have things to do, it all worked out for the best.

In the morning, I took advantage of some free time to get on the floor and play with Sloan. I could sense strength in her so I had her stand up by balancing herself on the couch. I sat a few feet away from her and started coaxing her to walk toward me.

Mind you, one day short of her 14th month, she has not walked. Except for a couple times, she hasn’t even stood up on her own without support. But like I said, I just felt something with her this morning.

Putting my hands out and looking her straight in the eye, I started urging her to put one step in front of the other. Suddenly she was standing unsupported! She started flailing her arms and clapping her hands. I thought she might either take off OR stumble. She did neither. Rather, she rested back up against the couch for support. But then she stood up on her own power again. This time, she started clapping her hands again but it was with more confidence and strength than before. Oh man, what is going to happen?…

She did it!

Although she only took a few steps before stumbling into my arms, she did, by definition, walk. It was a little surreal to see my daughter on her feet taking actual steps but it was also very special.

No, she is not doing laps around the living room yet but at least she demonstrated that she can do it. Sidney and I each have members in our own families who walked later than 14 months but we have been getting a little antsy to see Sloan put it all together.

I am glad I got to be present for the special moment and capture it on my phone. We are proud of you, Sloan. Don’t Blink.

2 thoughts on “A Few Small Steps For Sloan

  1. Pingback: Polarized Thursday Rundown | Don't Blink

  2. Pingback: Beau’s First Steps Thursday Rundown | Don't Blink

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